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ClareR (5784 KP) rated The Girl with the Louding Voice in Books
Mar 10, 2020
All Adunni wants is an education and a way out of the poverty that she was born in to. This dream however, seems to be brought to an abrupt end with the death of her mother. Adunni’s father has relied on his wife’s wages (he doesn’t seem to work) and has managed to rack up debts that he can’t pay off. So he sells 14 year old Adunni in to marriage with a man who is far older than her, who already has two wives. Adunni is supposed to swap her ambitions from education and a career, to bearing male children to a man she can’t bring herself to look at (and I don’t blame her). She has a horrible life, made marginally better by her friendship with the heavily pregnant second wife. However, Adunni tries to help the second wife see a midwife because of pregnancy complications and something goes very wrong. Adunni runs away, knowing that if she is caught, it could mean her death.
She then finds herself working at a house in the city as a house girl: she’s basically a slave, working from 5am to midnight, for no wages. Big Madam, her ‘employer’ beats her for the slightest things. Reading these scenes was upsetting - that a child should be treated in such a way, that she should be raped by a man who should never have married her (it IS illegal in Nigeria), and then be beaten to unconsciousness by her ‘owner’ (because without wages, surely that’s what Big Madam is?). And then there are Adunni’s saviours: the chef who lives and works in the house, and a neighbour who is a doctors wife, Tia.
This book will probably break your heart, but you’ll also marvel at the strength, perseverance and bravery of Adunni. She never gives up. She knows what she wants, and she grabs her opportunities where she can. This is a book that everyone should read - it’s really that good.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book to read and honestly review.

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