On Drugs
The "just say no" campaign of the Reagan years and the ensuing anti-drug hysteria effectively...
Cardiac Drugs
Kanu Chatterjee and Eric J. Topol
Cardiac Drugs is the latest edition of this comprehensive resource, completely revised to provide...
The Book of Drugs: A Memoir
Mike Doughty first came to prominence as the leader of the band Soul Coughing then did an abrupt...
The Book of Drugs: A Memoir
Mike Doughty first came to prominence as the leader of the band Soul Coughing then did an abrupt...
Managing Drugs in Sport
Jason Mazanov and Norman O'Reilly
As ongoing high-profile drug scandals have demonstrated, sports organisations rarely have a coherent...
From Russia with Drugs
It was the story that shocked the world: Russian athletics was revealed to be corrupt from top to...