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The Last Smile in Sunder City -(The Fetch Phillips Archives #1)
The Last Smile in Sunder City -(The Fetch Phillips Archives #1)
Luke Arnold | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More Review Here: https://natachainreviewland.wordpress...

I really, really had a blast reading this story and I flew through it!

Think I liked:

-The Last Smile in Sunder is an urban fantasy with a very noir atmosphere. Luke Arnold writing really immerses you into this world and makes it come to life. As a rule, I don't like lengthy descriptions in my stories, but all descriptions in this book were exactly the right amount and the way they were written grab my interest and didn't let it go.

-I liked the concept of a world where magic disappeared and seeing how that affected all magical beings was something I haven't seen before.

-Fecht personally had some issues but his back story was so interesting. As a was reading about Fetch past I kept thinking that his back story deserved a book on its own. But on the other hand, it was so nicely tied into the main story that by the end I was sold on all those lengthy flashbacks on his past.

-They are so many magical beings, all living in the same world and it was very interesting seeing Arnold's take on them and what back story it gave them.

-Everyone in this story is a grey character. There are not good or bad people/magical beings, it all depends on which version of the story you are listening and we unusually get both sides and I really like that.

-(view spoiler)

Things I didn't like:

-So this one is not something that I didn't like but more like something that some readers might not like. It has some tropes that we've seen a lot. Fecht is your very classic alcoholic and pain killer addict detective that doesn't care about anything and spends his time self pitting because of all the crap he's done in the past and also the love of his life is dead because of him. We've seen that a lot and I can see how other readers might be tired of that trope. Personally, I didn't mind.

-It took me more than 60% to make peace with the fact that the main plot is more like a device for us to get to know the world and Fetch. Yes, everything does come together at the end in a really nice way but at around d 50% of the book I knew almost everything about the world and Fetch's back story but nothing had really happened regarding the investigation. Once I made peace with that fact the slow-moving main stopped bothering me.

-I got an advance copy some maybe it won't be the case with the final version but I wish there was a map to better understand what is going where.

In conclusion, I personally had a really good time reading this story. I will definitely keep an eye on the rest of the series and I've already ordered my physical copy because I need it on my shelf!
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
"Meanwhile, at the Hall Of Justice..."
This movie is the culmination of a childhood full of Saturday mornings in front of the tv in pajamas with a bowl of cereal. "Superfriends" was superheroes at it's most basic. The bad guys wanted to take over or destroy the world and the good guys have to stop them. That was the depth of the plots for both those classic cartoons, and this movie. It's pure cartoon fun brought to life, and I loved every minute of it.

The plot only serves as a reason for these heroes to come together. So you can say that story is not a top priority. Character is the name of the game here, and on that level, the movie is gold. Each character is fully realized, with their own individual situation they need to grow from. Every hero is given his or her moment to shine as an individual. When they stand as a team, it's some of the best superhero action we've ever gotten.

The performances of the League members is spot on across the board. Every character is presented exactly the way they should be. Ben Affleck continues to prove all the doubters wrong, by giving us the best live action version of Batman we've ever seen. Right from the start you see how he demands fear from evildoers, but filled with hope for the good things in the world. Gal Gadot IS Wonder Woman. If there was any doubt left after her solo movie, it should be thoroughly erased now. She's strong in body, mind, and spirit. Jason Mamoa forever erases the idea of Aquaman being the wimpiest superhero. His "surfer dude" take on the character brings all the recklessness and abandon you'd expect from a beach bum. He's almost like a Spartan soldier that lives for the excitement of battle. Ezra Miller brings a youthful excitement of someone who is simply jazzed by what he, and others, can do with their abilities. He's almost the comic relief until you realize that the excited reactions he gives to everything is exactly what we would to if we were dropped in that situation.

