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Mrs. Claus and the Evil Elves
Mrs. Claus and the Evil Elves
Liz Ireland | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Evil Elves Complicating Christmas
April Claus is thrilled that, for her second Christmas as Mrs. Claus, she is able to host her friend Claire at the North Pole. However, on top of the normal holiday chaos, there are new challenges. The reindeer are on strike. Someone scares the crowd at the annual ice sculpture contest with a drone-deer. And April’s friend Jupiter is worried about her boyfriend. Can April juggle all of this with her normal Mrs. Claus duties?

Obviously, there is quite a lot happening here. It’s all balanced perfectly with plenty of action and twists in the mystery to keep us engaged the entire time. April leads a cast of charming characters, and I enjoyed the growth in some relationships. The fantasy setting is wonderfully realized. I love getting lost in this world, and I can only imagine how much fun it would be to read this in December. Then there’s the humor. Claire’s reactions to some of the things she sees are priceless, and there are other great moments, too. Yet the more serious themes and elements work as well. If you have yet to start this series, you are in for a treat. Fans will find the Christmas spirit here no matter when they pick up the book.
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
2018 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Kurt Russell is Santa Claus!!!
My wife and daughter started watching Christmas movies a few weeks back now, far too early in my opinion. But when the trailer first came out for The Christmas Chronicles on Netflix, it definitely got me in the Christmas spirit and I just couldn't wait to see it. So, on a lazy Sunday morning, cold and wet outside, all snuggled up in bed and with a cat and a dog spread out on top of us, we decided to watch it. Perfect.

Teddy and Kate Pierce have had a tough year. We see home movies of most of their Christmas's growing up, showing the good fun times with their parents. And then we see this Christmas. They've lost their dad, mum going out to work while Kate helps around the house and Teddy going out with friends, stealing cars and getting into trouble. When mum has to work on Christmas Eve night, the kids are left home alone and Christmas looks like being very different from previous years. While Kate watches those old Christmas movies, she notices a mysterious arm briefly appearing in the corner of the screen and is convinced they'd captured Santa Claus on camera. Enlisting the help of brother Teddy, they decide to try and catch Santa on camera once more. Things don't end up going quite according to plan though and they end up crash landing with Santa somewhere in Chicago. The reindeer came loose during their descent and are lost in the city. Santa's hat, which helps him zip around and teleport down chimneys, also blew off during the fall. Christmas is in jeopardy and Santa and his two new helpers need to fix it. We get car chases, badass little elves and Santa in jail wearing shades while playing the piano and belting out Christmas tunes, accompanied by backing singers!

As with any Christmas film that's introducing us to a new Santa and a new vision of the world he lives in, it takes a little while to get used to. Luckily, this one doesn't take long, and Kurt Russell is a very believable and enjoyable Santa who doesn't do ho-ho-ho's. The one thing that worried me from the trailer were the elves, who looked like they were going to be annoying little CGI characters. Luckily, they're used sparingly but effectively and were a lot of fun.

The whole Christmas in jeopardy plot is a fairly familiar one, having been done time and again over the years. But I actually really enjoyed this latest spin. Good fun, a bit of emotional stuff at the end and a nice surprise cameo to finish things off. Definitely got me in the Christmas spirit
The Good, the Bad and the Smug
The Good, the Bad and the Smug
Tom Holt | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love Tom Holt’s sense of humor and writing style. He is sarcastic, quirky, fun to read, entertaining, light-hearted, and hilarious. I fell in love with his world and his style when I read (listened to) Doughnut way back in 2013. Apparently TGTB&TS is book 4 in the series and I missed all the ones in between. But not once did I feel lost or confused. Actually I didn’t even know it was part of the series until I recognized the sound of “The Very Very Large Hadron Collider.”

That being said, I’d recommend reading book 1 before you read this, otherwise you will be so confused it would distract you from how funny the book is.

Tom Holt has managed to take something so absolutely ridiculous and impossible and make it totally real. The characters are well built and real (even if they are goblins and elves and stock brokers pretending to be rumplestiltskin). The plot had my heart racing (trying to figure out why The Dark Lord is crying over patterned curtains is a serious matter) and the conclusion, though open to interpretation and somewhat confusing, was still fulfilling. I’m very happy with this book and look forward to going back (and forwards) to enjoy the others in the series!

Content/Recommendation: some language, some mention of eating body parts. no sex. Ages 18+
Mrs. Claus and the Nightmare Before New Year’s
Mrs. Claus and the Nightmare Before New Year’s
Liz Ireland | 2024 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interlopers at Christmas
April Claus’s husband, Nick, has just taken off on his annual trip around the world delivering presents when three human strangers are brought into town. They were found outside of Santaland injured from the cold. That means they need help before they can be sent on their way, so April and the elves work hard on keeping Santaland a secret while treating the strangers. But things take a turn when one of the strangers dies. Can April figure out what happened? Will Santaland keep its secret?

If you haven’t read this series yet, you are in for a treat. Yes, it is a cozy as you are thinking it might be, and the author has done a great job of building that cozy world for us to escape into. Yet the mystery is still well done, and April works hard to solve it. In the end, the clues lead her to a logical conclusion. The characters are as charming as ever, and the new ones fit perfectly into this world. I had to laugh and grin at the antics the characters get up to as the story unfolds. Fans of the series will delight in the latest entry. If you haven’t picked up the series, change that soon. After all, skipping it might just put you on the naughty list.
Capture (Torsere #1)
Capture (Torsere #1)
Annabelle Jacobs | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Capture is the first book in the Torsere series and we drop into a world where kingdoms are small but the dragons are great!!!

Ryneq is the King of Torsere, his sister is about to enter a marriage to the Elves, and he doesn't have time for a dalliance of any kind other than the odd night or two. Nykin is a young dragon rider, partnered with Fimor, and doesn't think he would be satisfied with just a night or two so is prepared to admire from a distance. Circumstances throw these two together to begin with but bravery and loyalty make it a long-term affair.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The twist with the timing of the bond with dragons was a new one on me. Nykin and Ryneq are wonderful characters that I want to know more about. The world-building is done so you get bits and pieces where relevant rather than an info dump. The descriptions of people and places make them all easy to see. There are a couple of steamy scenes but nothing too in-depth.

All in all, a brilliant start to a new series and I really can't wait to continue. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mrs. Claus and the Halloween Homicide
Mrs. Claus and the Halloween Homicide
Liz Ireland | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Introducing Halloween Has Consequences
April Claus is beginning her second year as the North Pole’s new Mrs. Claus, and she’s decided it would be fun to introduce Halloween to the residents of Santaland. Unfortunately, not everyone is on board, as evidenced by the threatening messages someone is leaving and the attack on the pumpkins one of the elves is growing. However, when things escalate to murder, April takes matters into her own hands to try to figure out what is going on. Can she keep the holiday from being ruined for everyone?

I absolutely loved the first book in this series, so I was anxious to return to the world that author Liz Ireland is creating. This book was fabulous as well. The murder takes place a little later in the story, but there is plenty going on to keep us entertained, and it only gets stronger as it goes along. The climax is wonderful. I did think there was a timeline issue at one point, but I think the fault is just a scene that is written unclearly. The little details of the world are guaranteed to make you smile; I just love them! While not all the characters are human, they are all completely real and we come to care for them quickly, which is key to getting us to believe in this world. If you are looking for a cozy mystery with a dash of fantasy, you’ll love this book.
A Raven's Touch
A Raven's Touch
Linda Bloodworth | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story starts with Justice waking up from a dream, outside her home in her nightwear. Not only that, but she appears to have two 'muffins' growing out of her shoulder blades. She has no idea of what is going on, is afraid to tell her parents, and on top of that, needs to get ready to go back to the hell that is called high school.

A Raven's Touch includes some shocking (violent) scenes in the high school that are necessary to the storyline. So much happens in such a small amount of time, but it is well-written and paced so it doesn't feel rushed when you are reading it. There is a reference made in the beginning to Matt Smith's Doctor Who - or at least, I like to think so. This made me smile as I read through the beginning.

This is a story of friendships, hardships, love and hate. With vampires, witches, elves and angels who speak to "Him" on a daily basis, this is the start of a series that I am looking forward to continuing. Personally, I can't wait to read more about Darien and Justice, although Moira and Tom make me smile too. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 19, 2016
Truth Teller (The Truth Teller Series #1)
Truth Teller (The Truth Teller Series #1)
Kurt Chambers | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Remember when you were 6 or 7 and first read The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe? Well I do and the whole 'you could go to another realm and be special' thing was such a key to drawing me into fantasy. And at that age the whole talking animals thing was entirely in keeping with my imagination.

