Marvelous Bodies: Italy's New Migrant Cinema
Historically a source of emigrants to Northern Europe and the New World, Italy has rapidly become a...

Mother Figured: Marian Apparitions and the Making of a Filipino Universal
There is no female religious figure so widely known and revered as the Virgin Mary. Throughout...

Need to Know: Vocation as the Heart of Christian Epistemology
How should a Christian think? If a serious Christian wants to think seriously about a serious...

Questioning Play: What Play Can Tell Us About Social Life
What is play? Why do we play? What can play teach us about our life as social beings? In this...
Sufism: A New History of Islamic Mysticism
A pathbreaking history of Sufism, from the earliest centuries of Islam to the present After...
The Philosophical Works of al-Kindi
Peter Adamson, Peter E. Pormann and Syed Nomanul Haq
This volume presents the philosophical writings of al-Kindi, known as the 'Philosopher of the...

The Philosophy of Tim Burton
Jennifer L McMahon, Ken Hada, Ryan Weldon and Daniel Sullivan
Director and producer Tim Burton impresses audiences with stunning visuals, sinister fantasy worlds,...

The Philosophy of War Films
Wars have played a momentous role in shaping the course of human history. The ever-present specter...

Under the Totem: In Search of a Path
Totem conveys spirit, a sense of the sacred. Freud attempted to get under the totem and explore...

Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
The first edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations was published in 1941 and for over 70 years...