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Dog Days (2018)
Dog Days (2018)
2018 | Drama
Cheesy but Solid
Dog Days revolves around a number of moving parts stories that shows the strength of relationships between people and man’s best friend.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 5
Typically with stories like these that have a number of different characters sharing screen time, it really can be a challenge to get the film off to a hot start as you introduce everyone. Ten minutes in, I wasn’t completely sold on the film, but it was enough for me to say, “What the hell? I’ll give it a shot.” Not bad, but not great.

Characters: 8
Again, moving parts stories introduce a lot of characters and it’s hard to try and get people to care about everyone. While I wasn’t invested in everyone all of the time, there were plenty of moments where I cared about the character’s outcome. There were certain characters I cared about a lot more than others like the coffee shop girl and the shelter owner.

Cinematography/Visuals: 7

Conflict: 6
This is a family film, very much meant to be light-hearted. While Disney has somehow found a way of perfecting having conflict while keeping things light, Dog Days suffered a bit more in that respect. Maybe it’s the fact that you know everything is going to work itself out in the end. Then again, you kind of know that for most movies, but it’s that drive of conflict that really makes things seem dire and leave you wondering for a bit. Not the case with Dog Days.

Entertainment Value: 10
Not going to lie, this movie really had me invested from beginning to end. It’s funny, endearing, and you get to see a bunch of cute dogs. Not going to win any academy awards, but it’s a fun movie I would recommend for any family. I didn’t leave the theater thinking I had wasted my time. It was more of a, “Wow, that was surprisingly fun.”

Memorability: 9

Pace: 10
The 113-minute runtime definitely doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes having a number of storylines can confuse the audience, but I managed to follow along at an easy pace. There are no bumps, it’s pretty smooth sailing from beginning to end.

Plot: 5

Resolution: 9

Overall: 79
I can think of countless family movies that would be a better use of your two hours than Dog Days. However, for what it is, the movie does the trick. It’s undeniably cute and pretty darn entertaining. Even better if you’re a dog lover. For all of it’s cheesiness, it’s pretty solid overall.

Rachel Lambert recommended Magnolia (1999) in Movies (curated)

Magnolia (1999)
Magnolia (1999)
1999 | Drama

"Paul Thomas Anderson. Magnolia. I just really love it. I mean, yeah, There Will be Blood is also a close contender; I love that too. But Magnolia — the audacity of it. I watched that movie and it’s scary by the end of it [laughing]. You’ve gone through this sort of tapestry of humanity that I feel is very hard to match in a lot of cinema these days. He is always surprising me, but that movie just… He finds a way to get the drama — he has a moment where everyone starts breaking out in unified song. And it feels totally authentic and earned. I’ve never seen a movie that does that but didn’t feel indulgent."


gayga (2127 KP) rated Judy (2019) in Movies

Oct 24, 2019  
Judy (2019)
Judy (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama, Musical
The singing (0 more)
Not sure (0 more)!!???
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was SO looking forward to going to see Judy. And it’s lovely to see Renee Zellweger looking herself after “that” plastic surgery (possibly).

RZ singing was awesome, it was all very glossy and I even shed a tear. So I’m not sure why I left the cinema slightly disappointed in the whole thing.

Basically the story is the end of Judy Garlands life when she was a pill popping soak who couldn’t get a job and the 5 days she performed at The Talk of the Town, London..

I don’t know if it was because it seemed to end quite suddenly or what. However, I did enjoy it enough to want to watch it again, if only for RZ performance which was outstanding.
Decaying Days Grieve
Decaying Days Grieve
Rachael Boucker | 2020 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Incredible story telling (2 more)
Fast paced action
Very clever twists
The final instalment of the Decaying Days trilogy is even better than book 1 and 2 (if that is even possible!) The highs are higher the low are lower, the rollercoaster ride is more intense with twists and turns, and the end...well, see for yourself. There are tears, there is staring off into space as you process what just happened and ultimately it’s a little sad to put the book down.
This trilogy is highly recommended.
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance

"It’s such a touching, beautiful depiction of coming of age and discovering one’s sexuality and first love. I thought Timothée Chalamet’s performance was so beautiful and he captured youthful discoveries in such a way, I was moved for days. And again, the pacing of the film was so patient and thoughtful, and the cinematography and the location really brought you into the film. I felt transported. The monologue with the father towards the end of the film, where he reveals that he perhaps had a similar experience, or his life could have been different had he allowed himself the room to be who he needed to be – I just thought it was such a beautiful moment."

Around the world in 80 days
Around the world in 80 days
2021 | Adventure, Comedy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Around the world in 80 days.

One of Jules Vernes most famous novels, and the inspiration for many a movie (and even a 80s cartoon).

I've never seen or heard of a TV series until this one, which - in retrospect - actually surprised me quite a bit, as you think the story would (and does) lend itself perfectly to the episodic nature of the journey.

This adaptation stars David Tennant in the lead role, alongside strong support from Ibrahim Koma as the French valet Passepartout and Leonie Benesch as the gender flipped/reimagined journalist Abigail Fix (instead of Inspector Fix), while still keeping its late Victorian setting.

