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This Is Where It Ends
This Is Where It Ends
Marieke Nijkamp | 2016 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
On a chilly day, the principal of Opportunity High School is giving a speech to her students, kicking off the new semester. The majority of the school is gathered in the auditorium, listening to her speak. As she finishes, they prepare to head to their next class, but the doors are stuck. Then, suddenly, someone begins to shoot.

The book is told from the viewpoint of a handful of kids (four) from Opportunity High and basically unfolds in less than a hour -- the time it takes for a horrific tragedy to fall upon their school and community. We hear from Sylvia and her twin brother Tomas. We also get the perspective of Autumn, Sylvia's best friend, who is struggling with the death of her mother and her abusive father, all the while watching her brother, Tyler, an Opportunity High dropout, drift away from her. Finally, we see things from Claire's perspective; a member of the track team - Claire is outside practicing when the tragedy begins, but worried about her brother Matt, who is inside.

I read this book in a few hours - its short time span makes it terrifying and you want to speed through to find out what happens to these kids. It's an all too horrifying and realistic account of what can happen with school shootings (and beware, some of the descriptions can be very graphic). The interwoven stories of the kids do a good job of telling the story and portraying the strong bond of family and friendship that can exist -- especially at the hyper-sensitive stage of high school, where everything truly does seem like life or death sometimes.

There's an added LGBT angle to this story, which is a nice twist, as it's very natural to the book. The kids' tales, overall, seem true to their voices, but some of the writing is stilted and tough to read (not from the subject matter, but the way it's written). The author overuses the play on words with "opportunity" far too much - it would have been better to just let the story play itself out. We get the parallels - no need to spell them out (over and over and over) for us.

Still, this is a powerful book - it's heartbreakingly lovely, really, and will leave you hoping and praying that no more children *ever* have to go through this experience. It's a worthy read, even if it leaves you hurting, but I would make sure you talk about it in detail with your teens. It's a tough subject matter that needs to be discussed.

(I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)
Lion (2017)
Lion (2017)
2017 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Upon discovering this short film, I was impressed with how well it had performed. During its first year of distribution, it has won 126 awards at a variety of film festivals which is quite the selling point. Walking in to the film, I didn’t know much about it but the air of mystery made my viewing experience even better. The film is set in an isolated cabin, on a snowy night, which creates the perfect backdrop for a horror tale…

From the very first scene you can tell this cabin is not a happy place to be. Straight away we’re created with sounds of domestic violence, making the viewer feel instantly uncomfortable. The father in the film is repulsive and lives in a squalor, with cigarette butts, leftover pizza and empty cans of beer dotted everywhere. Michael Segal really brought this character to life, showing us that not all villains are supernatural or machete wielding psychopaths. Some evil can be found in the average home, behind closed doors, where violence takes over. Sometimes humans can be more terrifying than anything else.

The way Lion deals with domestic violence, particularly against children, was done incredibly well. It’s not an easy topic to cover but this short makes an impact without going too far and making it gratuitous. Part of what makes this film so good is what you don’t see on screen, and how your imagination runs wild. It has a slow burning narrative that builds up the suspense and finally unleashes the climactic moment with only a few minutes to spare, providing closure and satisfaction for the spectator.

I really liked the use of special effects throughout the film, because they blended in nicely with the rest of the scene and weren’t overdone at any point. Cinematically it hits all the right notes for a horror film through it’s use of low-lighting, tense creeping moments, and an excellent use of music. Jump scares and gore weren’t needed in Lion, because it manages to deliver real horror in a much more subtler, but effective way. The presence of the lion throughout was a good motif to use as well, as they’re synonymous with courage and being a fighter. You’ll see what I mean when you watch it.

Lion is an incredibly important short film that I believe is a must watch, even for those who don’t tend to reach for horrors. The final card at the end reiterates the important message that is present throughout the film, and it really resonated with me. It’s a film with fantasy elements, yet still deep rooted within reality that it makes you want to stand up and take action in any way you can.
Abduction (2011)
Abduction (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
5.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Abduction starts as we meet rebellious high school student Nathan (Lautner) that is under strict training from his parents Kevin (Isaacs) and Mara (Bello) as well as his therapist Dr Bennet (Weaver) helping him control his anger problems. Nathan gets assigned to work with his high school crush Karen (Collins) in the latest project, which involved looking at missing children’s websites only to discover one of the kids looks just like him.

When Nathan learns the truth, he finds himself getting targeted and Nathan is wondering just who to trust with Dr Bennett, Agent Burton (Molina) or Kozlow (Nyqvist) in what will turn into a race against time to find safety.


