Design Management:: Organisation and Marketing Perspectives
Placed at the nexus between marketing and organisational studies, Design Management: Organisation...
Design Management:: Organisation and Marketing Perspectives
Placed at the nexus between marketing and organisational studies, Design Management: Organisation...

Beyond Vision: Philosophical Essays
Beyond Vision brings together eight essays by Casey O'Callaghan. The works draw theoretical and...
Civilized Violence: Subjectivity, Gender and Popular Cinema
Civilized Violence provides a social and historical explanation for the popular appeal of cinema...

The concept of disparity has long been a topic of obsession and argument for philosophers but Slavoj...

Drive: Journeys Through Film, Cities, and Landscapes
This book explores the experience of driving cars as a way of encountering landscapes and cities...

Encountering the City: Urban Encounters from Accra to New York
Helen F. Wilson and Jonathan Darling
Encountering the City provides a new and sustained engagement with the concept of encounter. Drawing...

Intergenerational Mobilities: Relationality, Age and Lifecourse
Lesley Murray and Susan Robertson
Drawing from work on mobilities and geographies of the lifecourse, this collection is concerned with...

Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed: A Philosophical Guide
A classic of medieval Jewish philosophy, Maimonides's Guide of the Perplexed is as influential as it...
NIV Journalling Bible
New International Version and Hannah Dunnett
This single-column NIV Journalling Bible includes 32 pages of beautiful colour illustrations to...