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    Apple A Day App

    Apple A Day App

    Productivity and Lifestyle

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    Apple A Day App reminds you do the things that really matters, things that should be done on...



    Business and Social Networking

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    Kalido is the world’s most powerful people-finder that connects you with anyone you might need:...

Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
2004 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
The 2004 remake of the hugely influential Dawn of the Dead retains some key elements from it 70s counterpart, but is essentially, its own separate thing (This doesn't really bother me, because truth be told, I'm not the biggest fan of the original...)
The iconic shopping mall setting remains, and like the OG film, it's the best character. The mall lends such a unique feel to a genre that is well trodden. The similarities essentially end there. This time around, the zombies themselves are fast, vicious, definitely a modern upgrade to Romero's classic slow moving bois. There are some decent action scenes throughout (the opening 10 minutes is genuinely fantastic) and doesn't skimp on the gory stuff. It's ticks all the right zombie boxes.
Unfortunately, this version is absolutely brimming with asshat characters that really drag the experience down. With the exception of Ving Rhames, the dude who owns the gun shop, and the dog (because dog), it's really difficult to give a flying shit about any of these walking horror clichés - I genuinely think this movie takes the gold for the characters-who-make-really-dumb-decisions-and-put-everyone-else-in-danger category.
What's worse is that just when you're about getting used to all of these douches, a whole bunch more are suddenly introduced at the half way point!

That being said, Dawn of the Dead is still a perfectly entertaining popcorn horror that will satiate zombie fans. It's unsurprisingly not-as-good as the original, but I fully respect that Snyder tried to do something different instead of going through the motions, even if that does mean it loses most of the subtext that runs beneath the original's surface. Worth it if anything, for the weird CGI zombie baby....
The Skeleton Stuffs a Stocking
The Skeleton Stuffs a Stocking
Leigh Perry | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
That Bone Isn’t Sid’s
When Dr. Georgia Thackery’s dog, Byron, gets out one afternoon, and when she and her daughter Madison find him again, he is clutching a bone. Naturally, the two assume it is part of Sid, and they race home to apologize to their friend. However, all of Sid’s bones are present and accounted for, so they get the police involved. It turns out that Byron has found part of a normal skeleton (you know, not walking and talking), and the police are able to determine that the skeleton was murdered. The police have no leads on who the skeleton might have been in life, but Georgia’s friend and fellow adjunct, Charles, approaches her. He thinks he might know the victim, but the only way to give the police that information might lead the police directly to Charles. And so Georgia jumps into action again, with Sid doing his best to research the case on the internet. Was the victim Charles’s friend? If so, who killed her?

If you are new to the series, you might be a bit lost. You see, Sid is a walking, talking skeleton and Georgia’s best friend. That’s the only paranormal element to the series, and it is done is a realistic manner, which makes it feel very natural. The characters, including Sid, are very strong, which certainly helps make it all seem real. The plot, while not a traditional cozy mystery plot, is very strong with plenty of twists and surprises along the way to the climax. In fact, I liked the fact that it was something different plot wise, and it certainly kept me engaged the entire time. I did think that Christmas aspect could have been stronger, but that’s my only complaint and a very small one at that. As a lover of puns, I absolutely loved the puns and other humor in the book. If you are just now meeting Sid, you are in for a treat. If you are already a fan, you’ll love this newest visit with him.