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ISAN - International Sensory Assassin Network
ISAN - International Sensory Assassin Network
Mary Ting | 2018 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (0 more)
Took a while to get into (0 more)
What a journey, and this is only the beginning!
To begin with, I was unsure about this novel and found the first few chapters needed me to push through, but, it was well worth it. Finding out about the characters and their adventures in looking for the truth about what has and still is happening to them kept me hooked.
The search for the story of the main characters past and why she is now an assassin is an intriguing idea and is well told. The author leaves it on a good cliff hanger which made me go straight into reading the second book in the series, I'll review that separately.
The characters felt realistic and believable, the plot, whilst set in a dystopian future, was believable and kept up the mystery of what had actually happened making it fitting for whatever the reader chose.
Definitely worth a read.

Reviewed freely after receiving an ARC copy.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Worthy in Books

Jan 11, 2021  
Lia Black | 2013
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm still kinda undecided on how to rate this because I really, really, really liked it. 4 star? 5 star? Ugh!

It was a sweet romance with some bdsm elements--which I'm not always a fan of--but it was done in a way that made me want to keep reading and in the end I fell for both Sev and Demetrie.

They were both damaged in different ways and the more I learnt about them the more I wanted to wrap them in a big hug.

Things started off a little shaky between them but by the end I was almost crying thinking of what might or might not happen between them. It was such a sweet story with lots of these:

If you like books a little dystopian-y and/or bdsm/erotica-y then you should really like this! There was even a slight threesome in there for fans of that too :)