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The Children of Hurin
The Children of Hurin
J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the key things that makes The Lord of the Rings so enduring is that it sits on thousands of years of history and stories all plotted in detail by Tolkien before he even conceived of his epic trilogy. This is one of those stories, an outline of which appears in the Silmarillion, and familiarity with that book is advised before reading this one.

Set in Beleriand at a time when Morgoth ruled over the land from his fortress of Angband, this is a tragedy on the scale of Hamlet. Principally telling the tale of Túrun son of Húrin it follows his life as he becomes the leader of an outlaw band leading the fight back against Morgoth, the elves and dwarves having essentially retreated to their core lands and given up. His actions motivate the races into action and give hope that Morgoth can be defeated.

But this comes at a cost. Túrin is cursed and doomed to ultimate failure. The last third of the book is pretty grim as everything he has worked for and everything he holds dear is destroyed by his own actions, taken in good faith at the time. There can be no happy ending.

The tone, therefore, is a shade darker than the darkest passages of The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien's deep knowledge of his invented folklore is still to the fore and it is good to see how the world of elves looked in its prime rather than the faded and jaded view we get in the tales of the War of the Ring. It is not an easy read by any means, but it is a worthwhile one for anyone who wants to know more about the tales of Beleriand.
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Story: Thor: The Dark World starts as Thor (Hemsworth) must restore the power in Asgard after Loki’s (Hiddleston) actions, this has made him in the position he should be, waiting to take over his father Odin’s (Hopkins) role. Meanwhile on Earth Jane (Portman) is trying to move with her life, but in London she discovers an unusual series of events which ends up taking her to Elf world.

When Jane becomes cursed, Thor takes her to Asgard to find a cure, which gives Malekith (Eccleston) a chance to lead his army back into combat so he can return the universe back to darkness. Thor must turn to Loki t help him defeat Malekith and save the universe.


Thoughts on Thor: The Dark World


Characters – Thor is once again preparing to take his throne in Asgard, he has restored faith in the nine realms, but he still misses Jane. When she becomes cursed, he returns to Earth to save her, which only brings back an ancient enemy to the Asgardians in the Dark Elves, he must disobey his father once again to end the threat and save the woman he loves. Jane is trying to get on with her life now, her research has taken her to London where she is trying to get over Thor, her investigation sees her cursed and taken to Asgard to learn about Thor’s home world. Loki is locked up for his actions, after his mother is murdered, Thor turns to him for help to get vengeance. Malekith is the leader of the Dark Elves, he has waited for his chance to bring the universe into darkness once again, killing Frigga the mother of Thor.

Performances – Chris Hemsworth continues to make Thor one of the most entertaining character in the universe. Natalie Portman was known to not be interested in being in the film, it does show in her performance which does disappoint. Tom Hiddleston brings another dimension to his character here which is only going to make him a more loved character. Christopher Eccleston does give us a basic villain, one that is only after power and is mostly under make up, making his performance harder to judge.

Story – The story here follows Thor on his latest adventure, one where he must face an ancient enemy who wants to put the universe into darkness, while finally returning to Jane who has become cursed by the Dark Elves magic. This is another sequel that does address the previous films in the franchise by showing the hints the Thor and Loki could still rebuild their bond even after what Loki has done, we address forbidden relationships between Thor and Jane, have a villain that is obsessed with power, though isn’t the most three-dimensional and see Thor needing to learn more about his responsibilities as a potential king. This is everything you would expect a sequel to be in this universe.

Action/Fantasy – The action involved in this film is mostly big CGI chases sequences between spacecrafts, we do get Thor doing the hammer routine which works well enough for the film. the fantasy side of the film continues to build on the idea that the worlds above have been fighting longer than people could imagine with fresh enemies waiting in the shadows.

Settings – The film uses Asgard, the home world of the Dark Elves and London as the main settings, each has its own action sequences which also shows what Thor is fighting for.

Special Effects – The effects are not as strong as previous films, but we do get some very impressive scenes none the less, the certain moments of weakness do hold the marks up though,

Scene of the Movie – London battle.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The villain isn’t as interesting as previous ones.

Final Thoughts – This is still an entertaining sequel, it might not be as strong as some of the previous films, but it entertains throughout.


