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Crystal Witness
Crystal Witness
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What is the best way to get lost in a book you may ask? Well, Kathy Tyers certainly will help you find the answer to that question in Crystal Witness. From what I can find, Crystal Witness is a standalone book and not part of a series.

The Setting/Storyline

The best way I know how to describe the experience of this book is by likening it to a dream that you do not want to wake up from. Kathy Tyers managed to make me feel as if I were immersed in a very different world, from her detailed descriptions of everyday life to the way people looked and dressed. It was fascinating. I liked how she gave just enough background at the beginning to get you curious, without feeling lost, and make you very involved in the outcome of the character's lives and that of the world they live in. One of the best total immersions I have read in a long time. At some points in the story, I did feel a little lost as I was not quite sure how the beginning of the story connected, but it did make sense by the end.

The Characters

Kathy Tyers brought to life some great characters. I enjoyed Ming’s artistic talent and how Kathy Tyers described the 3D and calligraphy aspects of it. Ming’s reactions to waking up after 20-year imprisonment were very realistic (not that I know what it would really be like), and I enjoyed seeing her come out of her shell; I think Ming showed a very intelligent and sweet nature. Tieg her male counterpart was a cross between a bad boy spy and an emotional musician, he was a well brought to life character that I could envision in my mind while reading. Both Ming and Tieg learned different aspects of trust and doing what is right no matter the cost. The secondary characters were great additions to round out the rest of the story and I sincerely enjoyed their interactions with the main characters, each one displayed growth throughout the story and by the end, I was wishing they had their own stories too! (Hint, hint

Joe Swanberg recommended Crumb (1994) in Movies (curated)

Crumb (1994)
Crumb (1994)
1994 | Documentary
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s in my top five list of best films ever made. I just think it’s perfect. It’s an amazing portrait of an artist, an amazing portrait of a family, Crumb is an incredible central character. I feel like whenever I watch that movie — I sort of watch it every couple years — I start talking like him afterwards. I mean he really infects me in a way that totally changes the way that I look at the world. All great artists have that sort of ability. When I read some of my favorite novelists after I put down one of their books, I’m thinking in their words. I’m seeing the world through their eyes and it’s the same with Crumb. I’m a big fan of his comics, but that film does such an amazing job putting you kind of in his headspace. It also looks amazing, it’s shot on film, Zwigoff does an incredible job framing Crumb’s world, and the Jazz music. it’s just great, I just think it’s great. I think the movie’s a pleasure to watch. I mean, his brother Charles is f—ing incredible, man. Like, the idea that this family produced not one great artist, three great artists. And that Crumb was actually the one who was political enough and sophisticated enough and just barely enough of a people person that his art got seen. But, you know, Charles and Matt also were like really pushing the boundaries of the stuff and also hugely influential on Crumb’s stuff. You don’t get Robert without Charles. You just never sort of have access to those stories the way that this documentary has access to that family. It’s a lot to think about, the artwork that we end up getting as a culture, you know, often times is less about what’s better, and more about how savvy the artist is and how able they are to kind of be in the right place at the right time so that there’s an audience for the work."

    FoodMag HD

    FoodMag HD

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The Florida Project (2017)
The Florida Project (2017)
2017 | Drama
Halley an rebellious woman lives with her daughter Mooney in a budget type of motel on the outskirts of Disney world. Halley has no respect for anything and her attitude has passed on to her her daughter who is so disrespectful. Bobby (Dafoe) who is the manager knows the policy that longtime rentals are not allowed kind of has a soft spot for Mooney and the other kids who are there and bend the rules for them and allow them to keep switching rooms and stay longer. Disruptive behavior will be the end of Halley and have her daughter taken away for her with good reason.

This movie disturbed me so much. I know unfortunately that this type of living goes on in America and this movie just shines a light on it to a point that makes you sick. I am sorry I wasted my time on this film



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The Kingdom Beyond the Waves
The Kingdom Beyond the Waves
Stephen Hunt | 2008 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Professor Amelia Harsh is a discredited academic, shunned by any university she could work for because of her obsession for the lost city of Camlantis which is dismissed by most as a myth. When all her other avenues dry up she grabs a lifeline from a rich industrialist to lead an expedition to find the last evidence of the city.

Meanwhile, why is someone graverobbing obsolete steamman corpses from cemetaries? And why has Furnace-breath Nick - scourge of Quatershift - been asked to break a prisoner free?

For those unfamiliar with Hunt's incredibly imaginative world - revealed in this book to likely be a far future version of our own which somehow mirrors certain aspects such as Victorian England and the French Revolution - would soon be at home in this book, particularly as half of the book involves a trip up a native-infested jungle river worthy of Conrad. Meanwhile the trail is being followed from the other end and the smoggy streets of Middlesteel in the country of Jackals by Furnace-breath Nick's not so mild mannered alter ego, Cornelius Fortune.

The way the story unfolds is very reminiscent of Saturday morning serials that used to be popular when not everyone had a television. There are a series of episodes where our heroes are put into peril and yet somehow (mostly) break free. The difference is in the mostly. Hunt is not afraid of killing off a character and that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat and turning the pages to see if that really was the end or there is a miraculous escape on the cards.

The inventiveness Hunt showed in The Court of the Air is very much still evident with a fiendish plot and fantastic ideas zinging off the page together with very clever dialog. Once again this is a book to read carefully and not to skim, it will be so much more rewarding.

All in all this is a stronger book than the first and the characters in it are terrific, heroes and villains alike. There are still Deus Ex Machina escapes here and there but they are on the whole consistent with the world of Jackals.

I would very much recommend this to anyone who likes their science fiction broad and heading to steam punk rather than space opera (although it's not really steam punk) and their adventure old-school swashbuckling. Terrific work.
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The humour (on the rare occasion there is any) (1 more)
The visual effects
The baffling fight scenes (0 more)
Visually, this film is stunning. It takes what Inception did and takes it into a whole new dimension (literally). With fights going on around constantly moving scenery, standing on the walls of buildings, or while the world around the fighters goes backwards it really was a visual treat.
However, the rest of the film seems like something of an afterthought. The story follows super-surgeon Steven Strange (not that one) trying everything possible to heal his badly damaged hands after a car crash that he caused himself by being an arrogant twat. This desire to fix his hands takes him to Tibet where he is taught lots of waving arms and making orange sparks appear in the air. All of this is rushed through and he just suddenly manages it. Once he manages to use the mystical power the first time he suddenly becomes a master at it ("we need a montage") and becomes his old arrogant, know-it-all self. And then he starts battling Mads Mikkelson, gets a magic cloak and stops the end of the world.
I'll be honest - very little of this film makes sense, and that's in the context of the Marvel Universe. What he's doing with his power, how he's doing it and what he is ultimately capable of is barely explained and you just have to accept it.
I hope Doctor Strange is a critical component of the Infinity Wars storyline, otherwise this was just a very pretty waste of time (a bit like Kelly Brook).
    Business English Magazine

    Business English Magazine

    Education and Magazines & Newspapers

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    Chasing Silver Magazine

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