Strolling Player: The Life and Career of Albert Finney
Albert Finney was a Salford-born, homework-hating bookie's son who broke the social barriers of...

Joan Littlewood: Dreams and Realities: The Official Biography
My only gift is to grow a show,' said Joan Littlewood, annoyed by what she had not achieved. Even...

Murder Inc.: The Rise and Fall of Ireland's Most Dangerous Criminal Gang
Murder Inc. is the latest blockbuster by Ireland's most respected crime writer and journalist, Paul...

Global Strategic Responsiveness: Exploiting Frontline Information in the Adaptive Multinational Enterprise
Torben Juul Andersen and Carina Antonia Hallin
Global firms must operate in turbulent conditions, facing relentless pressure to be efficient,...

Globalization: A Basic Text
Updated to reflect recent global developments, the second edition of Globalization: A Basic Text...

Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the Twenty-first Century
Ben Fine, Jyoti Saraswati and Daniela Tavasci
Moving beyond abstract economic models and superficial descriptions of the market, Beyond the...

Brilliant Project Management
Stephen J. Barker and Rob Cole
Ensure that your projects succeed every time Whether you are organising an important event or...

How to be a Great Leader in Early Years
A go-to guide for early years professionals, this book will help you to enhance your leadership...

For the Wild: Ritual and Commitment in Radical ECO-Activism
For the Wild explores the ways in which the commitments of radical environmental and animal-rights...

Kabbalah in Art and Architecture
The Kabbalistic idea of creation, as expressed through light, space and geometry, has left its...