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Joseph Mount recommended 4-Track Demos by PJ Harvey in Music (curated)

4-Track Demos by PJ Harvey
4-Track Demos by PJ Harvey
1993 | Rock
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Album Favorite

"I remember hearing a PJ Harvey song, it might have been ‘Down by The Water’, and thinking ‘this is wicked, I’m gonna buy some of her music!’ At that age I had pocket money, about five pounds, so I went to this music shop in Exeter, found the PJ Harvey section, and all they had was this cheap cassette of 4-Track Demos. I was learning the drums around that time, and listening to the drums in a way I’d never done before, getting obsessive about it. I bought this PJ Harvey record, I put it on and thought ‘OK, the drums are gonna come in soon!’, but of course they never come in, it’s all demos. It was insanely disappointing! But I’d payed the money for this record, so I listened to it, and it became this educational thing for me of understanding that this was part of writing a song. Comparing the demos to the finished tracks, it was an interesting thing to hear and I think the most important thing I’d take from it is investing in something that deprives you of the one thing you were really excited about. It’s a good lesson, but completely unplanned, an interesting exercise to realise that the thing I feel is the most important thing, is not."

Qualityland: Visit Tomorrow, Today!
Qualityland: Visit Tomorrow, Today!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is told from multiple perspectives, sharing the lives of very different but interesting characters. The main character of this book would be Peter, a regular guy, who doesn’t really have many goals in life. He kind of goes with the flow, until he receives an item, that he didn’t want. There is this cloud of sadness surrounding Peter, he seems boring, however, he is witty and really kind man, and I really enjoyed his adventures. I did like the other characters in this novel as well, they portrayed different angles of this messed up country, and I really enjoyed their thoughts about machinery and consumerism.

I really liked the narrative of this book, it is constantly changing, diverse, and absolutely absorbing. This novel has a political spice to it, that some people might not like, but I think the rich vs. poor theme suited this book very well. This novel doesn’t have major twists in it, but all the turns and adventures were really interesting and entertaining.

I loved the writing style of this book, it is very thought-provoking, very well researched and educational. I am truly wondering, how Marc-Uwe Kling produced this wonderful book, how he came up with all this. The whole story is quite surreal but makes sense at the same time.
Getting Doug with High
Getting Doug with High
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Cool celebrity guests (2 more)
Very educational
They're smoking weed man!!! Its awesome
Best show EVER!!!!!!
I was cruising through the amazballs app Tubi Tv when I came across this little gem... Mind you, I do smoke a shit ton of weed myself... And it is legal now in my whole country, so fuck it... Lol.
Doug Benson is someone I've seen on talk shows and heard on podcasts a few times, but I never knew much about him.
This little piece of click bait lured me in with the chance of seeing one of my favorite writer/directors Kevin Smith getting blazed up with Doug and Brian Poshien... Or however you spell it... And it didn't let me down.
He and his guests get just obliterated off some of the sweetest strains of bud made available by whatever weed store they happen to propagate. And they always tell you what the pot is like. Effects... Length of buzz... That sort of pertenate information stoners like myself want to know.
Plus its a chance to see Jeff Ross, Natasha Leggerio and Anthony Jeselnyk HIGH AS GIRAFFE BALLS.
Overall its 45 minutes that is filled with talking, coughing and laughter... Very reminiscent of nights spent in my mom's kitchen with my friends, sitting around the table smoking our heads off and laughing til the sun came up.
Ah the memor... Wait.... What????
    LADYTIMER Period Calendar

    LADYTIMER Period Calendar

    Health & Fitness and Medical

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    Ladytimer Period Calendar tracks and predicts menstrual cycle days, helping women to get pregnant or...