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The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
Best of the Best
I could literally watch this film over and over again. That goes for literally anything in the MCU. I am thoroughly obsessed with the world that Marvel has created and nurtured and brought to the screen - big and small. The detail and the intricacy of each of the stories and the way they are woven together is one of my very favorite things and a huge reason why, I think, they have done and continue to do well.

I can't help but think about Endgame when watching this one and seeing how far we've come since then, but also seeing how many easter eggs are in this film, whether we knew about them or not.

I also love this film because it's the backdrop that created the incredible show that is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - easily one of my favorites. Phil Coulson is an iconic character and I hope they bring him back in Phase 4. Just because AoS is over, doesn't mean Coulson or literally any of the team has to be. After finishing the show and rewatching this film, there are even more details that they exploited and utilized that just takes it to the next level. It's truly hard to describe.

I really love this film and this universe. The characters, the dynamics, the plots, all of it. I am super biased and I don't even care. I will love this film until the end of time.
All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
2022 | Drama, International, War
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Shows The Futility and Bleakness of War
War is hell. And if you don’t think it is check out the 2022 German film version of the classic novel ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT about a young German’s experience towards the end of World War I. It is a bleak, grim view of war told unflinchingly and drives home the point of the pointlessness of war (especially the trench warfare of WWI). It is bravura filmmaking that deserves to be mentioned with the great war films of all time.

And the book is even bleaker.

Directed by Edward Berger, ALL QUIET follows young Felix Kammerer (Paul Baumer) as he joyfully joins the German army to fight the French. Quickly, Felix learns of the cost of war and the grim reality of trench warfare.

Berger has a strong view of all of this and his Direction and Camerawork are squarely focused on young Felix and his continued attempts to stay alive amidst the fighting. Berger handles the action - and the acting - strongly and the Cinematography of this film by James Friend aides in the bleakness and futility of the conflict, showering the combatants in muted blues and grays and covering them all in mud. Berger does not hold back on the horrors of war (without going to “gorey”) and delivers a moody, bleak and important film.

Baumer plays Felix with an innocent sincerity that gives way to resolute abandonment of hope as the bleakness of the affair drags on. His futility is, then, juxtaposed against German envoy Matthias Erzberger (Daniel Bruhl) who is trying to negotiate a surrender with the French. The building frustration of both men are clearly shown growing as the film elapses.

And that is another strong suit about this film - it shows the situations, the hopelessness and negativity of war without having to “tell” or comment about it. The pictures are all one needs to know.

An anti-war film of the highest order, ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT is a must see - the best adaptation of this classic novel ever.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
For someone who was as prolific at writing novels as Terry Pratchett he didn't write much in the way of short stories. As he himself comments in this collection of his work this is because 'they cost blood' to write and he wondered how others such as Neil Gaiman could write so many short stories. This is all the more surprising given his grounding in journalism, something that demands producing a story withing a set number of words.

The basis for this seems to be that the nugget of an idea behind a Pratchett book was rarely simple enough to be encapsulated neatly in the short story form; his characters and ideas took time to develop and that's before the addition of the amusing footnotes and his skill at producing pastiche, parody and satire of many different things without the narrative stumbling or swerving.

This collection shows that although relatively few in number, the Pratchett short story was just as fine as could be expected. Sometimes they could be a little rushed to get to the point before the end (best seen in his tale of a gnome from the country that finds other gnomes in a department store - the story that was later rewritten fully as Truckers)

This is also a somewhat eclectic mix. There is the first story that he was paid for about the devil wanting to promote hell, which he wrote at school but it is clear that he already had the flair for writing even then. A few science fiction stories including the prescient and dark #ifdefDEBUG "world/enough" "time" about someone retreating to a virtual reality world. There is the story that formed the first ideas that would eventually become The Long Earth and of course some Diskworld shorts and related notes.

Taken together they show that over a long span of time Pratchett was coming up with great ideas. There is a little uneveness but part of this is due to his writing style being different between Diskworld and his more science fiction based stories (something that confused a lot of Diskworld readers when they read The Long Earth, but goes back even to The Dark Side of the Sun and Strata both of which are very different to Diskworld in tone.

To this end the editors have been wise to have the Diskworld stories as the second half with the 'other' stories at the beginning. This avoids the tone changing too much between stories.

This sounds like it might be for the Pratchett 'completist', like one of those greatest hits albums that comes out with just one or two rare tracks, but really this is a great collection of short stories by any measure. A couple of these are fairly well known - Troll Bridge and Theatre of Cruelty - but there is nothing gratuitous here. And of course there are plenty of laughs and subtle takes on society and humanity.

Reiko LJ (126 KP) rated Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) in Movies

Jul 23, 2018 (Updated Jul 23, 2018)  
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Great cast and chemistry (1 more)
A genuine message at the end of it all
Don't judge a game by its box
Contains spoilers, click to show
I can hold my hands up and genuinely say I was wrong about this film and all my pre-judgements of it.
When the initial trailers dropped I was appalled - not only had they besmirched the good Jumanji name with a cheap remake but it had tropes ahoy and fanservice nonsense with Karen Gillan running round in a skimpy outftit. Also the Jack Black playing a female character just felt like a dodgy observation on a man being funny pretending to speak like a woman.

Well. I was totally wrong.
It sold itself as good fun and it delivered with some actual depth bringing up the rear.
The tropes I was worried about were flipped on their head. The geeky guy didn't chase the popular girl and get her in the end - he always liked the geeky girl. The game gave them a platform to express their mutual feelings to each other and to gain confidence in general.
The jock learned about strengths outside of his physicality. The popular girl learned about being selfless and seeing the world outside of her phone.
The video game format was a great way to bring the film to the modern age and had some really smart nods to aspects within them.

 Definitely not what I expected, pleasantly surprised. Hell, the ending even brought a tear to my eye! 100% glad I gave it a shot
Bleed In The Night (Blood and Bonds #2)
Bleed In The Night (Blood and Bonds #2)
S.J. Coles | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
these books are keeping me on my toes!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Blood and Bonds series, and I STRONGLY recommend you read book one, Touch In The Night, before this one. It will givev you Tyler and Lucien's meeting, but it will also give you the background you need about the haemophiles and how they live in this world. It will, as well, give you what the rest of the haemophiles think of Lucien, that's very important.

Because when we get to hear why Lucien does what he does, I was surprised! He's not quite the bad guy he's portrayed to be.

I loved how Tyler flips his opinion of Lucien, when faced with the consequences of his actions, it made for a speedy turnaround, butit alos made Tyler see, really see Lucien, and what he has been doing, and why. The history of the vampire of this world is different to anthing I've read before and I love that.

Again, only Tyler gets a say. And again, I wish we had heard from Lucien. I really think this would be a 5 star if he had.

Somethinghappens right near the end of thisbook that has thrown me for a loop, and this book ends on a bit of a cliff hanger and it makes me think if Lucien and Tyler will appear again. Emory and Jesse appear here, from book one.

Again, 4 very VERY good stars.

These books are keeping me on my toes and making my bok brain whir! Keep em coming, please!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere