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Jeff Lynne recommended Revolver by The Beatles in Music (curated)

Revolver by The Beatles
Revolver by The Beatles
1966 | Pop, Psychedelic, Rock

"This is pretty amazing. I think this is Geoff Emerick’s first go as engineer. He’d been working there [at Abbey Road studios] but he hadn’t become an engineer yet. When I was working with Paul McCartney on his album, Flaming Pie, Geoff was the engineer as well. He told me what a marvellous thing it was for him because he used this close mic ambience on this album and did some really amazing effects, like on ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’. Backwards stuff and all that and this was pretty advanced stuff in them days. It was more experimental than anything they’d done before. Some of the tunes on there are just great and it was them nearly getting into Sgt Pepper, you know? Probably doing more experimenting and copying tapes and bouncing them across. They hadn’t got the tracks to do it, really, so they had to use two machines and sometime three machines and then mix everything down from four tracks onto one and then start on another and mix that down to another machine. So it was very difficult to make those records, I would imagine. How did it sound back in ’66? Way better than everything else, I would say. It stood out like a sore thumb really. It was so tight and beautiful and punchy. It was the punchiest thing around. It was, like, powerful and, it seemed to me, majestic."

Independence Day (1996)
Independence Day (1996)
1996 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Okay but why do you all call this a legendary blockbuster spectacle when there's very little spectacle yet a whole lot of people sulking around in rooms talking about computer code, cigars, recycling, and little else of actual value? Honestly just bar that this is preposterous and nauseatingly corny with a twinge of jingoism (granted, still way less than I expected) and a metric fuckton of characters not the least bit interesting - because of course it is, this is a Roland Emmerich film. Hell, this is the nearly tit-for-tat way less fun precursor to 2012 as it stands. But Jesus Christ did it have to be so goddamn boring? Not even ten minutes into this weightless behemoth and I already wanted the aliens (who, by the way, are barely even used... in this ALIEN movie) to put all these annoying mfs out of their misery. Has some highlights: the whole alien surgery bit is still a winner, can't help but get a sincere chuckle out of the last scene with Randy Quaid, and of course the explosions are... explosive. But it isn't worth it to have to wait like 40+ bloated minutes of nothing between them just to get to some minor diversions. Yes the effects are nice but when do we get to sit back and admire them around all this insufferable exposition and cheese? Hirsch > Smith > Fox > Spiner > Goldblum > Quaid > the kid actors > everyone else > dog shit > Pullman.
The Guest (2014)
The Guest (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
You'd believe this purposefully sidesteps its possible themes or commentary on the adverse effects on war and a government that will sooner do shady things to save a microscopic smidgen of face rather than its own supposed heroes (though it still does a vastly superior job of showcasing them than most autopilot, sleep-inducing, reductive, and recycled WWII movies as of late), hell it hardly even sets up its own backstory let alone the potential depth of it all... but also who *really* cares when the resulting product is a legitimately balls-to-the-wall, terminally fun blast of awesome sauce like this? Wingard is the fucking man, the amount of directors I'd excuse a plot execution as flawed as this for I could probably count on one hand but the sheer lunacy of this unrestrained pulp powerhouse is more than enough evidence of his gift for unforgettable roller coasters of trash. This all - of course - would be next to nothing if not fueled by Dan Stevens in one of my new favorite performances of all time as a re-educated government massacre machine who behaves more like an inherently hostile alien body snatcher than a human being. Pair it with some cerebral editing, point-blank violence, real propaganda era-esque nuclear camerawork, Lance Reddick, and one of the most euphorically implemented soundtracks in all of film and it was impossible for this to ever fail from the get-go. Loved every second of it.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi
Trippy ending space stuff > HAL stuff > ape stuff > monolith stuff

Was fully ready to come out of this being like "Yeah this ain't really all it" but it was, it really fucking was all it. I've seen big budget studio movies from less than a year ago (including but not limited to a certain superhero-led murky monstrosity involving a big purple thumb villain and some exposition stones) that look demonstrably worse than this - which, for all intents and purposes, is the best looking movie of all time (considering the time, anyway). There isn't a lone shot that looks anything less than astounding, what people must have felt back in 1968 watching this doesn't even have anything remotely comparable today. I can understand why some people wouldn't gel with this; some scenes are played out way too long and much of the William Sylvester stuff is dull as a doorstop not to mention stifled by the visual gimmick - but it avoids being the easy style over substance vehicle it could have been (which for the record I still would have been all for) by actually having a truly ingenious and thought-provoking screenplay with go-to quotes out the wazoo. And I think even this film's supporters don't give it enough credit for how continually unnerving this is, either. Obviously there's nothing more constructive one can even add about the greatness of the film or its score, acting, effects, etc. It rules.
Real Steel (2011)
Real Steel (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Shame on this movie for having awesome arena robot boxing take place in 2020 meanwhile in the real world all we got was a global pandemic, massive forest fires, and WWIII threats smfh. In seriousness, it's no 𝘈𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘢: 𝘉𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 but it gets the job done. I have my grievances: the cinematography is too sterile for something like this, the design of the main robot also happens to be the lamest one, so on and so forth. But the biggest one of them all is how blissfully content this is with being a totally kickass mech boxing movie with some of the greatest effects you'll ever see, lovingly nerdy designs/energy, and spectacularly rousing fights... that gets *smothered* by another schmaltz-filled, threadbare, dull-as-a-doorstop 'washed-up underdog rekindles relationship with estranged urchin son/daughter' familial 'drama' which almost entirely overtakes the whole thing. And then it has the gall to not even resolve that main plot point it tried to get us so invested in to begin with. Also ends with total bullshit, but when this is in the zone it's as cool as can be - does *exactly* what it should. Whoever put Shawn Levy on this job needs to be fired, but if someone would be so gracious as to give this a re-edit with all of the intolerable syrup taken out then tbh I'd watch the hell out of it again 🤷‍♂️
Zombeavers (2015)
Zombeavers (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy, Horror
4.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Do you remember that bit in Scrubs where JD is trying so hard to not laugh at something that Sean Hayes' character says because he's cross with him, but let's out the smallest laugh and is then annoyed at himself? That's an accurate portrayal of the one time I found something funny in Zombeavers.

I enjoy a so-bad-it's-good film now and again - may I interest you in the culinary delights of Basket Case, or Maximum Overdrive perhaps? Hell, I'd even take The Wicker Man remake at this point - but Zombeavers is one of those films that thinks it's so-bad-it's-good when if fact it's just plain shite.
It would be a much easier film to enjoy if the characters weren't just completely awful assholes for the entire runtime. There is just no redeeming quality to any of them. I know that they are designed purely to die horrible deaths, but considering those parts don't happen for quite a time, it's a really grating and deeply unfunny experience.
By the time the horror hits, it's too hard to care anymore, and no amount of gratuitous nudity or silly gore can fix that.

I will acknowledge that it does step up a notch in the dying minutes when we get the human-beaver-zombie hybrids (with some pretty gross practical effects) and is the sole reason why this film went from a one to a two.

Big old pile of toss.
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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Oct 21, 2020

@Emma @ The Movies I'm sorry 😭😭 I had watched another crappy horror earlier that day so I might have just been in a sour mood. I'll revisit it in a year and let you know if I change my mind 😂


Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) Oct 21, 2020

Understandable, it’s a very fine line between good and bad. I have the urge to watch it again now. Lol

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