The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country
'A hugely enjoyable romp through the pleasures and pitfalls of setting up home in a foreign land' PD...
Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research
John W. Creswell and Vicki L. Plano Clark
A practical, how-to guide to designing mixed methods studies. Combining the latest thinking about...

Developing Dynamic Intersections Between Collection Development and Information Literacy Instruction
Developing Dynamic Intersections between Collection Development and Information Literacy Instruction...

Engineering Systems: Meeting Human Needs in a Complex Technological World
Charles M. Vest, Olivier L. de Weck, Daniel Roos and Christopher L. Magee
Engineering, for much of the twentieth century, was mainly about artifacts and inventions. Now, it's...

5 Steps to a 5: 500 AP Human Geography Questions to Know by Test Day
500 Ways to achieve your best score with this popular study guide for the AP Human Geography Exam....

AQA A-Level Geography
Ian G. Whittaker, Paul Abbiss, Helen Fyfe and Philip Banks
AQA approved Encourage every student to develop in-depth knowledge and advanced geographical skills...

Edexcel A Level Geography: Book 2 (3rd Edition)
Cameron Dunn, Kim Adams, Simon Oakes and Sue Warn
3rd Revised edition Trust the leading A level Geography publisher to boost your students'...

Quantum Mechanics Demystified
If you think projection operators work in the cinema, or learning about spin-1/2 makes your head,...

A2 Revise PE for Edexcel
From an expert team of authors 'A2 Revise PE for Edexcel' has been written to address the change in...

A2 Revise PE for OCR
From an expert team of authors 'A2 Revise PE for OCR' has been written to address the change in...