What is a Dog?
Raymond Coppinger and Lorna Coppinger
Of the world's dogs, less than two hundred million are pets, living with humans who provide food,...

Voice Leading: The Science Behind a Musical Art
Voice leading is the musical art of combining sounds over time. In this book, David Huron offers an...

Sea of Storms: A History of Hurricanes in the Greater Caribbean from Columbus to Katrina
The diverse cultures of the Caribbean have been shaped as much by hurricanes as they have by...

The Mystery of Skara Brae: Neolithic Scotland and the Origins of Ancient Egypt
In 3200 BC, Orkney Island off the coast of Northern Scotland was home to a small farming village...
The Singing Neanderthals: The Origins of Music, Language, Mind, and Body
The propensity to make music is the most mysterious, wonderful, and neglected feature of humankind:...

Thinking Like a Political Scientist: A Practical Guide to Research Methods
Each year, tens of thousands of students who are interested in politics go through a rite of...

Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands
In recent years, journalists and environmentalists have pointed urgently to the melting Arctic as a...

Buildings of London
Roger FitzGerald has practiced as an architect in london since he qualified over 30 years ago. He...

Caza + Surba: When Urbanization Comes to Ground
Alessandra Cianchetta, Carlos Arnaiz and Simon Frommenwiler
CAZA + SURBA: When Urbanization Comes to Ground is a collaborative research project between the...

Landscape Architecture and Digital Technologies: Re-Conceptualising Design and Making
Jillian Walliss and Heike Rahmann
Landscape Architecture and Digital Technologies explores how digital technologies are reshaping...