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Death Do Us Part
Death Do Us Part
Miranda Grant | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Arienna is a wayward brownie that wants to have love and sex and lots of it. She has had her heartbroken too many times especially when her ex marries her mother!! She gets drunk then wakes up in a fairy prison with her best friend can she form an alliance to help the fairies bring peace to the kingdoms or will she be executed for her sins?

I really enjoy Miranda Grant's writing and stories I have read the fairy-tale of the myths series. This book has a lot more sex and steamy scenes and a lot more graphic violence then the others I have read but there are also a lot of other emotions involved and you can feel them with the way she writes. She is a fantastic author with a fantastic imagination and I cannot wait to read more from her.

Well done Miranda 4/5 stars

Bill Nighy recommended Punch-Drunk Love (2002) in Movies (curated)

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
2002 | Comedy, Drama, Romance

"A relatively new film that went straight into my top five, I adore Punch Drunk Love, and I can almost recite it to you. It was on TV on a loop for a while, and it’s like The Godfather, you hit that film on TV and you stay there. There aren’t many, but you just stay there, thinking, ‘I could keep flipping, but there’s not actually going to be anything better than this,’ and it doesn’t matter that you’ve seen it sixteen times – you just dig it because it’s such high quality. I think Adam Sandler and Emily Watson are completely marvellous in it, and I didn’t know anything about Adam Sandler, I’ve never seen any of his other films, so I’ve only seen him in this. I love Paul Thomas Anderson, and I think it’s my favourite of his films. Possibly a controversial thing to say, as his other films are, perhaps, hipper, but I love the fact that it’s this fucked up love story. I love it stylistically, the jokes, the visual attitude of it and those funky links that he does. I love the apparent arbitrariness of the plot, which hinges on upon the fact that you get free air-miles with a particular brand of chocolate pudding, and I love the way it dovetails at the end. Everyone in it is magnificent, including Philip Seymour Hoffman, who’s in The Boat that Rocked and who is beautiful in Punch Drunk Love. Adam Sandler gives one of the greatest light entertainment performances I’ve ever seen. It’s a submerged light entertainment, it’s so integrated, so authentic in terms of naturalism, that you surprise yourself by laughing, because it’s so deadpan, so undercover in terms of comedy, and that’s my favourite thing of all time, the highest level. For the first twenty minutes you think you’re in art movie hell, but you’re not, so don’t panic."

The Red Dragon Inn
The Red Dragon Inn
2007 | Card Game, Fantasy, Humor, Medieval, Party Game
With friends like these...
Red Dragon Inn is a very fun game; you are adventurers AFTER the adventure, spending their spare gold in the tavern on drink and gambling.

The mechanics are simple enough, and the game is varied and random, although it can become a bit of a gang-up to force someone out quickly, if they are falling behind, which is a little bit of a spoiler for the player.

You are trying to be the last adventurer standing, either by not getting as drunk, or keeping a higher constitution.

I think it would be a longer game with a few more ways to reduce your drink level, or boost your health (like a hearty snack, or a meal etc). It is a good game for a few friends getting a few games in, but it wouldn't be a main-game.

There are expansions, but from what I've seen they seem to be a bit on the expensive side.

Andrea D (21 KP) rated A Simple Favor in Books

Jan 10, 2019  
A Simple Favor
A Simple Favor
Darcey Bell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
5.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nothing (0 more)
Everything (0 more)
Hello my name is Stephanie I'll be your protagonist tonight my best friend has disappeared and I've decided I'm going to wank over her husband while he's in the next room, also did I mention I had a sexual affair with my half brother that only ended when he and my husband died in a car crash?

No its not game of thrones its yet another shitty thriller I've put myself through the misery of reading because I can't remember what 90% of the books on my kindle are about. If the opening lines aren't enough of a warning about how terrible this book is then perhaps this accurate description might help - Gone Girl without the writing, without the character development, with incest and clearly written after the author had drunk a bath full of prosecco and found a over used thriller story line generator somewhere in the dark places of the internet. or probably tumblr.

Will Young recommended Guilty by Barbra Streisand in Music (curated)

Guilty by Barbra Streisand
Guilty by Barbra Streisand
1980 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I came to it because I was very like, "I'm gay but I do not like Barbra Streisand. I don't own a Barbra Streisand album", then I went to an Oxfam gig - and it was Hot Chip actually - at their really good store in Dalston. Anyway I was a bit drunk afterwards and picked it up and thought: "That will be good for a laugh." I took it home and it didn't stop being played for about two years. It was the record that, whenever I came back with friends, would be put on, and I think I won a few people over to it. And because I bought it on vinyl second-hand, it would always have this one track where it skips and I'd always have to run and change the record. Then I downloaded it when I bought it on CD and now it doesn't skip, I really hate it!"


