War of the Twins: Legends, Volume Two (Dragonlance Legends Book 2)
Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis
One hundred years have passed since the fiery Cataclysm that changed the face of Krynn forever. For...

Sex, Drag, and Male Roles: Investigating Gender as Performance
Diane Torr and Stephen Bottoms
This title offers the gender-bending performances of Dlane Torr, creator of the Man for a Day...

SpaceX's Dragon: America's Next Generation Spacecraft: 2016
IN MAY 2014 SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk, presented the spaceship that will carry NASA astronauts to the...

How Friends Roll: Dungeons & Dragons | D&D 5th Edition | Actual Play
Welcome to How Friends Roll, a Dungeons and Dragons podcast where Dungeon Master Sully gets a bunch...