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The Nubians of Plutonia by Sun Ra
The Nubians of Plutonia by Sun Ra
1966 | Jazz
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This comes from a place that keeps coming back into my life, which is Chicago. So many records from Chicago resonate in my Mancunian hellhole! When we were picking up Sun Ra records in the bargain bins for 50p with all the corners cut off, you'd go for the cover of the sleeves because on the back they'd show them playing these car parks somewhere with all this pageantry and all these weird electronic keyboards. And you'd be like, ""Oh! That looks really interesting!"" You'd put it on and it sounded like this odd, aged, Biblical music; like the Seven Tribes crossing the Sahara or something. It's very percussive – there huge sections where it's just percussion clattering away, and then you'd be hit by this kind of big band swing thing. And you'd be, ""Oh! That's really odd!"" and then there'd be an electric piano solo in the middle of that; it was just totally confusing! This was one of those records that sat around for a while and there'd be maybe one or two track that you went for. Gradually, the album would then open up for you. And then your friends would have another Sun Ra album and these things gathered together. There was a gig in Manchester in 1981, and it was Sun Ra with what must have been a 20-piece band and they had [saxophonist] John Gilmore and [singer/violinst] June Tyson in it – the classic version of the band, really – and it was like a three-hour concert. The epiphany that came with it was they did this enormous timeline that included music from the 1930s, which then went all the way through to freeform electronic wailing and synthesizer solos that went on for 15 minutes, as well as battles between trombones and really structured compositional things. A few years ago, it was Sun Ra's centenary and there was a festival in Liverpool and we put a band together to do a Sun Ra tribute. So we learnt a lot of stuff from the Impulse label records – the 50s Chicago stuff – and you can get all the music from the Smithsonian. We put in enough time to making it sound good and it was a really rewarding experience to live in that music for a while. [Saxophonist] Marshall Allen once stayed at my house. He saw all the instruments lying around and he says, ""Oh, you play?"" And I was like, ""Sort of"" because at that point, imposter syndrome kicks in, but he was like, ""Can you play two notes?"" and I'm going, ""Yeah, yeah"" and he said, ""Well, let's do it!"" We ended up setting up a recording session and we made an album in the evening, and then went out and had kebabs! But it's interesting how popular Sun Ra's records have become over time, because back then, they were practically giving them away."


Moby recommended Bryter Layter by Nick Drake in Music (curated)

Bryter Layter by Nick Drake
Bryter Layter by Nick Drake
1970 | Folk
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I mentioned Johnny's record store, and as well as Suicide, which is ironic considering he killed himself, he got me to listen to Nick Drake. This is such a perfect record, the songs are perfect, the singing's perfect, the instrumentation (even though Phil Collins plays on the songs) is perfect. It was one of those records that didn't need any explaining. I walked in, it was playing, and I asked 'what's this?', I thought it maybe was a Cat Stevens b-side. He told me it was Nick Drake and that I should buy it and he gave me a discount on the record because he was such an evangelist for it, and thought it was one of the best records ever made and that people needed to learn about Nick Drake. I took it home and fell in love with it. It's been a constant for me ever since. I can't imagine a month of my life that's gone by that I've not listened to it. The funniest experience was the first real tour I did, in 1991, with the band The Shamen. It was the first electronic music rave tour of the States, and at the time I didn't drink, I didn't do drugs, I was a very naive little kid and I was on tour with the Shamen, who were all really partying quite hard. I think we liked and respected each other, but we didn't really have anything in common apart from a shared love of electronic music. One day I was in the back of the lounge listening to Nick Drake's Bryter Layter and the singer came back and you could see his face lit up, and you could see he was a huge Nick Drake fan. We bonded over that. The next tour I did was with the Prodigy and Richie Hawtin, and the one after that was with Orbital and the Aphex Twin. During these tours there was a rave scene in the early 90s, but compared to the UK it was much smaller. It certainly existed. One of the reasons why the rave scene in the States is how it is, is because a lot of the people involved do way too many drugs. You get these DJs and performers who get really into the rave scene and then do more drugs in one night than most human beings should in a lifetime, so the burn-out rate is pretty high. In 1996 I was dating this raver girl, and she had gone out and did three hits of ecstasy, three hits of ketamine, some acid and crystal meth and I just remember thinking 'how can your body handle that?' But I guess if you're 19 years old it can handle it for a little while. Definitely that type of drug use led to a lot of people burning out"


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Stranger Things - Season 1 in TV

Jul 5, 2019 (Updated Jul 5, 2019)  
Stranger Things  - Season 1
Stranger Things - Season 1
2016 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Welcome to Hawkins
For me, the first season of Stranger Things is perfect, and I really, and truly mean that.
The acting is top notch, the young actors in particular are phenomenal, believable, hugely professional.
Winona Ryder is fantastic as Joyce Byers, a mother losing her mind over the disappearance of her son (or is she). David Harbour is possibly the most likeable TV character in recent history, as Hopper, and then we have a host of supporting characters who all have an individual impact on the overall narrative (Justice for Barb)

There is an impending sense of dread throughout, as the mystery of Wills disappearance is slowly unravelled, as the season flits effortlessly from 80s buddy adventure, to creature feature, to government conspiracy thriller - there are many plates being spun, and none of them fall off.
Some of the more tense scenes will have you on the edge of your seat (R.U.N.)
At times it even reminded of one of my absolute favourite shows ever - Twin Peaks.

The 80s setting is a smart move, shoeing in references to other media left, right and centre, without ever feeling to on the nose, topped off with a very retro low electronic soundtrack, the atmosphere is very well crafted.

All of these positives put together produce an astounding season of television, that is near impossible to watch in bits.

Easy 10/10 for me!

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) Jul 5, 2019

Couldn't agree more esp about Hopper - total legend!