Stuart Braithwaite recommended Fun House by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Fun House by The Stooges
Fun House by The Stooges
1970 | Punk, Rock
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Iggy's probably my favourite singer and I was thinking about choosing one of his solo records, but when you see my next one you'll probably figure out why I didn't choose that. Again, what can you say about Fun House? It's just so primal, a rock & roll record, and I can't think of anything like it. From the box set you can tell that it didn't just appear, they worked incredibly hard to get it that good, take after take after take. It's just amazing, totally powerful. To be able to capture something that probably was more of a live experience and make it sound like they're in the room with you… one of my neighbours has got a ludicrous stereo, and we'll just listen to Fun House, insanely drunk, on his stereo. It's almost like you're there, melting your face. It was a fun night… you should come round, it happens most Fridays. That's how countryside life in Scotland goes."


Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Digging Up Mother: A Love Story in Books

Oct 14, 2017 (Updated Oct 15, 2017)  
Digging Up Mother: A Love Story
Digging Up Mother: A Love Story
Doug Stanhope | 2016 | Biography, Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crude, hilarious, and sombre at times
Listened to on Audible.

For all lovers of gonzo, Doug Stanhope reaches the top of the list of crude humour, insane experiences muddled in with bittersweet memories.

This autobiography is hilarious, and the only way to read it, is to listen to it, given there are so many 'director's comments', in which Doug and his friends discuss the incident at hand. Also the fact that he is drunk at times and will loudly burp just adds to the book so much more than skimming through the pages. While the majority is about him, it premises around his mother's life and death which have ultimately shaped him. She's no ordinary mother that's a fact.

From being a pyromaniac as a child, a teen male prostitute to telephone salesman, Stanhope has had an interesting life mixed in with drugs, alcohol, women and stand up comedy. And while you do think he's a bit of a so-and-so, it's still very funny. A great listen.

Sue (5 KP) rated Death al Fresco in Books

Apr 23, 2018  
Death al Fresco
Death al Fresco
Leslie Karst | 2018 | Mystery
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sally Solari is working very hard to make a name for herself at her recently inherited restaurant, but her father has different plans. He doesn’t seem to remember that she no longer works at the family restaurant Solaris’ and keeps pulling her in. While taking an open-air painting class of the Monterey Bay coastline, Sally’s dog Buster finds a corpse tangled up in the kelp.

The body is identified as Gino, a local fisherman and regular patron at Solaris’. Is it true what everyone is saying? Is Sally’s dad negligent for allowing an inebriated customer to leave the restaurant alone at night? Witnesses claim that Gino was drunk when he left the restaurant, but his waitress swears that she only served him to beers with a full meal. Can she find out the truth before her father’s reputation and that on his restaurant goes down the drain?

This is not your average cozy mystery full of cuteness. Sally is a smart and multifaceted character that has you cheering for her to find the bad guys.
Everyone is John
Everyone is John
One Page RPG, Easy To Learn (1 more)
Every Game is Different
The Game That Splits The Table (And Your Mind)
If you've ever seen the movie Split then you know exactly how this is going down.

Everyone is John is a game where all the players control a single character. Each player is one part of a split personality, each with their own goals and skill sets. The Game Master gives you a scenario and each player bets a value of willpower, whoever has the highest amount of willpower bet gets to control John until they fail a skill check.

This game is high speed, and makes a good game for any night. It's easy to pick up, and easy to screw over your friends. For a game that is free, this is incredible. Honestly, I'd pay at least £10-£15 for this game.

Gameplay is fun, and sparks conversation around the table. With John being a sociopath you can pretty much do anything.

-Incredible Game
-Easy to Play
-FREE! (But I'd totally pay for it)
-Good Sobre & Drunk

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated The Woman in the Window in Books

Jun 13, 2019 (Updated Jun 13, 2019)  
The Woman in the Window
The Woman in the Window
A.J. Finn | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gripping unreliable narrator thriller
Housebound Anna Fox loves watching old movies and drinking a lot of wine, that is when she isn’t spying on her neighbours from out of the window. Not long after a new family move in Anna sees someone murdered but no one is willing to believe the drunk and that includes even Anna doubting what she saw.

There are a lot of unreliable narrator books around at the moment in the thriller genre and I think this is a solid addition, it’s a well written fast paced read. The plot doesn't seem to be anything groundbreaking and lacks in any real surprises in the plot but it’s very engagingly narrated. Maybe my love for staying in at home and drinking wine made this book speak to me but I found it engrossing and enjoyable. If your into old films you'll probably get a kick out of all the references to those as well.

Oh and net curtains when you are in a home that is overlooked why isn't that a thing....