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I Kissed a Girl
I Kissed a Girl
Jennet Alexander | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun movie set romance
Noa Birnbaum's dream is to work in the movies: in horror special effects and makeup. She finally gets a chance to work on a real movie (one step closer to joining the union), but it means dropping out of school, where she's earning her theater degree. Her parents won't be pleased. On the set, she's face to face with actress Lilah Silver, whom Noa has had a crush on for ages. Lilah has her own dreams, to move beyond B-list horror films and into true stardom. This starring role as the "final girl" could be her opportunity. When she meets openly out Noa, Lilah may finally have a chance to admit to her own bisexuality. But a relationship could have its own problems for both Lilah and Noa.

"Noa'd thrown away everything else in her life for this job. And now she was seriously considering throwing the job away for a chance at a girl? Stupid beyond words."

This is a cute story whose strength comes across in its representation--queer characters covering bi, trans, lesbian and more. There's also some excellent Jewish representation, as both Noa and Lilah bond over their religious beliefs. As a member of the LGBTQIA community, I love seeing stories that reflect myself and my friends. Watching Lilah grapple with her bisexuality and coming out and seeing Noa hang out with her friends, being openly out and accepted. These are still stories and characters we do not get to see and read about regularly. Even better, it seems like I read a lot of queer YA books, not a lot where the characters are adults (although they might not always act like it in this story, ha). It was fun and refreshing.

"Special effects artist had never been on the list of things Good Jewish Girls Did."

For me, this book was a little long. It could have been a bit shorter and would have felt more snappy. A lot of the focus in this story is on miscommunication, which is a pet peeve of mine. I just can't handle when so much of the plot could be avoided if the characters just spoke openly to one another. It's also not entirely clear why Noa crushes so much on Lilah, to the point that it seems that she can't rationalize clearly. A lot of this inability to communicate or think clearly leads to some back and forth storylines, so it seems like as if the plot zigs and zags. Up and down. Will Noa go for a relationship with Lilah or keep her job? Is Lilah willing to risk her career for her sexuality? Again, if things had been just a bit shorter, we probably could have skipped a bit of this.

Still, this is a fun story. While Lilah and Noa can be frustrating sometimes, they are engaging characters. The horror film set adds an interesting level to the book (there's another plot line involving Lilah and threats to her safety). It's a little long, but I appreciated all the queer and Jewish rep. 3+ stars.

I received a copy of this book from Sourcebooks Casablanca and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review. It releases 8/3/2021.
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The humour (on the rare occasion there is any) (1 more)
The visual effects
The baffling fight scenes (0 more)
Visually, this film is stunning. It takes what Inception did and takes it into a whole new dimension (literally). With fights going on around constantly moving scenery, standing on the walls of buildings, or while the world around the fighters goes backwards it really was a visual treat.
However, the rest of the film seems like something of an afterthought. The story follows super-surgeon Steven Strange (not that one) trying everything possible to heal his badly damaged hands after a car crash that he caused himself by being an arrogant twat. This desire to fix his hands takes him to Tibet where he is taught lots of waving arms and making orange sparks appear in the air. All of this is rushed through and he just suddenly manages it. Once he manages to use the mystical power the first time he suddenly becomes a master at it ("we need a montage") and becomes his old arrogant, know-it-all self. And then he starts battling Mads Mikkelson, gets a magic cloak and stops the end of the world.
I'll be honest - very little of this film makes sense, and that's in the context of the Marvel Universe. What he's doing with his power, how he's doing it and what he is ultimately capable of is barely explained and you just have to accept it.
I hope Doctor Strange is a critical component of the Infinity Wars storyline, otherwise this was just a very pretty waste of time (a bit like Kelly Brook).
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
IT was unique from the book and previous miniseries while still maintaining the story line. (2 more)
The kids were funny, and the personalities were similar to those in the book.
Bill Skarsgård played on the fluidity of Pennywise without forcing too much comparison to Tim Curry
Most of the movie was spent wondering how they were going to finish within the time frame. (1 more)
Henry Bowers and crew were much less prominent than in the book, this might be corrected during flashbacks in the second movie.
Contains spoilers, click to show
As a die hard Stephen King fan this book entered my consciousness at 14, before the mini-series which is unusual for my age group. I've devoured all 1400 pages of the novel at least 5 times in the last 20 years, and always felt the mini-series was "good for it's time".

This movie has delivered on the promise for more in a way that was amazing and over the top. Bill Skarsgård clearly did his homework on both Pennywise from the novel and Tim Curry's terrifying rendition. I loved his ability to show the infinite being's vulnerability and desire to be included, while at the same time showing it's ferocity and anger.

The special effects delivered what the promotional material promised, and sucked me right into the world of Derry without a second thought. I loved the references to the shed burning down, the refrigerator where Bowers suffocated the dog, and the phenomenal rendition of the Neibolt street house.

If the next movie is anything like the first it's worth seeing opening night. I look forward to seeing the Loser's Club as adults.
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
David Platt | 2010 | Religion
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
A while back in the beginning of the year, I was offered a copy of Radical for review. I didn't have time, I was loaded down with school, and I wanted fiction, not "God-books." But before I went to college, I was browsing the books in my book store, and saw Radical. I read the back and thought "why didn't I get this earlier?" So I bought it.

Yep, you read right. I, a broke college student, forked over fifteen hard-earned dollars and bought a book.

Probably the best fifteen dollars I've ever spent.

In a sentence: Radical will change your life. It's not a 'feel-good' kind of book, it's a 'dangit-now-i-feel-guilty' kind of book. Platt takes Jesus' commandment to His followers of going and making disciples and puts it in our world, in our day and age, at our level.

Which, as he will show you, is exactly the same as it was 2000 years ago—whether we like to believe that or not.

I don't think I can possibly go a day without thinking about the things I've learned from this skinny little book. I read through it very fast, I journaled and underlined in it, I've re-read sections, I've prayed about it.

Summarizing Radical and the effects it's had on my thinking would be pointless for me to do: it would be better for you to get a copy for yourself and read it, cover to cover. Trust me when I say there is no going back, there is not excuse. After reading this book, a question is posed: What is Jesus worth to you?

Recommendation: All ages
A Deep Dark Secret
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a terrible thing when children are abused. It's more terrible when they are abused by a family member. The worst is when that family member is a parent. The person you are supposed to trust the most with your life.
Jillian Mitchell was 7 years old when her step-father started to molest her. It was one of the happiest and saddest days of her life. The day her baby sister, Layla, was born.
The abuse continued for 5 years. Starting with touching and escalating to oral sex and naked pictures. Byron, her step-father told her that if she told anyone, they wouldn't believe her and that they would blame her. And that if she wasn't going to do it, then he would get her little sister(who is now 5) to do it.
Jillian lived with this secret and never told anyone, not even her closest friend. When an incident at school, leads Jillian to find out she is not the only one in this situation, she finds the courage to stand up to her step-father (who she thought of as her real father from the beginning) and get him out of her life for good!
This is a great book and helps us understand that effects that abuse can have on children and their life as adults. Everyone handles it differently and more need to know that it is alright to speak out about it. I believe that if more children were not afraid to tell the secret, then we would have a lot less abuse out there and the cycles of teenage pregnancy and suicide would decrease.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
The tension is almost unbearable (0 more)
The tension is almost unbearable. (0 more)
Holy crap!

I just got back from "A Quiet Place." Hands down, it is the best horror film I've seen in years. There really isn't much to compare it to, really. It's great. I honestly think I have a new movie to add to my list of near perfect films.

Because of the nature of the film, I'm only going to give any detail about the first 10 to 15 minutes, and only to give some background. The film follows a family after creatures arrive from somewhere (it doesn't really matter where but maybe space) with extremely sensitive hearing but no sense of sight. They have eaten almost every human being they've encountered. Any sound will attract them, and that will be that, most likely.

The family survives because their daughter is hearing impaired, and thus they can communicate with sign. However, complications ensue.

The cast is tiny. There are only six credited actors. The creature effects are passable, but the design is great. You won't be seeing much of them, anyway.

A teenager with her face in her phone was in front of me, and at the end of the film said to her friend, "That was it?" Yes, that was it. The final five seconds or so are perfect. If you didn't understand that because you've been texting instead of watching the film, you're loss, kiddo.

Anyway, "A Quiet Place" gets 10 out of 10. It's the best film of the year, by far. See it, hopefully with someone who will cling to you while watching.
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I heard about Turtles All The Way Down being released, I didn’t know how I felt. It sounded like a book I would like, but at the same time it was by John Green and I had a strict policy to myself that I wouldn’t get it until it was in paperback and in the sale.

And I kinda stuck to that. I didn’t buy it for myself. I got it for Christmas because I decided that I actually quite wanted to read it and for once I could try and throw my prejudices away.

Aza and her best friend Daisy decide to try and find out where a missing billionaire has gone. This billionaire is coincidentally Aza’s childhood best friend’s father, and the reward for finding him is $100,000.

Aza struggles with mental health illnesses throughout the book, and the book includes narratives between Ava and her thoughts which perfectly show how mental health effects people and what it actually feels like to not be in control of your thoughts. It also shows how your mental health affects people around you, even if it’s a bit brutal when it comes to that.

I love that Daisy is constantly writing fanfics throughout the novel and found her whole attitude entertaining. She’s the typical fictional best friend and is so lovable despite her flaws. She’s one of those characters who is impossible to hate.

I’m a convert. I love John Green now and I may go and try his other books again because Turtles All The Way Down is one of my top books of 2017.
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women
Kate Moore | 2017 | Biography, History & Politics
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kate Moore writes a compelling and heart wrenching story about a group of women from New Jersey and Illinois whose job it was to use radium paint to paint watch dials so they would illuminate at night. Little did they know, that every time they would put their brush in their mouth to get the point just right to paint the dial precisely, they were killing themselves. They were told that the paint was perfectly safe and there was no way that the paint could be causing all of their medical problems. But the companies knew that the radium was dangerous. Scientists and others in the radium plant used gloves and had lead aprons on, but the dial painters were not given that luxury.

Slowly the effects of the paint began to show on their bodies. Women who were in the prime of their life were losing their teeth, their jaw bones were falling out, it was difficult for them to walk, and no one could explain it. They went to several doctors and no one could find the reason they were getting sick. The radium companies refused to admit that they were at fault. For years and years, they fought for justice. Justice for women who were dying in their 20s. This book made your heart ache for these women.

While I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was quite a slow read for me. I wanted to know if justice was going to be served, but it took a while to get to that point. This is quite an interesting story and this was the first that I had ever heard of it.