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    The classic novel of the Second World War that relates in devastating detail the 24-hour story of an...


Rutger Hauer recommended GasLand (2010) in Movies (curated)

GasLand (2010)
GasLand (2010)
2010 | Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Let me start with the last one I saw that I was really taken by, which was Gasland by Josh Fox. It’s an investigation into the pollution of the drinking water all over the States. It’s a guy with a camera, somewhere in the middle of America: he got a letter from an oil company saying “We want to buy your land for a hundred grand, are you game?” and he started to investigate what they wanted; and just from one thing to the next he started finding out all these things about the pollution of the water. I just admire this guy and this documentary, and I’ve always been a major fan of good documentaries. It couldn’t have been done with a sh***ier camera, and I love that about the sh***y cameras."

The Battle of Algiers (1966)
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
1966 | Classics, Drama, War
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s another one of those movies that just feels so real. You watch those scenes and you’ve got tanks and armies, you know. It’s the first film I saw, as far as docudrama film style — you know, hand-held, very real, in the streets, in the world. And if I’m not mistaken, he only made a couple of films; the filmmaker made it and then he disappeared. He stopped making [fiction] movies. He made one with Marlon Brando and then that was kind of it. But the fact that he pulled off this movie — it’s a masterpiece. I remember watching the movie and feeling like it was a documentary, it felt so real. It’s so amazing. The performances of the actors, everything — it’s mind-blowing when you watch it."

Becoming (2020)
Becoming (2020)
2020 | Documentary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Perhaps I'm biased but I love Michelle Obama. She's the type of woman I aspire to be. I've read her memoir and this documentary is just a deeper dive into who she is as a person, as a role model, as a mother, as a wife, as a black woman living in the United States. She is fierce and passionate and it radiates off the screen throughout this film.

Not only is this film beautifully shot, but the majority of its production team are women and I think that's equally as incredible. More than anything, this film provides some hope. We are in some unprecedented times in various ways, but she is confident we will persevere and I believe her.

Michelle Obama is a gift and it's incredible to watch her in this film.
Ice Guardians (2016)
Ice Guardians (2016)
2016 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Speaking from my own personal perspective, Ice Guardians is one of the most interesting gripping documentary’s I have watched recently. Full Disclosure first… I am a Brit, a little Englander if you will so my knowledge of Ice Hockey and the world of that sport is very limited to the Mighty Ducks movies. However I love a good personal Documentary that can engage me in something I know little about. Ice Guardians covers that for me so lets do this.

Director Brett Harvey carefully and passionately explores one of the most controversial and provocative positions in the history the National Hockey League, the Enforcer.

This movie is the Story of the most controversial positions in the world of sport, from its birth (out of little policing by the refs in the game) to today. ‘The Enforcer’ this is a position that has been talked about through the decades. Is it needed? Is it Necessary? Who the hell would take this role in a game of Ice Hockey?. Essentially the role is to be an “Ice Boxer” hit harder and faster than the guy on the opposite side, be such a menace that everyone on your team is safe because the opposition are scared Shit-less to start something because you will get them.

Of course my simplistic analysis above is that of a man before watching this movie. Watch as giants of the game and some of the hardest son of bitches in the position, strip everything back to bare all on the role they play, why they play it and the sheer scrutiny they are are faced with on a day to day basis. I will honestly say I was moved by this Documentary at times, these men are looked at like caged beasts, Unhinged if you want. However these men are exactly that ‘MEN’ with more Honor, Integrity and way more Loyalty than most Sportsmen.

Written by Harvey and Scott Dodds, the film features interviews with NFL greats such as Dave “The Hammer” Schultz, Clark Gillies and Dave Semenko.

We at 365 Highly recommend this Documentary and hope you will it a chance because it is engaging as hell and gives you a deep insight into the role of the Enforcer from the Enforcers point of view. Its not as black and white as you may think and I truly think you will take something away to think from this flick.

I want you all to watch this movie its wonderfully made and deals with a subject like this carefully and with the respect it deserves.

Erika (17789 KP) rated Lorena in TV

Feb 16, 2019  
2019 | Documentary
Warning: I am a true crime fiend and thought that this was so well done. I've also included something explicit at the end because it was really relevant.

Even if you don't know her by name, Lorena Bobbitt is the wife that cut off her abusive husband's man part. Even I remember it, and I was a kid at the time. The media painted her as a crazy, jealous woman.
Originally, that's what I thought too, until I watched a 20/20 special, in response to this special being shown at Sundance. They interviewed the husband, and I'm not even going to dignify this dude by using his name. I absolutely have nothing nice to say about this skeezball, so I won't say anything at all.
This special showed the testimony of Lorena, and various witnesses that testified to the violence/abuse that she received at the hands of her husband. The dude said all along that she was lying, and that she was just crazy. She did end up being not guilty for reason of insanity.
While I might have originally thought she was making it up (I'm a cynic), actually hearing the testimonies, and not just interpretations of it, made me believe her. I have to admit, I cried during some of it.
This is definitely a mature documentary, it shows pictures of the severed dude part, and there was also a barrage of photos of abused women.
The documentary also tackles the fact that women and men reacted very differently to this case.
One of the quotes from a prostitute interviewed sums it up (how I remember it): Thousands of girls in Africa get their clits cut off, but one guy gets his penis cut off and the media loses its mind.
Now that's the truth.