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    Minecraft: Story Mode

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Goddess in the Stacks (553 KP) rated Rebel of the Sands in Books

May 19, 2018 (Updated May 19, 2018)  
Rebel of the Sands
Rebel of the Sands
Alwyn Hamilton | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amani is a girl in a country that doesn't value women, and treats them as useless property only good for breeding sons. The country is basically occupied by another country that the Sultan is "allied" with, but lets run roughshod over his people. She has her sights set on escaping her backwoods, dead-end town, and running to the capital city, where the aunt she's never met lives. All of that is derailed when she meets Jin at an underground shooting competition, and then later hides him from the armed forces hunting him.

The country is definitely middle-east inspired, but there's a lot of religion-bashing, and complaining about the culture oppressing women. It's the same problem I have with a lot of knight-and-castle era fantasy - just because historically in OUR world those time periods weren't kind to women, doesn't mean they have to be the same in fantasy. It's FANTASY! It can be anything you want! Break the tropes! It's a fine line to walk, taking the good parts of a culture without just cherry-picking and appropriating the culture, and who's judging what the good and bad parts are, anyway? So I understand it's difficult, but bashing the culture in a book inspired by their mythology is not quite cool, either. I feel like City of Brass, another fantasy book set in the middle east, hit a better middle ground of embracing the culture of the inspiration without bashing parts of it.

That gripe aside, I really enjoyed the world-building. I'm not quite sold on the characters yet - Amani is far too quick to abandon things she should fight for - but I'm interested enough to see how they progress in the next two books.

You can find all my reviews at

ClareR (5632 KP) rated Unclean Spirits (Gods and Monsters #1) in Books

Feb 20, 2018 (Updated Feb 20, 2018)  
Unclean Spirits (Gods and Monsters #1)
Unclean Spirits (Gods and Monsters #1)
Chuck Wendig | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Low down and dirty Mythology!!
Carson Cole escapes his life of servitude when a bomb destroys his boss, Mr E. Rose. Yes, if you say it quickly it sounds like Eros, and that’s because it IS Eros. Carson learns that he is embroiled in the world of the Gods from every pantheon. They have all been cast out of the heavens by ‘The Usurper’ and are having to scratch out a life on Earth. Not many of them actually like it.
Carson had lost his life five years previously to Eros’ whims, and his wife and son hate him. He goes on a journey with Frank (who is frankly, a horrific character) to find out why this is. It’s a ‘100mph’ book: non-stop action pretty much, and if you like Gods (and monsters!) you’ll like this. It has a very dark, menacing atmosphere: dirty, unclean, violent. I enjoyed it! There was a bit (a huge!) twist at the end.
I also enjoyed the short story at the end by Pat Kelleher (Drag Hunt) featuring Coyote. This story isn’t set completely in the US, but does start there and ends in London and it’s environs. Coyote has lost a rather important part of himself, and is determined to find it. A very enjoyable story, again, with a great selection of Norse, Celtic, Egyptian and other Gods that I have probably forgotten in it! I find myself very much enjoying these stories with Coyote in. He’s very much the Loki of the North American native people. Got to love a trickster!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of this book!


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Fighting for All (Soul Match #5)
Fighting for All (Soul Match #5)
Morticia Knight | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a fitting end!
This is book 5 in the series and you really should read the other four before this one. You will need what everyone has been through to get to this point. And because I said so?

Chris, Lasar and Nary arrive at the air base the rebellion is camped out at, with the Nall and his forces hot on his heels. Can they overcome the Nall and more importantly, the Void? The fate of the human race AND Alasharian people depend on it!

It's always sad to see the end of a series, particularly one I've enjoyed so much, but Ms Knight pulls a blinder with this one!!

All three triads have their time, both sexy and fighting the Void. Lasar suffers a terrible loss. Morgan and Rama are gravely injured. The Sha Sha Ar actually turns up for real too! And Chris fully embraces his destiny. I loved that there were some male/female pairings beginning here too, and that they were unexpected. I loved that the Sha Sha Ar changed the rules, so that not only Chris embraces his destiny, but Lasar and Nary too.

While it's obvious what the outcome of the battle is, it's HOW it's won that would be spoilers, and what the participants to to overcome the pull of the Void.

I can't say much else, or that would be spoilers, but know that love really does make the world go round, no matter what!!

Fabulous finale, thank you Ms Knight!!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere*