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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
5.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Based on “The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan,” a memoir by Kim Barker, “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” follows the journey of a copy writer turned war reporter (Tina Fey).

One day Barker is called into a meeting where, because she is unmarried and without children, she is asked to cover the war in Afghanistan. Seeming hesitant, but pulled by a desire to escape her mundane life, she decides to go for it.

When Barker arrives in Afghanistan the journalists that are stationed there basically just party most of the time, which speaks volumes about the ways people may try to avoid the emotional intensity of their surroundings.

Other than that, Barker hangs out with some very calm troops, gets ballsy and captures some crazy footage, and seems to get very wrapped up in the thrill of getting a lead story. It doesn’t seem that Barker ever has any actual interest in the politics of what she is covering. Realizing that it is a comedy, this may be totally fine. But the film is an odd mix. It portrays Barker’s character as somewhat numb to the tragic reality she is immersed in, while at the same time making a joke wherever it can.

I’m not quite sure what genre “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” fits into. It gets close to drama, and it gets close to comedy but it isn’t that funny and it isn’t that touching. It leaves the impression of a dull and desensitized view of war and the challenges reporters face abroad. Perhaps the film is staying true to the memoir, but it is definitely a different approach to describing such an experience.

That being said, it’s not a bad film or a bad story. It’s interesting. It has funny moments, and it makes you want to know what will happen in the end. A few scenes even get close to developing the characters in a way that might make the audience care about them. But overall, there is really no emotional substance to the film and it leaves no big impression.

Worth a watch on Netflix, I give “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” 2.5 out of 5 stars.
Relic Runners
Relic Runners
2013 | Exploration
YES! More adventuring games! I do love adventure games. Relic Runners has players, well, running all over the board searching for, well, relics to add to their collections to bring back to their homelands and become renowned elite adventuristas! One of my wife’s favorite games, a Days of Wonder title, and one for which I have lukewarm feelings. But why?

Relic Runners is a route-building, pick-up-and-deliver, set collection game that puts players in a central camp and has them exploring outward and around the jungle building familiar pathways and exploiting riches from temples and ruins searching for those sweet sweet relics. The winner is the player who collects the most amount of VP from coins, temple pieces, and relics. So let’s get exploring!
To setup, populate the board with toolboxes, shrines, and ruins per the rulebook. Give each player a playmat and all components of matching color. The explorer bust will begin the game in the camp in the middle of the board along with two rations per player. On each playmat place the pathways and rations in their spots, and the toolbox tokens in their spot with one (or more depending on player special power) at the bottom of the Progression Table. The game can now begin!

The game ends when, depending on player count, a specific number of relics have been claimed by the players. Relics are claimed by completing Relic Expeditions, though we always call them Relic Runs, because that’s kinda the title of the game. In order to make a Relic Run players will need to have explored ruins and removed layers of shrines in order to reveal the relics. Movement is unique in Relic Runners because players may move from one location to the next for free if it is a “familiar” path marked with a pathway token in their color plus one space either before or after the familiar pathways. So a player can effectively run through five or six spots on the board if they had previously been able to place pathway tokens on the paths between the spots. This is how effective Relic Runs are accomplished.

When players pass along water trails they may encounter toolboxes. When these toolboxes are flipped to their inactive side the player will be able to move one of their toolbox tokens up the Progression Table to add effectiveness to their player. These tech tree increments could include increased ability to explore and find additional supplies, improve movement, or even give players more actions and bonuses.

Players will be running all around the board trying to uncover shrine tiles for points and abilities, upgrading their characters for efficiency, and attempting multiple Relic Runs as often as possible to bring the game’s end. The player with the most coin, combinations of relics, and temple layers is the winner!
Components. I mentioned in my opener that this is a Days of Wonder game. So? Well, Days of Wonder only produce ONE new title every year, and they seem to put all their eggs into that one big game (not including expansions for other titles throughout the year). Relic Runners is no different. The components are truly wonderful. The board and cardboard bits are great. The temples are unique and interesting. The plastic bits that begin on playmats and the base camp are quite fine. The relics, however, are simply spectacular. There are four types of relics in the game and 20 relics are included in the box. It’s all very impressive and I have had no issues with the components here nor with any Days of Wonder game. They really know what they’re doing.

