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Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
I tried to into this one with an open mind. I'm not a big fan of Kristen Stewart and I got what I expected from her performance-a pretty bland, non-emotional showing. Having her half naked through a lot of it didn't really save her performance either. The rest of the cast and crew were pretty good, however, so they more than made up for it. The cinematography was good-dark and murky-but what you'd expect from a movie shot under the ocean. The story, however, was pretty fascinating and surprisingly entertaining. Not all entirely believable, but(here's my nerd side speaking), seeing as how we've only explored a mere 5% of the world's oceans-especially what's underneath-the creatures and effects were pretty cool. I watch a lot of animal planet shows and after seeing some of the weird creatures that we DO know about at certain depths, this movie really makes you wonder what we DON'T know about under the earth's oceans. This movie had plenty of creep factor and a few gruesome scenes but nothing that younger viewers couldn't handle. Good one for a scary movie night! Worth a watch!
Unstable Unicorns
Unstable Unicorns
2017 | Party Game
High player limit (3 more)
Fun and cool theme
Amazing Artwork
Simple Rules
Confusing rules on the neigh card (0 more)
Crazy fun party game
Players: 2-8
Time: 30-45 minutes

Players: Can play up to 8? Anything that plays up to 8 is a plus for me. We have different player amounts for our group all the time and sometimes you need a bigger game.
Time: Not only is it a larger group game, but it plays fast. Turns are so quick you guys. Read a single card and follow the text. It's that fast.
Simple Rules: Literally your turn is either draw 2 cards or draw 1 card and play 1 card. Then follow the text on the played card and keep up with ongoing effects. Example. The yay card says you can't be neighed(stopped from playing a card). Super simple to keep up with.
Artwork: The game is made by TeeTurtle. Shout out to them for the artwork in the game. It's all cutesy unicorns and such. If you don't know. TeeTurtle makes shirts and such. They have a cool and hip style which makes this a fun and great game to look at. Each card is unique.
Spawn (1997)
Spawn (1997)
1997 | Action, Animation, Horror
Michael jai white, character/costume design, visual effects (0 more)
Rough dialogue (0 more)
Where you're going, every day is Halloween.
Spawn is a 1997 anti-hero film based on the comic book character of the same name. the film stars Michael Jai White in the title role, and is one of the first films to feature an African American actor portraying a major comic book superhero.

Al Simmons is a mercenary who, after accepting a mission is double-crossed and assassinated on the orders of Jason Wynn. After selling his soul to Malebolgia, Al soon returns to Earth as a demon, a hell spawn with a raging thirst for vengeance.
After being reborn, Spawn has little time to understand his new being and must act fast all whist learning new abilities along the way.

Though not as dark as it's comic book counterpart and a little more humorous, Spawn is a nice addition to a pre MCU world, which would have been amazing to see this version of him team up with the likes of Wesley snipes Blade and future hero's like tobey Maguires Spiderman & Nicholas cages Ghost Rider.

Visually entertaining & always a personal favourite.

Love the CGI Cape.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Mar 22, 2020  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Could've been better
Shazam has been on my box to watch for quite some time, and after finally being persuaded to watch it I have to say I'l was a little unimpressed.

This is a very child orientated and almost childish film, which for me was a surprise considering it's set in the DC universe. Understandable to a point as the main character is a 14 year old child, but some of the silly childish jokes and the very super cheesy family friendly final act made me cringe. There were some decent laughs and these mainly came from Zachary Levi acting like a teenager. Levi shines in this film and if it wasn't for him this film would've been pretty dire. Even the usually reliable Mark Strong was wasted in this, and his villain wasn't particularly evil - although the effects used for the seven deadly sins were quite impressive.

Overall this was a rather underwhelming film that dragged on for a little too long. Whilst I didnt hate it as it did at least raise a few laughs, it's not a film I'd rush to watch again.
Kin-dza-dza! (1986)
Kin-dza-dza! (1986)
1986 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
Soviet-era comedy-SF resembles a high-speed collision between Mad Max and The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy as directed by Terry Gilliam. Earthling Everymen are accidentally teleported to the post-apocalyptic dystopia of Pluk, where lower-caste citizens must wear bells in their noses, social status is determined by the colour of your trousers, and most of the local language translates as 'koo!' Can they persuade a couple of dodgy locals to help them get home?

Possibly a little bit slow and overlong, and many of the jokes are probably too understated, but the desolate alien world is well-realised on a low budget (special effects are sparingly used, but look good when they are) and the intricately ridiculous society of Pluk has been worked out in impressive detail. Hard to tell whether the satire is aimed at capitalist society or communist, but perhaps this is the point: life on Pluk may be unfair, arbitrary, and often unintelligible, but then isn't that true everywhere? Well-played, solidly scripted for the most part (end comes unravelled a bit), very watchable and entertaining.

Barry Newman (204 KP) rated Dracula in TV

Apr 10, 2020  
2020 | Drama, Horror
6.1 (14 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
I missed this over Christmas so was quite chuffed to win a copy in a Smashbomb give away.

After watching all 3 episodes I have to say it takes some serious liberties with the source material (particularly in the devisive third episode) but as a whole I really enjoyed this. I am a fan of Sherlock (particularly the early episodes) so I liked what the team did here. The look is suitably gothic with a nice stream of dark humour running through. The production values and special effects were also quite impressive for a beeb production. I had never heard of Claes Bang before this but I have to say he was a brilliant bit of casting as Dracula.. charismatic and brooding.
Allot of people seem to hate episode 3 bringing Dracula to the present day but I personally found that episode allot of fun and an improvement over the slightly slow 2nd episode. (The first was the best by far though)
Overall though the series isn't quite something that will be regarded as a classic in years to come but I had fun watching it and will certainly recommend it.
Men in Black International (2019)
Men in Black International (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Meh In Black
A fourth instalment of the MIB series isn’t a film anyone was really crying out for but never the less here it is. Unfortunately its watchable but ultimately quite underwhelming. All though they aren’t a patch on Smith and Jones I thought Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson weren’t actually bad casting and they do successfully replicate the chemistry they had in ‘Thor – Ragnarok’ and certainly try their best but are sadly let down by some pretty weak writing. The plot is messy and convoluted and the humour feeling pretty forced where the original was sharp and snappily written , it’s certainly a job to have any real emotional investment in what is going on . The effects let it down a bit as well with the alien creatures looking as obviously CGI as they did in the over 20 year old original. It’s not terrible though , you can certainly get some enjoyment out of it if you are in the mood for something fast moving and undemanding but you might struggle to remember what it was all about a couple of hours later. Hopefully the franchise ends here.
The War of the Worlds
The War of the Worlds
2019 | Drama, Sci-Fi
Casting (1 more)
Special Effects
Story (1 more)
The Martians Reveal
Drawn out, dull, and not worthy of it's own title.
On first hearing about a new adaptation of War of the Worlds set in the original time and place as the book, I was incredible excited, as for some reason it has never been done.

Unfortunately, I, and my entire family were disappointed.

It's quite hard to review this without spoilers, as the main issue here is really the story, which has been so drawn out and distorted from it is no longer the story I know and love, but a show merely "based on" the book.

There are several critical differences in this story and the original story:
- The fates of different characters.
- The addition of pointless characters.
- The slow, intense reveal of the Martian invaders.

Despite these differences, the show could still have been enjoyable if it was not so drawn out. Without all the filler content, the whole thing could easily have been wrapped up into a much better 90 minute TV movie. Instead, the BBC drew it out in to 3 3 hour episodes that could bore the hind AND FRONT legs off a donkey.
The Mandalorian
The Mandalorian
2019 | Sci-Fi
The Star Wars franchises new hope
The Star Wars franchises new hope.
As a massive Star Wars fan and being old enough to have experienced the originals, I really enjoyed season 1. While I have liked the new Disney Star Wars films to varying degrees, I haven’t loved them entirely. I didn’t have great hopes for Disney’s series - I found my own lack of faith disturbing.
I happy to admit I was wrong. It feels so much more authentic and more star warsy than the recent films, the filming feels nostalgic. With the absence of the politicised content that has pervaded the Star Wars universe recently, The Mandalorian is darker, grittier, great effects, action packed and (perhaps most importantly) just a simpler story – told well. Also worth mentioning is the awesomeness of The child aka ‘baby yoda’.
My only minor criticism would be that the episodes got to be a bit formulaic – Mandalorian turns up at new location, makes a new ally, defeats that episode enemy, moves on … reminded me a little of the weekly A-Team episodes. Just me?
Highly recommended - A must see for Star Wars Fans!