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Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)
1999 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Some new characters. (1 more)
A few good moments.
This was the fourth Star Wars movie, but the first in the storyline and you can see why they didn't bother starting off with this one as it's dull generally and a drag to watch. The story fails to encapsulate you and it falls way short in entertainment. (1 more)
I watched this when it first came out and I never wanted to watch it since!
The fourth film.......erm!
I absolutely loved this book. I’m usually not a fan of period pieces as they tend to drag on and be boring but the way this book was written I was sucked in from the first page. The attention to detail and the way the author described each character really brought the book alive. This is a great coming of age/witchcraft novel and it’s part of a series that makes it even better!

Liliannar (58 KP) rated Hero in Books

May 25, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Character development (1 more)
World Expansion
There are parts of this book that do drag a bit, but if you can get through those small pieces, this is an amazing read. The last 20 pages or so of the book make the entire read an epic journey. Without any spoilers, it's safe to say that this book brings about pieces of the story every Drizzt fan has been waiting for since day one.
This was interesting. it was fast paced and at times i had to wrack my brain to remember what character was who. It had a lot of love to hate villans though and that was so much fun. I enjoyed the characters. I didn't think it needed to be quite as long as it was only because some places seemed to drag for me.. But overall the storyline was good and the characters were good :)
Second Touch (A.D. Chronicles #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rumors of Yeshua and His healing power have reached a leper colony. Some of them venture outside to find Him and bring Him back. Will He come heal the rest? Will it be in time? The characters are rich and deep, which makes the climax powerful, but the story does drag at times.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Murder Among the Mormons
Murder Among the Mormons
2021 | Crime, Documentary
Interesting, but somewhat repetitive
True crime docs are my jam, and when I read the synopsis for this one, I was game.
It covers weird bombings having to do with Mormon documents, which turn out to probably be not-so Mormon. It's definitely an interesting case, but even at three episodes, it seems to drag on.
Also - I had that South Park Joseph Smith song playing in my brain the whole time.

RuPaul recommended Disco Bloodbath in Books (curated)

Disco Bloodbath
Disco Bloodbath
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I love James St. James’ Disco Bloodbath, [the book] Party Monster is based on. I’ve known him for about 300 years. He writes the same way he speaks. I know how his mind works, so it’s fun to peek in and hang with him and his sensibilities. His other one, [Freak Show], Trudie Styler made a movie of that book with Bette Midler! It’s about a teenage drag queen in high school."


RuPaul recommended Freakshow in Books (curated)

(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I love James St. James’ Disco Bloodbath, [the book] Party Monster is based on. I’ve known him for about 300 years. He writes the same way he speaks. I know how his mind works, so it’s fun to peek in and hang with him and his sensibilities. His other one, [Freak Show], Trudie Styler made a movie of that book with Bette Midler! It’s about a teenage drag queen in high school."
