Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond
Michael Van Biema, Bruce C. N. Greenwald, J. Kahn and Paul D. Sonkin
From the "guru to Wall Street's gurus" comes the fundamental techniques of value investing and their...

Varieties of Economic Inequality
Sebastiano Fadda and Pasquale Tridico
Recently, the issue of inequality has regained attention in economic and political debates. Although...

Women and Sustainability in Business: A Global Perspective
Women and Sustainability in Business: A Global Perspective, brings together original research from a...

AS/A1 Revise Pe for AQA
Dennis Roscoe, Jan Roscoe and Bob Davis
From an expert team of authors 'AS/A1 Revise PE for AQA' has been written to address the change in...

AS/A1 Revise PE for Edexcel
Dennis Roscoe, Jan Roscoe and Bob Davis
From an expert team of authors 'AS Revise PE for Edexcel' has been written to address the change in...

Edexcel A Level Geography: Book 1
Cameron Dunn, Kim Adams, David Holmes and Simon Oakes
Endorsed for Edexcel. Trust the leading A level Geography publisher to boost your students'...

Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Issues, Reflections, and Ways Forward
Leonie Rennie, Grady Venville and John Wallace
How can curriculum integration of school science with the related disciplines of technology,...
Teaching and Learning Algebra: A Didactical Situations Perspective: 2017
Heidi Stromskag Masoval and Yves Chevallard
The book is based on a longitudinal study of beginning teachers' struggles with algebra, with strong...
Teaching Art Creatively
Penny Hay and Emese Hall
Teaching Art Creatively is packed with ideas and inspiration to enrich teachers' knowledge and...

Tro: Introductory Chemistry, Global Edition
For one-semester courses in Preparatory Chemistry Make chemistry relevant to students Now in its...