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Take One With You
Take One With You
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Imagine a world where you could get back at those who had done you wrong. "An eye for an eye." In, Take One With You, Oak Anderson takes that ideal to a whole new extreme.

Charlie and Sarah had both suffered great loss. They had 'met' each other online in chat rooms dedicated to such things. They met several other people with the same suffering. One particular person, though, was an inspiration to them. She was courageous and brave.

Melissa Stevenson was tired and wanted to end her life. But there was someone else's life that had to end too. The person who made her life so horrible. Missy was going to take her life and take him with her.

From this inspiration, Charlie and Sarah created the TOWY website. People who were suicidal or terminally ill could take their own life and take the life of someone else as well. What a way to rid this earth of all the scum!

I really enjoyed this book. It's an original idea that is eerily realistic. The relationship between Charlie and Sarah is very intense. One part of this book, that was very different from any other book that I have ever read was the use of different media articles that talk about the effects the website is having on the world. I didn't like where they were placed in the book, but that was my own issue.

This is a great novel that will get you thinking. Are there really people out here who are already doing these things. Murder/suicide is a common practice. "If you die tomorrow...who would you kill tonight?"
Please read Take One With You!
    DIY Gifts (Magazine)

    DIY Gifts (Magazine)

    Magazines & Newspapers and Lifestyle

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This Lovely City
This Lovely City
Louise Hare | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The beginnings of the Windrush generation.
The only thing I didn’t like about This Lovely City by Louise Hare, were the attitudes of a lot of the (predominantly) white, male Londoners. And there’s not a thing that the author could do about that.

In 1948 answering a call from the Homeland, Lawrie and hundreds of mainly young men like him, arrived in London, fresh off the Empire Windrush from Jamaica. They were there to help rebuild England after the Blitz and the end of the Second World War. We see this story mainly from Lawrie’s point of view, so we see the racism, the way he was turned away from jobs because the other men wouldn’t want to work with ‘his type’. It was a shock to see the use of the ‘n’ word so often, and the blatant hostility towards Lawrie and his friends.

This story isn’t just about that though. There’s a bit of a love story and a mystery to solve as well. Lawrie makes an upsetting discovery, and rather than being thanked for it, he is immediately under suspicion. Again, solely down to the colour of his skin.

I loved this book. It gave me an insight into the lives of the Windrush generation as they began their lives here. Lawrie and his girlfriend Evie were great characters to read about - I WANTED all to be well for them, as I did for the other Jamaican characters, if I’m honest.

If this is Louise Hare’s first book, I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next.

Many thanks to NetGalley and HQ for my copy of this wonderful book.
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    Gods Of Rome


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