Yes, you know how it is going to end.

Still very enjoyable!
Life of Pi
Life of Pi
Yann Martel | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
The "Life of Pi" was a slow but semi interesting read. I went into this book knowing that it was about a boy stuck on a raft with a tiger. That was definitely the interesting part of the book. I found myself wanting this book to just end, or get to the "good" part.

The main take away from the book is that you need something to believe in when you face an "impossible" situation. I found Pi's struggle with religion insightful and his practicing of three religions a little different.

This was definitely not my typical read. I am one of those readers who likes fast reads. I want to finish a book in two days because I can't put it down, not because I want the book to end.

All in all, it was an okay book. It kept me semi entertained but it wasn't the "life changing" book that I was told about.
40 Days and 40 Nights (2002)
40 Days and 40 Nights (2002)
2002 | Comedy, Mystery, Romance
5.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 40 Days and 40 Nights starts as we meet Matt (Hartnett) who has been struggling with his break up from Nicole (Shaw), this has led Matt to a string of one night stands that lead to him having visions of a black hole. Matt’s brother John (Tree) is in training to become a priest where Matt learns about lent and vows to give up all sexual activity for 40 days and 40 nights.

When his roommate Ryan (Costanzo) decides to spread the news about the vow a betting pool opens up and to make Matt’s life more difficult when he finally meets the perfect woman Erica (Sossamon). Matt has to learn to balance his vow while starting a new relationship where sex is out of the question.

40 Days and 40 Nights is a film I did enjoy watching even if I can see big flaws in the story, this mostly comes from the idea that it is written that every guy is obsessed with sex and couldn’t possible go 40 days without having it. The problems comes where everyone is against Matt rather than having even just one person supporting him through his self-improvement idea. I do however feel the story works for what it is trying to be even if it comes off unbelievable throughout.


Actor Review


Josh Hartnett: Matt Sullivan is a struggling man who can’t get over his ex-girlfriend Nicole. Running through a string of one night stands he wakes from these with a vision of the world coming to an end. Coming up with the idea to give up sexual activity for lent his life becomes a game for people around the world who has bet on when it will end and the perfect woman come into his life his whole life becomes difficult. Josh shows with this performance he can handle comedy.

Shannyn Sossamon: Erica has been struggling to find the right guy and her job doesn’t help. She meets Matt and see him as a different guy to the normal ones she meets but doesn’t fully understand the vow. Shannyn is good in this role being a strong leading lady.

Paulo Costanzo: Ryan is Matt’s roommate who is always looking to go out and meet girls for sex. He keeps watch over Matt after telling everyone about the vow. Paulo is solid as this supporting friend even if this generic.

Adam Tree: John Sullivan is the priest in training brother of Matt’s who doesn’t believe he can achieve his vow because he knows how difficult it is to go through. Adam is solid but in the end is just another supporting character.

Support Cast: 40 Days and 40 Nights has a supporting cast which includes plenty of different characters that are trying to make Matt break his vow with not a single person actually supporting him.

Director Review: Michael Lehmann – Michael gives us a fun comedy even if it is very one sided with the reactions and mind set people are meant to be in.


Comedy: 40 Days and 40 Nights has moments of comedy which mostly surround people trying to make Matt break the vow.

Romance: 40 Days and 40 Nights does try to tackle relationships by trying to make it more about how sex isn’t the most important part of the relationship.

Settings: 40 Days and 40 Nights keeps the settings around San Francisco which is always a great visual location for a film.

Suggestion: 40 Days and 40 Nights is one to try it does have good moments of good comedy but it also has a story which seems to be very much sex is all people think about. (Try It)


Best Part: Hartnett works for comedy.

Worst Part: Not everyone is sex obsessed.

Romantic Moment: No contact date.


Believability: The way things go I would say no.

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Budget: $17 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 36 Minutes

Tagline: It’s Easy to Say But Harder To Do!


Overall: Simple comedy that does work well for what it is trying to achieve.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The last thing Mrs. Pollifax expected to find that day was a young woman hiding in her closet. Kadi is afraid of the men who have been driving by in a van for the last couple of days, and Mrs. Pollifax’s efforts to sneak her out of the house end with both of them on the run. A call to Carstairs at the CIA leads them to an unusual safe house and another mystery. Are the two related?

This is a bit of an unusual entry in the series since it takes place mostly in the US and Carstairs plays a much more active part in the story. However, I like it for that change of pace. The plot relies a bit more on coincidence than is normal for the series (which is saying something), but all the various threads do wind up playing a part in the end. Overall, another great entry in the series.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Thief (The Gameshouse, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second novella, The Thief, shows us a more detailed and in-depth look at the Gameshouse and how it works, and how sometimes, not all games are fair. Remy plays hide and seek with a highly skilled player whose record of finding someone is 11 days. If Remy wins, he gains 20 years of the other man’s life. If he loses, he forfeits all of his memories. All of them. A hungover older player against a highly skilled young man who only plays when he knows he can win leaves us with a thrilling and unexpected end to an unbalanced match. But it ends, and the world goes on.

Read my review of the whole series here: