Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Created the Worst Financial Crisis of Our Time
Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner
In "Reckless Endangerment", Gretchen Morgenson exposes how the watchdogs who were supposed to...

Smart Development in Smart Communities
Gilberto Antonelli and Giuseppe Cappiello
The concept of smart cities has become one of the most significant new lines of thinking to emerge...

One of Us
In this acclaimed political biography, Hugo Young traces Thatcher's journey from her apprenticeship...

Order in Chaos: The Memoirs of General of Panzer Troops Hermann Balck
David T. Zabecki, Dieter J. Biedekarken, Hermann Balck and Carlo D'Este
German general Hermann Balck (1897 - 1982) was considered to be one of World War II's greatest...

Cats Best In Show: A Trump Card Game
Find out who's the cat that got the cream with this beautifully illustrated set of cards....

Exploring LGBT Spaces and Communities: Contrasting Identities, Belongings and Wellbeing
The phrase 'LGBT community' is often used by policy-makers, service providers, and lesbian, gay,...

Gender, Nation and Popular Film in India: Globalizing Muscular Nationalism
Interpretations of manhood have unfolded in India within a middle class cultural milieu shaped by an...

Gender, Subjectivity and Cultural Work: Classical Music Profession
What is it like to work as a classical musician today? How can we explain ongoing gender, racial,...
Liberated Threads: Black Women, Style, and the Global Politics of Soul
From the civil rights and Black Power era of the 1960s through antiapartheid activism in the 1980s...

Women and Nature?: Beyond Dualism in Gender, Body, and Environment
Douglas A. Vakoch and Sam Mickey
Women and Nature? Beyond Dualism in Gender, Body, and Environment provides a historical context for...