SPOILER TERRITORY....skip to "END SPOILERS" if you don't want anything ruined

Although it should really come as no surprise to anyone, Superman does indeed return from the dead in this movie. Not only is that he's resurrected very cool, but the aftermath gives us the best fight scene of the film. Superman vs The Justice League. 'nuff said? I've always loved Henry Cavill as Superman, but now he owns the role. He has grown from a man filled with self doubt, trying to find his place in the world, to a man who now fully realizes who he is, and what purpose he serves to mankind. Lots of great Superman stuff in this movie, and that is the thing I'm most thankful for.


This is the most fun I've had with a superhero movie in a long time. It may not have the deepest plot, but that is fine with me, because this is truly a comic book come to life. It's full of the action and joyful spirit that the boy in me tuned into every weekend. Now, if the post credit scene in the movie delivers, it REALLY will be everything that the classic Challenges Of The Superfriends, and reduce me to that boy in pajamas again, cereal in hand, and a smile on my face.
Nightmare Alley (2021)
Nightmare Alley (2021)
2021 | Action, Crime, Drama
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sum Does Not Add Up To The Total Of The Parts
If you ever want to understand the meaning of the term “the sum does not equal the total of the parts”, you need to look no further than the latest film from Guillermo Del Toro, the neo-noir thriller, NIGHTMARE ALLEY.

This film looked like it had all the right elements for a fantastic, adult film. A neo-noir thriller with a distinctive period look, helmed by a first rate director and featuring an A-List cast that are (for the most part) perfectly cast in their roles.

So why doesn’t this film rise above ordinary?

Ultimately, it is because this type of film, a neo-noir crime thriller where none of the characters are likeable or are easy to root for, is a tricky tightrope walk and, in this instance, Director del Toro opted to play it safe, focusing on mood and atmosphere, while strapping his talented cast with characters (and, ultimately, performances) that are middle-of-the road.

Bradley Cooper is the right performer in today’s world to play Stanton Carlisle, the drifter that becomes a carney that becomes a a con-man “Mentalist” who is drawn into a sinister plot by the mysterious Dr. Lilith Ritter (Cate Blanchett - also the right performer in today’s world to play this part). These 2 have decent (but not great) chemistry with each other, for you know (they way del Toro has Directed Blanchett’s performance) that she is up to something, thus keeping us at arm’s length.

But I am getting ahead of myself, for that is the 2nd half of this film, I haven’t even touched on the first half - which is part of the issue here as well.

The first hour of this 2 1/2 hour film is all set up as we follow Cooper’s character as he is introduced into a Circus sideshow of the 1940’s - and all of the characters therein. This is an interesting - if kind of slow - setup as we are treated to some interesting character building performances by some pretty terrific actors - Toni Colette, Ron Perlman, David Strathairn and, of course, the always good Willem DaFoe.

Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned Rooney Mara who is sort of the “through-line” between the 2 halves of this film, but her character is so vanilla, that one forgets her character event exists.

But…after an hour of setting up this world and these characters - the film pivots away from this area and goes to a whole different world…and a different plot. It is like a SuperHero Origin film where the first 1/2 of the film is the Origin and the 2nd half is the first adventure of said SuperHero.

And this just doesn’t work all that well in this film (even with a callback at the end), it is jarring and creates 2 different movies, neither of which rises above the average.

I lay the blame for all of this on Director Guillermo del Toro who appeared to be more interested in the look of this film (and the look is AMAZING) and just let the actors act, but not get in the way. The direction is bland, the performances are bland and the plot just doesn’t hold together.

Which is very disappointing, considering what “could have been”.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars out of 10 and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

T.N. Nova (30 KP) created a post

Jun 22, 2018  
Spoiled by R. Phoenix and Morgan Noel is a novel about Romulus and Kieran. Romulus is the spoiled witch lover of Abel, an arms dealer, and Kieran is a human who is involved in a band of rebels. Romulus had been captured by the human rebels and held hostage away from his spoiled life in order to get information about what Abel’s life and routine.Kieran is the medic of the rebels who ended up being the only one Romulus would talk with.

In a battle between the supernaturals and the humans where the humans are second and sometimes third class citizens who will do what they have to in order to survive, Kieran is torn between his self-proclaimed family and the stepbrother that he was raised with.

Before going any further into my review, I want to lead with the disclaimer that this book involves what some may consider an “Ick” factor of romantic and sexual love between stepbrothers. Not that it bothered me any nor was it an issue but I want to let my readers know in advance. With that out of the way, I will continue on.

Spoiled is a stand-alone story that is set in The Fate of the Fallen / Status Quo world. You don’t need to have read the rest of the series in order to understand what’s going on in this book. It gives a glimpse at the world as well as what is happening yet there are no spoilers for the rest of the series. I rather enjoyed the world and how it was set up. The twist of how the humans were lower class and forced into the slums while the supernaturals basically ruled was interesting to me. It gave an insight into things that weren’t normally written about. The character development was amazing and the world development was spot on. I absolutely loved the attention to detail that the authors had given in regards to how each side lived. Being able to visualize it in my mind drew me through the book and landed me right there with Romulus and Kieran.

My heart actually hurt for the two stepbrothers at times who were battling between their love for each other, the situation they were placed in from a very early age and the fact that neither of them seemed to understand where the other was coming from until they were shoved into this situation. Then to have Kieran take a turn and help Romulus escape from his prison in the cellar and Romulus return to save him was beautiful.

The ending left me wanting for more though. With Abel and Romulus together at the end and Romulus and Keiran together as well, The ending left me wondering if there might be a sequel to this book where the three of them end up getting together and involved in a more poly relationship? I could only hope…

I’m going to give this book two thumbs up and a must read to anyone who loves mm romance with a fantasy twist.

T.N. Nova (30 KP) rated Spoiled in Books

Jun 22, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spoiled by R. Phoenix and Morgan Noel is a novel about Romulus and Kieran. Romulus is the spoiled witch lover of Abel, an arms dealer, and Kieran is a human who is involved in a band of rebels. Romulus had been captured by the human rebels and held hostage away from his spoiled life in order to get information about what Abel’s life and routine.Kieran is the medic of the rebels who ended up being the only one Romulus would talk with.

In a battle between the supernaturals and the humans where the humans are second and sometimes third class citizens who will do what they have to in order to survive, Kieran is torn between his self-proclaimed family and the stepbrother that he was raised with.

Before going any further into my review, I want to lead with the disclaimer that this book involves what some may consider an “Ick” factor of romantic and sexual love between stepbrothers. Not that it bothered me any nor was it an issue but I want to let my readers know in advance. With that out of the way, I will continue on.

Spoiled is a stand-alone story that is set in The Fate of the Fallen / Status Quo world. You don’t need to have read the rest of the series in order to understand what’s going on in this book. It gives a glimpse at the world as well as what is happening yet there are no spoilers for the rest of the series. I rather enjoyed the world and how it was set up. The twist of how the humans were lower class and forced into the slums while the supernaturals basically ruled was interesting to me. It gave an insight into things that weren’t normally written about. The character development was amazing and the world development was spot on. I absolutely loved the attention to detail that the authors had given in regards to how each side lived. Being able to visualize it in my mind drew me through the book and landed me right there with Romulus and Kieran.

My heart actually hurt for the two stepbrothers at times who were battling between their love for each other, the situation they were placed in from a very early age and the fact that neither of them seemed to understand where the other was coming from until they were shoved into this situation. Then to have Kieran take a turn and help Romulus escape from his prison in the cellar and Romulus return to save him was beautiful.

The ending left me wanting for more though. With Abel and Romulus together at the end and Romulus and Keiran together as well, The ending left me wondering if there might be a sequel to this book where the three of them end up getting together and involved in a more poly relationship? I could only hope…

I’m going to give this book two thumbs up and a must read to anyone who loves mm romance with a fantasy twist.
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T.N. Nova (30 KP) Jun 22, 2018

I did it! :)


starwarsluvr (236 KP) Jun 22, 2018

now keep adding ;) haha