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DJ Muggs recommended Cypress Hill by Cypress Hill in Music (curated)

Cypress Hill by Cypress Hill
Cypress Hill by Cypress Hill
1991 | Hip-hop
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When this record was released, it was our whole life at that point. All of our life's experience was in there and it was so important to us and to our hopes. This album opened up everything for us as a band and our dreams suddenly started being revealed. It opened doors for us to do things we wanted and it changed all of our lives forever. We didn't pick up a tour for like six months after this came out. Back then, you would build a record on the underground for a while in front of like 30 people and then it would start connecting with people on different radio stations via different DJs in New York. Once the shit started getting crazy and once people starting knowing the music, it got a buzz round it which eventually made for our first exciting tour experience. We'd been doing back yard parties since 1987 and we'd been doing lots of shows. When we got to touring it, we were ready. About this time we were doing demos off other people's records and I was just playing the records back and forth. I got down with this other group from Brooklyn called The 7A3; I wanted to learn the music business and they helped with that. They had a song, they got signed on a major label and put out an album. Just going through that process and not really understanding what it was yet, I learned a lot of mad shit. Afterwards, when I came back to do Cypress, we were [still] working on a demo but then we really started to become a band after that because we knew what we were doing more. We'd each learned so much shit about how everything operates that it just made it all easier. That's why we came out with everything all pretty fucking together really. We knew this shit was banging, we knew it was dope and that gave us confidence. But when you're so close to something you need to take a step back sometimes. When we put it out fully and people I respected and admired became fans of our music, it was incredible and life-changing for us. We also liked the same music and the same shit – many of the records in this list is what brought us together in the first place. This album started everything."


Ross (3284 KP) rated Rogue: Untouched in Books

May 11, 2021  
Rogue: Untouched
Rogue: Untouched
Alisa Kwitney | 2021 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great X-person origin story+
Anyone who has seen the first X-men film will be aware of Rogue's backstory to an extent - an unfortunate teenage snog leaving a boy in a coma and resulting in her spending all her time isolated from touching others and spending her allowance on gloves.

In that film, Rogue is played by the wonderful Anna Paquin, who also starred as Sookie Stackhouse in True Blood. It both helped and confused me that in this book Rogue is waiting tables in a smalltown diner, blurring the lines between Rogue and Sookie for me. I kept expecting a vampire to walk through the diner doors. Instead, we are treated to the superb cajun Gambit, my favourite character from the early 90s cartoon series. He helps Rogue (Anna Marie) to discover that she has some mutant powers and how they could be used.

At the same time, Rogue meets two mysterious ladies who are seeking new students for their academy and encourage her to take a chance and give up her waiting career.

Rogue then finds herself embroiled in Gambit's past exploits with a mutant slave trader and has to quickly learn to use her powers (and those of the mutants around her) to escape their capture.

The book flows well, with plenty of character development for Rogue and a satisfying cast of familiar and new (to me at least!) mutants along the way - including one late reveal that I'm sure all readers will see coming a mile off.

While the book never dragged and the pace was great, I did struggle to get through this book as quickly as I had hoped. This is more down to things going on outwith my reading schedule (stupidly listening to 500 albums, marking professional exams and the kids' school holidays). However, while I can't quite put my finger on anything specific, the book didn't quite drag me back in for a sneaky 10 minutes during the day.

I did enjoy this book, as with some of the other Marvel novels issued recently, and would recommend it to anyone looking for something a bit super-hero-y but in a novel.
I received a free advance copy of this book from the publishers and netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Matt Martin (12 KP) rated Google Home in Apps

Sep 18, 2020  
Google Home
Google Home
Entertainment, House & Home, Utilities
8.5 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
Syncs with everything (0 more)
The app ui could use a little fine tuning (0 more)
This is my first review here and I chose this because it's my most used and most raved about product. I tell everyone to get this. Philips hue smart lights all over my house RUN THROUGH GOOGLE. Three nest thermostats for my 3 zones in my house RUN THROUGH GOOGLE. The 2 nest hub maxes, 4 nest mini's, 3 nest wifi points, 6 chromecasts all RUN THROUGH GOOGLE. My nest yale locks for my 2 doors, nest home security system with points in every window and door, my nest video doorbell & 4 outdoor cameras all RUN THROUGH GOOGLE. The dozen tp link casa smart plugs I have for everything around the house, the multiple govee light strips behind tvs and furniture all RUN THROUGH GOOGLE. You get the point. When comparing Google to Amazon Alexa I think it's a no brainer. Google is far more user friendly. Google works with everything a lot easier. The routines are amazing. At night instead of walking around my whole house turning everything off, the lights, the tvs, the fan, remembering to lock the door... None of that, just say "shut it down" (or whatever you choose to say) and it does it all for you. In the morning the routines can wake up by a phrase, by sunrise or by time and can play music, then read you the news, then turn on the lights, then make you coffee. Nothing to remember to do everyday. It really does make life so much easier. Hot day and you forgot to turn the Ac's on before you left for work? Don't even trip dawg, just tell Google it's time to go home and it'll turn all that on and give you the estimated time of your commute and then start playing your favorite podcast from where you left off. You can create groups of speakers, so if I tell Google to play Colter Wall downstairs it plays on all 6 downstairs speakers. The things this can do are literally endless. I can't say enough good things about it. If you know your tech especially this is the way to go. Google has become a part of our families everyday life.
    Keyplan 3D - Home design

    Keyplan 3D - Home design

    Productivity and Lifestyle

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    Keyplan 3D, our new home and interior designer is built on top of a unique technology unleashing...

See What I Have Done
See What I Have Done
Sarah Schmidt | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the Publisher Grove Atlantic in exchange for an honest review*

I do like reading Historical Fiction but even more so when the book is based on a true story. This is the story following the murders of Andrew and Abby Borden. They were found with their skulls smashed in by their daughter Lizzie. Lizzie and Emma Borden are spinsters and still live with their father, step-mother and Bridget the maid. They seemed to have a sheltered life and been well-kept by their father. This story delves in to the lives of the Bordens and what happened behind closed doors of this well-respected family.

<b>"Lizzie Borden took an axe, And gave her mother forty whacks; When she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty-one,"</b>

I am going to be truthful and say that this book was ok but nothing really blew me away. I don’t think that there was much added to this story than what you could actually read on Wikipedia. The story was repetitive, slow and didn’t always hold my attention. The problem with stories like these are you know how they are going to end you don’t have that thrill of finding out who done it. I liked the writing style of this book and the way she wrote Lizzie’s character.

The story is told from four perspectives, Lizzie, Emma, Bridget and Benjamin.It was through them that the story was told of the events leading up to the murders and afterwards. The character that stuck out the me was Lizzie, she was spoilt, childish, rude and clearly deluded. Benjamin was the only character that was added to put a bit of a spin on the story but really didn’t come to anything and a bit pointless.

How easy it was to get away with murder though in the 1800’s, there was no DNA testing, no blood spatter analysis or proper interrogations in those days, yet in there were times in the story when I wanted the police to grasp onto something and for them to start piecing it altogether. Lizzie’s statement of what happened was fragmented,not making sense and was taken as shock, whereas nowadays this would be deemed as suspicious behaviour and you would be arrested at the drop of a hat.

In conclusion I think this is a good debut novel by Sarah Schmidt but it didn’t really bring anything new to the table.

I rated this 3 out of 5 stars