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KatyShubo (75 KP) rated Bible in Apps

Jan 6, 2019  
Reference, Book
10.0 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Access to any translation you desire (2 more)
Opportunity to leave notes
Share passages with friends
Is it pushing electronic over actual pages (0 more)
A truly pocket sized Bible
This app is a marvel. Allows you to always have access to a bible, I try to carry my Bible always but I can’t read my small one well and the one I can read is HUGE and therefore heavy.

This app allows me to read passages in several different translations with great ease.

I am currently doing a bible study with this app with friends in Australia and Rome and yet this app makes it possible for us to read together and connect and share our thoughts as though we were all together.

The app offers a verse of the day and really does encourage people to interact with it.

My only concern is that with this app being so good will people stop picking up their actual Bibles because electronic is no match for actual pages.
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark by Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark by Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
1980 | Alternative, Dance, Electronic, Pop, Rock
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'd agree that they were ahead of their time, they were quite minimalist really. Minimal electronic music. When I heard the b-side of 'Electricity', which was a track called 'Almost', that was like hearing Simon & Garfunkel, only in an electronic world. The songs were really simple, there was heaps of emotion in that particular track. It was a record that everybody had in my group, and we all played it at parties and danced to it. I say 'dance', I am not Saturday Night Fever, I'm working on it. I'm trying to break the moonwalk at the moment. 'Electricity', I didn't know what it was about, it just sounded really really exciting. They were a prog rock band in the old days apparently. I was telling the keyboard player about my admiration for 'Almost' and he said, "Yeah that was one of our old prog rock songs, there were seven people in the band"."

Personal Shopper (2017)
Personal Shopper (2017)
2017 | Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Assayas is one of my favorite living filmmakers, and this film is a testament to why that is. To me, it is the most effective film on grief and loneliness in the twenty-first century, when everyone views their electronic devices as extra appendages. It’s a genre-pushing investigation into the unknowable ways in which we communicate with one another through devices and airwaves, which we are still only just beginning to understand."


Andy Bell recommended Dare by The Human League in Music (curated)

Dare by The Human League
Dare by The Human League
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"What a fucking record! If you hadn't been introduced to synthesisers via Kraftwerk or Soft Cell, then this was the album that would do it. This was another that became the soundtrack to my teenage life. Knew it inside out and what a relief that boys could finally wear makeup. There's not one dud track on here and the non-singles are best, except 'Love Action', which is pure class. The League are the reason that electronic music has been kept alive."


Caribou recommended track Outdoor Miner by Wire in Chairs Missing by Wire in Music (curated)

Chairs Missing by Wire
Chairs Missing by Wire
1978 | Punk
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Outdoor Miner by Wire

(0 Ratings)


"Having come to music production via electronic music first, I had to go back at some point and try and figure out how to write songs. Learning how to do so involved picking apart my favourite songs, including this piece of perfect concision. It’s a great reminder that those artists like Wire who pushed forward the boundaries of the avant-garde are by no means exempted from writing a perfect pop song every once in a while, when it strikes their fancy."

Private Down Under (Private #6)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the typical James Patterson style, it was soooo good you didn't want to put the book down. There were 4 story lines all going at once, which was a little overwhelming but not super confusing at all. I liked the entire book, and as always a huge fan of James Patterson.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary electronic book through
I was not required to write a positive review, only an honest one. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.

David Byrne recommended Post by Bjork in Music (curated)

Post by Bjork
Post by Bjork
2006 | Rock
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Björk’s Debut and Post were mind-blowing records at the time—that somebody could use electronic beats and then do super innovative stuff with it. Then she continued doing things that explored lots of different other areas, with the Greenland Choir and with sounds made with the mouth. Once in awhile you see this amazing total artist, where you go, This person thinks about the stage, the shows, the costumes, the record covers, and the music, and it’s all part of a total thing."

By Brakhage: An Anthology, Volume One (2010)
By Brakhage: An Anthology, Volume One (2010)
2010 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Of all the titles in the Collection, this may be the one whose content is most radically altered by the shift from film to video, projection to electronic display. What’s lost in translation—flicker, physicality, the sheer thingness of a Brakhage film flung through space—is made up for by our ability to study the intricate compositions, structures, and rhythms in detail. Taken frame by frame, it’s like owning a Brakhage monograph with 350,000 plates. Is Commingled Containers the most beautiful of all films? Yes."

Santa Claus: The Movie (1985)
Santa Claus: The Movie (1985)
1985 | Family, Sci-Fi

"As a children’s movie, this might be a failure, but as a surrealist nightmare set in a world of Yuletide kitsch, it’s a masterpiece. Santa lives in a castle in outer space, with a wizard and a giant room full of singing children of every ethnic stereotype imaginable. The reindeer are robots. He watches the earth with a giant all-seeing electronic eyeball. Satan sends a demon to corrupt the children of earth, and only you-know-who can stop him. And that’s only the beginning…"

Tina Fey | 2012 | Biography
7.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tina Fey is totally hysterical and this book would have gotten a full five stars if she hadn't kept telling the listeners to refer to pictures and illustrations in the PDF version (Lady, don't you get it? I'm listening to this for the main reason that I CAN'T read it on PDF)! (An aside: I think you seem more strange laughing out loud when listening to an audio book than when you laugh out loud when reading from a physical book - electronic or print.)