Ploughing New Ground: Food, Farming & Environmental Change in Ethiopia
In October 2016, the Ethiopian administration declared a State of Emergency in response to...

Posthuman Personhood
Posthuman Personhood takes up the ethical challenge posed by Francis Fukuyama's work, Our Posthuman...
One Night on TV is Worth Weeks at the Paramount: Popular Music on Early Television
Elvis Presley's television debut in January 1956 is often cited as the moment when popular music and...
Singing God's Words: The Performance of Biblical Chant in Contemporary Judaism
Singing God's Words is the first in-depth study of the experience and meaning of chanting or...

Streaming Music: Practices, Media, Cultures
Sofia Johansson, Ann Werner, Patrik Aker and Greg Goldenzwaig
Streaming Music examines how the Internet has become integrated in contemporary music use, by...
The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies
The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies offers a full overview of the histories, practices, and...

Craft of Use: Post-Growth Fashion
This book explores the 'craft of use', the cultivated, ordinary and ingenious ideas and practices...

Seeking Asylum in Israel: Refugees and Migration Law
Since 2005, approximately 70,000 asylum-seeking refugees from Sudan and Eritrea have entered Israel....

The Abbey Rebels of 1916: A Lost Revolution
The Abbey Theatre played a leading role in the politicisation of the revolutionary generation that...

The Appreciation of Film: The Postwar Film Society Movement and Film Culture in Britain
This book offers the first full account of the film society movement in Britain and its contribution...