How Musicals Work
Musicals are the most popular form of stage entertainment today, with the West End and Broadway...
Scholarly Research for Musicians
Scholarly Research for Musicians presents a range of research methods and techniques, incorporating...

The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind: How Self-Interest Shapes Our Opinions and Why We Won't Admit it
Jason Weeden and Robert Kurzban
When it comes to politics, we often perceive our own beliefs as fair and socially beneficial, while...
The International Criminal Court in Search of its Purpose and Identity
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is the first permanent international criminal tribunal, which...

The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates: The Islamic Near East from the Sixth to the Eleventh Century
The Prophet and the Age of Caliphates is an accessible history of the Near East from c.600-1050AD,...

The Responsibility to Prevent: Overcoming the Challenges of Atrocity Prevention
Serena K. Sharma and Jennifer M. Welsh
Among the constitutive elements of the responsibility to protect (R2P), prevention has been deemed...
The Scottish Independence Referendum: Constitutional and Political Implications
Aileen McHarg, Tom Mullen, Alan Page and Neil Walker
The September 2014 Scottish independence referendum was an event of profound constitutional and...
Thirty-Eight: The Hurricane That Transformed New England
A groundbreaking account of the cataclysmic hurricane of 1938 and its devastating impact on New...

1000 Architectural Details: A Selection of the World's Most Interesting Building Elements
Alex Sanchez Vidiella, Julio Fajardo and Sergi Costa Duran
A study of detail in contemporary world architecture in photographs and drawings. '1000...

A Genealogy of Tropical Architecture: Colonial Networks, Nature and Technoscience
A Genealogy of Tropical Architecture traces the origins of tropical architecture to nineteenth...