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The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
2017 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Batman reigns supreme. Dark, Gothic, self important egotist with serious commitment issues. The Lego Batman Movie could have been little more than a cash in on a popular character from the 2014 surprise hit, The Lego Movie (2014), but instead we get a film which would seem to cement the future of this spoof, family entertainment franchise.

The “Real” Batman, as we all know, is struggling along the rest of hid Justice League pals to break back in to big leagues, but as long a Marvel are ruling the box office this is an uphill task, but here we have a movie and franchise which is limitless in its possibilities, plotting and imagination as anything and everything can be pulled out for the bag for the most entertaining, if not bizarre mash ups imaginable.

Not just limiting himself to DC, director, Chris McKay of Robot Chicken fame, other movies and toys of all ages can band together to create these plots but that said, these are not just cynical product placements, they are taken from the minds of the audience, whether they be three years old or 80, as Batman is himself referenced to be in this film.

Also, drawing on Batman’s long and lavish history as much as possible, we have it all, from the earliest comics, theatrical serials, every previous feature film and a few new twists to be thrown in at will. In short, this is as much fun as you can imagine and it lives up to its potential if not surpassing it from the opening black frames to the final credit.

Recommended for all the family whether you are Batman fans or not.
The Queen's Promise
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yes, it's another Tudor historical novel and yes, it's another Tudor historical novel about Anne Boleyn!

This one I think is worth reading though. Although Anne carries one of the main narrative threads the book is really more about Henry Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland, who had some sort of understanding with Anne before she caught the eye of that other Henry. I don't think his life is as well documented as other more prominent figures at court, but there is enough information there to give a foundation to his story. Our other main character is Will Chatton, who, along with his wife, is a fictional character created to give us a broader view of Tudor society and to assist Henry Percy and move the narrative along. Will is also friends in the novel with Robert Aske, who was a real historical figure.

Henry Percy has not generally been given much prominence, even in fiction, so this was a new angle, drawing out his character. His is not really a happy story, but he is certainly a sympathetic character and the author uses the forced break up of their relationship as a sort of catalyst for the change in Anne's behaviour to a harder outlook, so the reader can still sympathise with her. One thing that does puzzle me in 'real' history, and which I feel the author didn't convincingly explain in her own narrative, was why it was found necessary to break up Anne and Henry's relationship? That point aside, I thought this was a good read and a bit different to the usual court focused novels.

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Aaliyah in Books

Nov 8, 2019  
Katrina Cope | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When her mother was healed by angels shortly before she was born, Aaliyah has been able to heal others, both physically and mentally. In particular she helps out her friend Duan, a unique child born of both demon and angel.

Her sheltered existence is a great concern to her mother, and so she takes her young family away from their monastery home - and Duan - in order the live a 'normal' life. But Aaliyah can't help using her power, and draws unwanted attention to the family.

This book is the start of a new series, albeit one firmly rooted in Cope's Afterlife series. However it is not necessary to have read that series, nor the Witch's Legacy book which provides some additional background.

As usual with Cope's books it is the characters that shine out, everyone from Aaliyah and Duan to the villagers who are just desperate for Aaliyah's healing touch are realised perfectly. As the stakes are raised, not least by a dreadful prophesy and dark forces who want to use her gift for their own ends, both Aaliyah and Duan must decide where they belong and who they need the most.

As the story unfolds the stakes are skillfully raised, drawing the reader along, genuinely fearing for the fates of the main characters at each step. Sometimes it was hard to turn the page, knowing that the characters you have been getting to know so well will almost definitely end up coming to harm.

In this book Cope has managed to take the elements of angels, witches and shapeshifters and combined them into an engrossing and thrilling read that will appeal to young adults of all ages.