Overall: Fantasy Filled Sequel.
The Dragon Prince - Season 1
The Dragon Prince - Season 1
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Amazing Series
Humans have killed the Lord of Dragons with their Dark Magic, and a war between them and the Elves has resulted in fear, bitterness, and prejudice on both sides.
The young princes of the human kingdom discover that the only egg of the Lord of Dragons was not destroyed, but kept hidden, now embark on a quest, together with an elf, to return the egg to its mother, and hopefully, put an end to the fighting that has claimed so many lives.
Cute, witty and heartfelt, the creators of Avatar, the Last Airbender, have made another absolute gem! This one is suitable for kids, as well as animation loving adults. It explores themes of ignorance, loyalty, open mindedness and loss, in a deep and also funny way.
The third series has just come onto Netflix, and I can not wait to het started!!!!
The Silmarillion
The Silmarillion
J.R.R. Tolkien | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic descriptive used throughout the book (0 more)
Sometimes hard to follow location names if you aren't familiar with his work (0 more)
He is a master!
It has been a while since I have read anything by Tolkien, but as usual he never disappoints.

From the first page of the book he weaved his magic and I was once again transported to Middle Earth. He has such a gift for writing and storytelling you feel like you are there living and breathing the story. No wonder the man is a legend, his imagination knows no bounds from the poetic location names to the wealth and personalities of the characters, especially in this version as I listened to the audiobook my mind was conjuring up all sorts of colourful images. I guess it help having read previous books in the Middle Earth Universe collection, lots of the place names and characters were familiar to me.

No-one writes elves, goblins or dwarfs quite as well this man.
Sophie Foster has never quite felt like she fit in with her family. Turns out, that's because she isn't human. When she meets Fitz, her entire life changes as she leaves the Forbidden Cities of the human world to join the Lost Cities of the Elves. But her presence stirs up trouble in the Lost Cities as two different hidden factions start fighting over her. Can she navigate this new world and figure out who to trust?

This set contains the first three books in the series in paperback. They are filled with twists, turns, and surprises as well as wonderful characters and a fantasy world I would love to go visit. If you enjoy Middle Grade fantasy, you need to read these books, and when you do, you'll devour these three books as quickly as you can.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Blood Bowl (2016 edition)
Blood Bowl (2016 edition)
2016 | Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures, Sports
Blood Bowl is the perfect balance of miniature gaming, Tolkienesque fantasy and honest to goodness fluff and humour. (0 more)
The two teams in the base set don't have all the positional figures but this can easily fixed with team expansions. (0 more)
One of the oldest and best just got a relaunch
Blood Bowl is more than just a boxed game; for some it's a way of life, boasting tournaments and fans all around the world, including players of the many spin-off video games. The base set barely touched the surface of the hobby. I thoroughly recommend seeking out the Death Zone expansions, which add league rules to the mix. There are already many team expansions (such as Elves) released with more to come. The hobby is further supported by an abundance of third party additions. If you like the idea of playing a strategic, turn-based version of American Football with Dwarves and mutant rats the look no further.
The Rage of Dragons
The Rage of Dragons
Evan Winter | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this one up during the summer for a holiday read, but have only just got around to reading it now.

And, I have to say, I was really impressed with it.

Telling the story of Tau Solarin, this probably falls somewhere between high fantasy (yes, there are dragons but no elves or dwarves or such like) and heroic fantasy (none of the characters are really what you would call conventional heroes!), but nor is it what I would call Dark fantasy (you can understand why they are doing what they are doing, with none of the characters really anti-heroes).

I'm looking forward to finding out more about the background, culture, beliefs and (in general) the world in future instalments: just what was The Cull, for instance, and why did the Omehi have to flee from it?

At that, how did the caste system come about? Will it be overthrown ... ?
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
2018 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Solid Holiday Film
Two siblings have to help Santa save Christmas after they are responsible for destroying his sleigh.

Acting: 8

Beginning: 8
The movie takes a little bit of time to get ramped up, but it’s a somewhat understandable setup. Director Clay Kaytis is trying to get us emotionally involved in the characters and succeeds to a certain extent. I have to admit, I wasn’t fully invested in the movie after watching the first ten minutes. Once it gets going, though, you’re in for a treat.

Characters: 8
I wasn’t in love with the two main characters Kate (Darby Camp) and Teddy (Judah Lewis). They seemed very cookie-cutter, almost too “Hallmarky” for me. The acting could have something to do with it, I don’t know. I will say that I grew to really like them over time.

Kurt Russell’s Santa Clause was outstanding, hands-down one of the most creative depictions of Santa I have ever seen. He made the entire movie fun. He’s cool, but naive at the same time. He has a big heart, but he doesn’t take any crap either. He stole every moment of every scene he was in to the point where I wouldn’t mind seeing him again running the helm in a sequel. Call me crazy, but I think it’s one of his best roles. I could use another two hours of just him and the elves.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Genre: 8

Memorability: 9
It’s all about the creativity here as that’s what made the film so memorable. Christmas films have been done and redone so it’s always refreshing to get a new spin on things. While the basics are similar, I can guarantee you this is a Christmas film unlike any you have ever seen. The angry elves were probably my favorite touch, but there are a number of other fun things that stood out as well like Santa’s magic hat.

Pace: 9

Plot: 9

Resolution: 8

Overall: 87
While The Christmas Chronicles does few things exceptionally well, the film succeeds with a solid Santa and a big heart. It’s a solid holiday movie to add to the collection for adults and children alike. Well worth the watch.
A Christmas Horror Story (2015)
A Christmas Horror Story (2015)
2015 | Horror
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As far as anthology horrors go, A Christmas Horror Story is so-so. It tells four seperate tales, all connected to each other in someway, not to dissimilar to Trick R' Treat in terms of structure.

They vary in quality of course. One of them is a ghost story, as three students go about exploring the abandoned crime scene of two people murdered in ritual sacrifice on Christmas the year before. This one was plain boring. It was creepy in places, and is presented occasionally in a found footage style. The characters here are pretty unlikable, and doesn't really offer much to the overall film bar a couple of predictable jump scares.
Another revolves around a couple who's child goes missing whilst chopping down a Christmas tree for their home. They find the child, but eventually find out that he is in fact a shapeshifting troll. Chaos ensues. This one was ok, some good performances by Adrian Holmes and Olunike Adeliyi certainly help it carry more gravitas.
A third story revolves around Krampus preying on a family trying to make amends with some long lost relatives. Again, this one was ok. It's quite visually pleasing in its setting, but it's a pretty standard short revolving around a story we've already heard a hundred times. Krampus looks good enough considering it's a dude in make up.
And the the fourth story is easily the best of the bunch. It revolves around Santa fending off his elves in Christmas Eve when they succumb to a zombie style virus. Santa stomping around decapitating zombie elves by the bucket load is exactly what I signed up for. It also has the films best twist, which is pretty damn bleak, and features a Santa vs Krampus showdown. The film's worth watching for this segment alone!

Overall, A Christmas Horror Story is entertaining enough to justify a Yuletide watch. It has half decent production values (if you ignore the occasional piss poor CGI), some passable gore, and all the stories are inter cut by mother fucking William Shatner of all people, who actually seems to be having a good time here. Don't go in expecting a masterpiece and I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy.

Merissa (11800 KP) rated The Pig Wars in Books

Jan 18, 2022  
The Pig Wars
The Pig Wars
M.K. Theodoratus | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE PIG WARS is a standalone fantasy set in a world of Elves, Half-Elves, and Humans, although it does feel as though this is a follow-on or spin-off from a previous set of stories. Our main female, Renna, is a Half-Elf and a strong warrior who has hung up her sword after a long and heart-breaking battle. Gorsfeld is human and wants to rule the Marches, either by marrying Renna or taking over her lands. He's not bothered which. Renna has a dodgy leg from birth which is used as the reason she is still alone.

As the title suggests, the whole book is about the two of them fighting over pigs. Renna is supposed to be the smart, strong, and silent type, but she is not quiet in her mind. There is always a monologue going on, usually about how upset she is because someone is riding roughshod over her, even though she makes no attempt to stand up for herself (apart from in her mind.) Gorsfeld has his fair share of monologues too, so I guess that's fair. Renna's character didn't do much for me. In fact, most of them didn't. There is a lot going on and her friends leave a lot to be desired. Because of some of the rants and situations, it makes me question if I have missed another story in this world. I felt as though I had dropped into a world already established where intrigue and political gains had already been explained.

There were some grammatical errors in the story, not enough to disrupt the flow, but enough so you notice. There is a hint of romance at the end, leading you to believe there might be another book in the making. This was a different book that I did enjoy, but I'm not sure I will be continuing if another story does come out.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!