Thoughts on Abduction


Characters/Performance – Nathan is a rebellious high school student, struggling with girls, studying and generally fitting in. he learns that he is in fact adopted but this opens the doors for people coming to capture him leaving him one option, running. Karen is the crush of Nathan and ends up in the middle of the chase also running for her life. Burton is the CIA operative trying to bring Nathan in before Kozlow can get his hands on him. Kozlow is a European enemy that came to America in search for Nathan for bargaining, nothing overly fancy about this character. Dr Bennett, Mara and Kevin all have a secret about what is going on with Nathan.

Performance wise, we all know Taylor Lautner isn’t known for his acting and it does clearly show here. Lily Collins is similar, while she has come a long way now back here she struggles. When we look at the older respected actors we get good supporting performances without shinning on any levels.

Story – The story follows the idea of a teenager learning his parents are not his parents leaving him on the run from enemies he doesn’t know who to trust. Having two teenagers outsmart CIA, international enemies and normal cops does come off rather farfetched which in places does nothing but disappoint in this film. as for entertainment value, this is simple enough for the fans of the genre.

Action/Mystery – The action is everything you expect with no extra special moments but the mystery about Nathan’s true identity is what is the only interesting part of the film.

Settings – Being on the run leaves us going through a string of generic settings for this type of film.

Special Effects – All the effects are fine without being anything special.

Final Thoughts – This is a film that has its flaws sure, but once it gets going it can become an edge of your seat thriller.


Overall: Simple, average and forgettable action film.
2018 | Action
I am late to the party with this one but DUSK is a game that I have been aware of since it was first announced but only recently had a chance to play. For fans of First Person Shooters and especially those who played early genre classics like DOOM, DOOM 2, and The Wolfenstein series; the recent trend of Indie developers making retro-looking shooters has been growing. While most have been fairly mediocre; there have been some such as Ion Fury which captured the Pixelated action that players embraced before 3D cards became widely used and eventually a necessary part of gaming.

DUSK lovingly blends old and new as it even has a DOS-like startup menu while the game loads to provide plenty of loving nostalgia.

The game is broken down into three chapters and tasks players to survive a dangerous cult and the various creatures and enemies they encounter. The gameplay is fairly simple as players gather weapons, ammunition, health, and other items and dispatch enemies as they race through a level to find various keys needed to open locked doors and advance to the end of the level.

Players will have an impressive arsenal at their disposal from pistols, shotguns, machine guns, hunting rifles, a Rivet gun, grenade launchers, and a sword. All of which will come in handy as there are multiple enemy types that lurk in the darkness.

Players will have a flashlight as well but be warned; there are maps where it will not be functional in certain parts and having to fire guns to provide temporary lighting in order to find a well-hidden path to advance will test your patience.

Players will also be able to double down on some weapons and dual Shotguns can be very enjoyable but may not have the rate of fire that players need.

There are also power-ups along the way that can speed up a player’s rate of fire and other enhancements to help move things along.

Levels were generally very fun and engaging and provided plenty of solid gameplay and enjoyable moments. There is a multiplayer aspect that features the old Deathmatch format but I was unable to find anyone in any of the games during the times I checked.

DUSK was a winning mix of nostalgia and action and had some very clever map designs and sequences such as one frustrating one where gravity was upturned and forced players to be very patient and creative.

I hope we see a DUSK 2 in the near future as the game is a winner and can show bigger studios how to make an engaging shooter that gamers will love without the mega-budget bells and whistles.

Gareth von Kallenbach (974 KP) rated the Xbox Series X version of Immortals: Fenyx Rising in Video Games

Nov 30, 2020  
Immortals: Fenyx Rising
Immortals: Fenyx Rising
2020 | Action/Adventure
Immortals Fenyx Rising is a rare treat in that it is a game that did not come in with the massive wave of hype that usually accompanies a major release; yet delivers beyond expectations.

The game is set in Ancient Greece and casts players as Fenyx who must travel to set right the many things that have gone wrong along the way.

Greek gods provide humorous narration to help move the story along as there is lots for players to do and see in the game.

Once a character is created; players will have to climb, swim, battle, and solve puzzles in a highly-detailed universe. While some may think the combat would be hack and slash being able to gain advanced weapons such as a divine axe and bow really help mix things up.

The Arrow of Apollo as an example allows players to control the arrow in flight which is ideal for solving puzzles and making precisions shots. I also used it to scout an area by firing it into the air and using it to study the layout of the area.

Puzzles are a big part of the game and being able to hold and throw large boulders is key to defeating large enemies as well as moving large objects onto pressure plates to open doors or move heavy objects into position.

After each main mission; players will be able to obtain new powers by completing a challenge from the Gods. This usually involves jumping from objects, solving puzzles, and combat. Upon completion players will obtain a new device/ability which will help them going forward. I can tell you that having a set of wings really helped cover the map by being able to jump from a cliff and glide to a destination as long as my stamina holds up.

One great mission had me move a large pearl across the land and down hills to the see. Not only was it fun and varied; but it also showed how the missions are not repetitions of the prior ones.

