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    Paintstorm Studio

    Paintstorm Studio

    Productivity and Entertainment

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    Paintstorm Studio is the first iOS App designed not only for simple sketches, but professional...

American Vandal
American Vandal
2017 | Comedy, Documentary
Far Better than expected!
There's not many TV shows that can grip me into watch all of their episodes back to back, especially comedies which I often have a hard time to really get into.
 However this show is me gripped from the end of episode (plenty of cliffhangers to push you forwards immediately). The story is very focussed on the "dick drawing" and the trial of Dylan, whether he did do it and what motive he had for it?

This is filmed perfectly like making a murderer, less mocumentary and more like an actual serious docudrama with some added elements of humour. For a show I thought would immediately be about dick jokes, they steered fairly clear making a smarter and genuinely greater show than I could have expected.
1997 | Card Game
Flux is all about changing rules and goals so that your best laid plans go awry. Unfortunately, too much chaos can be a bad a thing. At the start, the rules are simple, draw a card, play a card. As the game goes on, more rules are added like drawing more cards, hand limits, etc.; Players gain and lose keepers; goals keep changing; all of which contributes to a madhouse of a game which often comes down to luck. It's a easy game to teach (read the card) but depending on the draw... Can overstay it welcome. There are many themed fluxes out there which are a little more enjoyable than the basic flux due to nostalgia or special rules, but they all operate under the same basic rules: utter chaos.
Anytime Art: Crayon: A colorful guide to drawing with crayon for artists on the go! by Monika Forsberg is easy to follow and practical. This book is cute guide on crayon for artists but it can only be considered a beginner's level guide. This is perfect for someone who wants to learn how to draw. This book will teach you how to draw a few items; such as, cat, house, garden, shoes. The author gives step by step directions, which is necessary for someone just learning how to draw, in plain and simple language that is easy to understand. 

I give this book 4.5/5 stars

I received this book from Quarto Publishing Group – Walter Foster and Walter Foster Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 
The Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk
Greg Pak | 2007
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmmm .... This opens with The Hulk / Bruce Banner exiled from Earth on a space-craft that is meant to deposit him on a remote and uninhabited planet, before that craft is pulled off-course and through a mysterious wormhole (are there any other kinds?) to a distant - and inhabited - planet.

What follows is, essentially, an off-world retelling of Spartacus, with The Hulk first captured by Imperials, sent to fight in the Arena's, then escaping and leading a revolt (even if, unlike Spartacus this one is successful).

Yes, it has plenty of explosions and battles, but (I hate to say), the entire thing is somewhat bland; never really drawing me in to the story and with no real hook - this is also, very much, a story of The Hulk rather than of Bruce Banner.

Rodney Barnes (472 KP) Aug 7, 2019

Have you read the comics??