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A cool idea is saddled to the absolutely forgettable planet Excelis, and all parties involved seem to be quite ready to just drop the whole affair and move on, if only they could. Bernice and Iris could have made for a wonderful pairing if only they didn't have the baggage from this story to drag them down. There's one bit of nifty full circle at the end, but by that point, who cares? For more, visit
Chosen at Nightfall (Shadow Falls, #5)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great ending to a great series. More to come soon...

I really enjoyed the ending to this book. I wish I could get what happens after all of this though! The mystery of it was in a good balance to the answers we are given, the plot moved quickly, and it didn't drag on for unnecessary lengths. The characters, as always, were well developed and their relationships were fun to witness. I highly recommend this series.
West Side Story (1961)
West Side Story (1961)
1961 | Drama, Musical, Romance
Based around the story of Romeo and Juliet, Tony (ex leader of the Jets) falls in love with Maria (sister of Bernardo, the leader of The Sharks). The two gangs organise a rumble whereby the leader of the Jets is killed by Bernardo, in turn, Bernado is then killed by Tony. I fast forwarded through some of the songs as some, particularly the opening song drag on but "America" is a fire-cracker and "Tonight" is just heavenly.
King of Tokyo
King of Tokyo
2011 | Dice Game, Entertainment, Fighting, Science Fiction
Easy to pick up and play (3 more)
Well made pieces
Fun theme
Can be as serious or goofy as wanted
Can last too long (0 more)
Great for intro groups
This is a great game to start and see if you might enjoy more advanced/active table top games. It's fairly easy to start playing, and is an easy pick for any game night. Though, with more experienced players, the game can seem to drag on a bit too long
Impossible [The Original Trilogy] (Impossible, #1)
Impossible [The Original Trilogy] (Impossible, #1)
Julia Sykes | 2013 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Romance
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book was slow, the first 30% went pretty quick, but the rest seemed to drag on. The steamy scenes began to get annoying as they seemed to take over the story, and not in a way I enjoyed. Claudia was a character I just couldn't make myself like and Sean got on my nerves. I skimmed the last 60%, got the gist of how it all ended, and I wish I'd just stopped a lot earlier.
    Grade 5 Science

    Grade 5 Science

    Education and Games

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    Comprehensive study material for Grade 5 Science in the form of multiple choice questions, wheel and...

    Tetris Puzzle Tiles

    Tetris Puzzle Tiles


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    Tetris Puzzle Tiles, a classic puzzle game for all ages. Once you play it, you'll be hooked believe...