I had several hours invested in the game before the area with the cosmetic options and upgrades arrived and the sheer scale of the game ensures that players will not find this a quick gaming experience.

Combat is a mix of hack and slash and ranged combat; but I am a big fan of smashing enemies with large boulders when able.

Some may have issues with the campy dialogue and delivery of the lines but this would be missing the point as the game is a fun and immersive adventure which will provide gamers with plenty of hours of enjoyment.

4 stars out of 5
The Walker (2007)
The Walker (2007)
2007 | Drama
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Carter Page III has made a career out of mingling around the women of high society, where he walks them in parties to keep them entertained, his actions never put the rumours in the air, until one of the ladies is involved in a murder, Carter sees the once always open doors closing around him, forcing him to uncover the truth to save his own reputation. Lynn Lockner is one of the most frequent clients for Carter, they have a close friendship which is tested when she is involved in the murder of a man, did she discover the body or have something to do with it? Natalie Van Miter is another one of the high society that enjoys Carter’s company only she doesn’t always play fair with the others in the circle. Jack Delorean isn’t the biggest fan of Carter and certain members of the high society, he is always looking for dirt on them.

Performances – Woody Harrelson is the highlight of the film with his engaging performance in an otherwise forgettable story. Kristin Scott Thomas, Lauren Bacall, Ned Beatty bring their big name presence to the film without making the impact to make you care about their characters.

Story – The story takes us into the high society world where the rich believe they can get away with anything, we follow a walker that mingles with the ladies to keep the business with gossip etc, when a murder is committed, he becomes the prime suspect and must figure out how to clear his name before his reputation is ruined. This story is just like you would imagine, it is a series of conversations from people that are always looking down on people who just want to take each other of their high horses through the eyes of a man desperately trying to stay within the circle. This story could have been extended to give more development to the characters through a television series, which would have been a lot more interesting to watch.

Crime/Mystery – The crime side of the film follows the aftermath of the murder which adds to the mystery as to who committed it and why, we do get plenty of suspects, but most people we meet seem to have a shady reason to be in the position they are in.

Settings – The film is set in the Washington high society world, with flashy parties, massive apartments, everything you don’t see people in natural life.

Scene of the Movie – Reporting the murder.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Not enough time to address the real issues touched on within the story.

Final Thoughts – This is a story that had potential to be much bigger and more interesting only for it to become mostly forgettable with the slow pacing and weak character development.


Overall: Slow and disappointing.
Lynn + Lucy (2019)
Lynn + Lucy (2019)
2019 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The titular characters in Lynn + Lucy are lifelong best friends, and even live opposite each other on the same street. But the film explores tragic circumstances where a bond this strong can swiftly be broken.

Lynn (Roxanne Scrimshaw) is a married stay-at-home mum turned hairdressing assistant, who is delighted when her best friend Lucy (Nichola Burley) gives birth to her first child. But she is clearly struggling with a new baby and her volatile relationship.

The two friends differ in a lot of ways, as Lynn seems more grounded and content with being a mother, whereas Lucy is a party animal, impulsive and misses life before motherhood. Yet their friendship works and has stood the test of time – until one awful day where everything changes.

Lynn + Lucy plays like an elevated soap opera, that’s reminiscent of kitchen sink realism. The film is fuelled by honest depictions of everyday domestic life, and as a result you won’t see any beautiful cinematography from this.

It’s bleak, it’s raw, and it even feels intrusive at times. It’s likely you’ll feel uncomfortable watching this as a result. Director and writer Fyzal Boulifa forces you to join this community even if you don’t want to be there.

As we’re given insight into what happens behind closed doors, we’re able to see exactly why Lynn and Lucy’s friendship rapidly falls apart. It’s not long before others start gossiping about the tragedy that unfolds for the two friends and the community they live in.

Lynn is forced to get a job as her husband is injured and she’s never been employed before, so she goes to a hairdressers owned by a former classmate. There is certainly a hierarchy there, Lynn sweeps the floors and makes teas and coffees, whilst being reminded that it’s typically a job for a school leaver.

But with no formal qualifications on her CV, it’s all she’s got. And salon owner Janelle (Jennifer Lee Moon) makes sure Lynn knows that, making her life hell and talking about her behind her back. However, Lynn grows close to hairdresser Caroline (Kacey Ainsworth) once her friendship with Lucy is tested.

The salon feels like a high school clique, and is a sad reminder of history repeating itself. I really enjoyed the performances here as it reflected the bleak, realistic nature of the overall story, and how horrible people can still be even when several years have passed.

Lynn + Lucy is a tragic, sometimes amusing, look at working class families and close knit communities, as well as the devastating effects of a personal tragedy.

Expect very difficult themes, lingering camera shots, and a sinking feeling in your stomach at the end. Bring tissues.