The gameplay, to me, is just not my thing. Like I mentioned earlier, my wife absolutely adores this game. I can see why she does, but I feel there are other adventure style games that I would prefer to play. Now, Relic Runners is a good game. Josh rated it a six, so he loves it too. For me some of the movement mechanics are weird in that you have to move every turn so that you can’t just travel to a shrine and dismantle it over three turns. I get it. I do, but I just don’t like it. It doesn’t make thematic sense that an explorer would run to a shrine, begin work, then leave it unattended for other explorers to finish the job. So there’s a disconnect for me.

Also, I would have loved to have seen more variation in the player Progression Table. Make each character truly unique to appeal to replayability and different players’ play styles. Obviously I’m no designer, but that would have made a difference for me.

I love the components, am just okay with the art style, and am okay or less with the gameplay. But, Josh and Kristin both love it, and it will certainly appeal to many gamers. I won’t be getting rid of it, but I also won’t be suggesting we play it very often at all. However, if your collection needs a unique adventure style game featuring some interesting movement mechanics and superb components, pick up a copy of Relic Runners. Purple Phoenix Games gives it a 14 / 18. I was hoping for more Indiana Jones but I got cross-country Dora the Explorer.
Irish Meadows (Courage to Dream, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romance, drama and faith can be found on every page of Irish Meadows. Delve into the pages of this book and get lost on Long Island, 1911.

 In order to save his farm from complete ruin, James O'Leary pressures his family to do what they have to do in order to save their home. His daughters, Brianna and Coleen, have very different plans for their future however. Brianna wishes to further her education by attending college. And Coleen is content to marry, as long as the man in questions meets her standards. Gilbert Whelan, who has practically been adopted by the O'Learys, returns and Brianna begins to question her outlook on her future. While Rylan Montgomery, a distant cousin attending seminary, sends Coleen's heart on a wild ride. Will they live the life that James has dictated for them? Or will they have the courage to dream?

 Irish Meadows had me riding an emotional roller coaster from beginning to end. This book is packed with dramatic events that left me frustrated, yet I kept turning the page in hopes that everything would work out for the best. I am going to need a couple of days for my emotions to settle down. While reading this book, I was reminded of how crucial it is to keep in mind the effects our actions have on others. Are we acting with other people's best interest in mind? Or are we only concerned with furthering our own ambitions and goals? And most importantly, are we keeping God at the center of our decisions? I really enjoyed Susan's first historical novel. And I am looking forward to the second book A Worthy Heart coming 2016.

I received a free copy of Irish Meadows from Susan Anne Mason and Bethany House Publishers for promotional purposes. I was not required to post a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Ecstasy Unveiled (Demonica #4)
Ecstasy Unveiled (Demonica #4)
9.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I gave myself a break after the initial three brothers because Eidolon, Shade and Wraith had been with me for a long time by then and I really liked all three of them so the addition of a fourth brother put me off a little. Lore seemed to be some assassin for hire that came across as being way too cocky in those first few chapters we met him in in the last book. But he did come up good in the end.

In his book, Lore is tasked with doing his 100th job, his final kill before he can be set free from his master. The only issue is that he's sent to kill Kynan, a close friend of his brothers. They won't let him kill Kynan and neither will Kynan's angel protector, Idess.

Idess continually transports him away as he tries and after chaining him up for several days they get to know each other and the intense attraction between them gets stronger and stronger. Both are in a pickle, though, as Lore's sister will die if he doesn't kill Kynan and Idess now has both Kynan and Lore as her protectees so how can she save both of them?

It turns out that someone from each of their pasts have joined forces to bring about their ruination. And it almost works.

I actually grew to like Lore a heck of a lot. He was so...unselfish? Is that a word? He was trying to do everything for everyone else, but doing it silently. He didn't brag about being a good guy. He actually thought he was a bad guy. Which I think is stupid. Yeah, he's been forced to do bad things by his assassin master but you were doing it for your sister!

