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Dan sellwood (1 KP) rated The Name of the Wind in Books

Feb 2, 2018 (Updated Feb 2, 2018)  
The Name of the Wind
The Name of the Wind
Patrick Rothfuss | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (74 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read. It. Now.
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The Name of the Wind begins to tell the story of Kvothe, a fiery-haired arcanist on a lifelong journey to understand a tragedy that befalls his family. Kvothe is a born performer, both on the stage and off. He has a natural charisma and sheer brilliance that seem to be his ticket out of a poor childhood into a wonderful world of adventure.

The story is told from a grown up kvothe's point of view and while when he talks about his childhood and adolescence the story is filled with this lighthearted and magical energy, you soon learn that on his journey something terrible has happened to kvothe to change his adult self into someone much more reserved. It's clear he carries a terrible secret but of course in true Rothfuss style this is yet to be revealed.

This book does what many fail to do. It creates another world that's dazzling and something you want to be part of while also creating characters with such depth and personality that by the end you feel you truly know them.

All I can say is that this book was the first fantasy book I decided to read and now as a result it is all I want to read. Therfore if you haven't read it, read it! - but be warned, it is part of a triology and we are still eagerly awaiting a third book which as of yet has no release date.
    Invasion: Modern Empire

    Invasion: Modern Empire

    Games and Entertainment

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Good Omens
Good Omens
Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
The plot (3 more)
the characters
the writing
Who knew the end of the world could be so fun.
What can I say about Good Omens that hasn't be said before... I just loved this book from first to last page and really just couldn't get myself to put it down.

I bought this book on a whim after I saw it mentioned a few times and really didn't even read what it was supposed to be about when I did sit down to read it so I can honestly say I was blown away.The setting,the characters,and the plot everything just worked so well together and made for a completely enjoyable and mind blowing read.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Dispel Illusion in Books

Jan 3, 2020  
Dispel Illusion
Dispel Illusion
Mark Lawrence | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A consistent end to the trilogy
The D&D time-travel series comes to and end with this third book. Here the action is split between a timeline in the 90s following the first two books, with a future narrative of Nick's adult life in the 2000s and 2010s, and finishing up with a retelling of the events of the first book, from "future Nick's" PoV.
I still have issues with the science, multiverse and time-travel execution here as with the first books, but appreciate the way the story was woven together. Some of Lawrence's fantasy books have the different timeline feature and once again he expertly weaves them together so the overall story emerges at a good pace.
At one point, I thought the book was going to go down the Bill & Ted route as a cop-out ("in the future we will come back to this point and leave this key here and voila here it is") but this was actually quite well handled and wasn't the cop-out I feared.
The book benefits from a more stretched timeline as we see significant events from Nick's adult life, rather than dwelling on his teenage years solely. Likewise there is more of a focus on the D&D, which was somewhat lacking in book 2, and with key learnings from that featuring in the real world storyline.
Overall, I think I enjoyed this series, but I have my hang-ups about time-travel and multiverse theories in general. A good bit of escapism, if a little heavy on the pretend science at times.