But if you are a little older, nicely into double figures of age. Although the escape to another realm is still a terrific idea, the talking animals are just not going to fit anymore. What you need is a bit of action and likeable characters who are realistic while still being elves and dwarves. But if Narnia is no longer a viable destination at that age, where is?

Truth Teller fits the bill perfectly. Charlotte is a normal ten year old girl on holiday with her family. While wandering around the shops of the local town she finds a strange curio shop. She finds one of the objects in the shop interesting - a sort of snow globe without any snow. The odd little man who runs the shop gives it to her for free, but warns her that the price she pays might not be of the monetary kind.

That night while studying the globe she feels if she is falling into it and finds herself in a cold woodland, where she meets Elder. Very soon it is apparent to her that she is not anywhere near where she should be, if she is even on Earth at all anymore. Elder is an elf and he and his family try to help Charlotte find her way back home. Meanwhile dark forces are stirring and rumours of invasion are spreading.

Chambers has set out to provide an entry point into fantasy for younger (female) readers and has done a sterling job. My immediate reaction to this book was that it is flawless, in idea and execution. Although perhaps a little cliched for grizzle fantasy readers like myself it contains just enough strange creatures - elves, dwarves, giant wolves and druids - and a sprinkling of magic here and there to whisk the plot along. And it is whisked at some pace too, the narrative fluid and always in motion towards the books conclusion without much of a pause for breath.

Charlotte as the main character is well written and prone to modern turns of phrase that baffle her elven friends. Elder the elf boy she meets is charming and friendly even though he is as confused by Charlotte's plight as she is. The other characters are also very well drawn.

The story entwines the various threads into a whole that is easy to read and hard to forget. Reaching the last page was something I dreaded but like a lot of things the end of this book is just the start of the story of the Truth Teller.

If anyone is looking for a first book in fantasy, without the talking animals, this book fits the bill perfectly. Narnia for the iPhone generation? It's pretty close to that.
Favian's Law (The Truth Teller Series #3)
Favian's Law (The Truth Teller Series #3)
Kurt Chambers | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third of the fantasy series for young adults involving Charlotte who, with the help of a magic pendant, is able to travel to another realm populated by elves and dwarves. In this land she is known as the Truth Teller, an almost mythical being.

But Charlotte is not the only one who travels to the other world; Favian, a theatre performer, also makes the trip and Charlotte soon discovers that things are very different as a result. With big changes both in the fantasy world and when she returns to ours Charlotte must face her fears to put everything right.

The first two books were fairly straighforward fantasy; this takes on a darker tone as Favian's meddling has caused a lot of changes none of which are for the better. Here we see a very different world from the first two books. Despite being reunited with Elderfield there seems to be nothing they can do to avoid a terrible fate.

This change in tone works well with our heroes in real peril. But where the book really shines is when Charlotte returns to our world. Things have changed here too and everything really does seem hopeless.

Chambers handles the narrative with verve, putting Charlotte through the wringer but always with an eye on the sympathies of the reader. As before the reader is encouraged to care about all of the characters. Unusually there is no ultimate villain here and that makes for a interesting read as the various plot threads work their way to their conclusion.
Delayed Admission (Shadow Veil Academy #1)
Delayed Admission (Shadow Veil Academy #1)
Heather Renee | 2021 | Education, Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
65 of 250
Delayed Admission ( Shadow Veil Academy book 1)
By Heather Renee

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Some secrets are better kept.

To Raegan Keyes, she's the only one of her kind, but has no idea what she is. Until, one night, she finds out her unexplainable abilities aren't the only thing she needs to worry about. Suddenly, her world becomes much bigger than she ever could have dreamed.

When a mysterious man named Enzo arrives, too striking to be human, Raegan learns she's not as alone as she believed. As more secrets are revealed, she's swept off to an academy for others like her, thousands of miles away from home, by a complete stranger whom she'd rather stab than travel with.

As tension builds between Raegan and Enzo, she begins to find her purpose as she settles into her new existence, alongside elves, witches, vampires, and shifters. With a group of new friends, she's finally feeling alive again. That is, until something sinister comes along, once more throwing her life into mayhem.

I didn’t really know what to expect but I really ended up enjoying it! I love that Reagan is a dragon with Elf and witch magic it’s something for everyone. I wondered if it would be to YA and it is in parts but still a decent adult read too especially if you’re looking for something light!
Looking forward to more from Heather Renee.