Since I've fallen back in love with this series, I'm going to read Sin Undone next, which is Lore's sisters story.

Ali A (78 KP) rated Coven in Books

Aug 25, 2022  
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emsy would much rather spend her days in sunny California surfing or hanging out with her girlfriend than working on her elemental powers of fire. But when members of her family’s coven in New York are murdered under mysterious circumstances her family must suddenly return to help fight against what could only be a powerful witch. There, Emsy must focus on her neglected powers to help to hopefully find the killer before they strike again.

This was a fun and interesting read for me. It kept me turning the pages for the story as well as the artwork. I absolutely adored Kitty in this graphic novel - her expressions were always hilarious and adorable and anytime she was in the scene, I was looking at each panel to see her reaction (was also kind of hoping she would become Emsy’s familiar).

It did, however, feel a tad bit rushed and I felt like some scenes would sometimes abruptly end and I would flip back a page to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. This usually happened at the bottom of a right page and the next page would be the new scene, but I would usually feel like there could have been one or two more panels for that scene to be completed.

This was a quick read, but if it wasn’t and there was more time between Emsy’s family arriving and everything that happened, I could see this being split into two (or even three) books. I like the characters and I would love to see more of them and their relationship grow.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and had a fun time reading it - definitely gets me ready for the fall and spooky season. The artwork is beautiful and though the story is quick, I still recommend this for any and all who enjoy anything witchy.

*Thank you G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers and Bookish First for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (2014)
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Full disclosure here: I am a huge fan of the original series of Planet of the Apes movies. I have them on VHS and Laser Disc, having watched them at least a dozen times each. That being said, I didn’t really enjoy 2011’s Rise of the Planet of Apes with James Franco. Not that it was a bad movie, per say, but it didn’t really keep me captivated, so much so that I can barely remember all of the main plot points. At the time I thought that I might be jaded being such a huge fan of the originals. And then I saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (we’ll just refer to it as “Dawn” from here on out). I didn’t have very high expectations for Dawn.

Set 10 years after Rise, Dawn sees the world in ruins. Humans are struggling to survive after the Simian virus wreaked havoc on the planet. Living in colonies, they are unaware that there is a growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar. When the apes and the humans discover each other, they both feel threatened, but there is one man, Malcolm (Jason Clarke), who sees the compassion in Caesar and thinks that he will allow the humans to attempt work on a nearby dam to restore power to their colony. But dissent in the ranks of both sides of the banana prove to threaten this shaky alliance.

This movie blew me away. With an excellent cast to compliment the CGI apes in the movie, you quickly forget that there is any CGI involved at all. The seamless visuals make you feel like Dreyfus (Gary Oldman), Ellie (Keri Russell) and Alexander (Kodi Smit-McPhee) were actually interacting with the apes. The story was also very well done and seemed very plausible for the tattered world that comes about after the apocalyptic event brought on by the Simian virus. Top this all off with a tremendous score, and you have a great movie-going experience. One that definitely lives up to the original movies.

If I had one complaint about this movie, it was the rapid rate at which the apes seemed to evolve in the span of a few days. Although it’s been 10 years since the last movie, in which Caesar did speak, the movie does open with the apes communicating through inaudible language. My first thought was that they are hunt, so they are choosing to communicate in this fashion, but even when they return to their village, they continue with the inaudible, “sign-language” communication. Then over the course of the next three to four days, they slowly bring speech into their communication between themselves and the humans. The big thing is that they seem to struggle with the words at first (even Caesar), and then by the end of the movie, they are holding complete conversations. Just seems a bit rapid to me. But, it was impactful in the progression of the movie. So one small gripe on this is not enough to bring down my opinion of the film.

Here it is again, my friends. Will I buy Dawn when it is released for home consumption? You bet. Unfortunately, it is also going to force me to buy Rise as well. Though, this may not be a bad thing as a second viewing sometimes brings out the good in movies I didn’t like the first time through, especially as I now know what it is building towards. Go see this one in the theaters my friends. And be sure to check it out in 3D also, it was very well done and not overpowering as some movies have been in the past. Though if you have issues with 3D, I am sure it is just as visually appealing in 2D.