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House of Small Shadows
House of Small Shadows
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Red House
Another good book by Adam Nevill (End Of Days, Ritual) this time dealing with the Red House and it strange occupants and twisted history. Quite unsettling at times and the one thing that Adam Nevill exels at is creating tension and trapping (for want of a better word) his characters in horrible situations. An author who's books I'll will now purchase on the strength of his name alone. Recommended.
    Ten Days

    Ten Days

    Gillian Slovo

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    It's 4 a.m. and Cathy Mason is watching dawn break over the Lovelace estate. By the end of the day,...

Peppermint (2018)
Peppermint (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Jennifer Garner brings justice...
Jennifer Garner returns to her Elektra action days with this revenge movie in the vein of John Wick and the like. Garner does well, both as the loving, doting wife and mother and as a vengeful vigilante. The action is fast and fluid from beginning to end with plenty of brutality and gore for fans of the genre. While a good movie and a welcome addition to the canon of revenge flicks, it really does nothing to elevate it. Still, some may see this type of film, with a female protagonist in the vigilante role, as a step forward in the current social climate. In the end, it was fun but nothing that will stick with the viewer after watching.