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A Court of Frost and Starlight: Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Frost and Starlight: Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
Cute and heartwarming (0 more)
Super shorr (2 more)
No action
Feels like a Christmas special
The war is over but the aftermath is just starting. With everyone needing to heal and Winter Solstice around the corner, everyone is busy rebuilding their cities and trying to get past all the brutality the war wrought on the people. Feyre and her family are trying to help everyone while also trying to overcome her hat they went through. Buying each other gifts and giving each other support is one of the biggest ways Feyre is helping make the world a better place. Feyre even learns that creating has helped her through some tough times and tries to plan to help others with their tough times. Nothing like Winter Solstice to help bring people together and help them move past the awful things they had to endure.


A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J Maas is like a Christmas special in the middle of a television show. There isn’t any dark and cruel things happening. It was a nice reprieve from the story line, showing how much we all need our friends and families after going through such dark and trying times. It is the shortest of the series this far, but it is also the most touching. Not because anyone is declaring their love or doing cute things, but because of the lessons or ideals behind what is going on.

I will say that even though I’m not into what I deem as filler, it was a nice turn of events. Since every book before this was jam packed with action suspense and strategic planning, seeing our main characters do something like supporting one another, trying to heal and find ways to make the world more peaceful, was nice. I really enjoyed Feyre’s parts as each chapter seemed to focus on one character or another. Not because she is my favorite and I loved seeing her grow as a person, but because she is keeping her promise on making the world a better place. In a way they all are in their own ways but Feyre definitely did something she has not only promised to do, but something that will in turn make their world a more beautiful place to live.

There wasn’t a lot of conflict in A Court of Frost and Starlight, but what can one expect in this particular book. Because it was a Christmas Special in a way, it was very docile compared to what it could have been. Romance did seem to be an underlying concept as I would only assume after everything they went through, but to me it left me not really wanting to continue the series. And not just because I don’t have the last book. The reason I say this is because I felt it wrapped up the series.

What I mean by that is that even in the parts that had me wanting more, just to gather information, I was still left feeling content with it at the end. It just felt right to leave it like that. With all this being said, I would rate this novel three out of five stars. It was good but not my cup of tea so to speak. I tend to not care about books without conflict. It seems the world is going to be better just from this book and in my opinion was a great way to end a series.
No Ordinary Star
No Ordinary Star
M.C. Frank | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Decent book - but too short and lacks action
I first wanted to read No Ordinary Star because I was promised a big library within its pages. I wasn't disappointed. Although, it took a while to get to the Library. In 2524, books are 'weapons' due to the ideas that can be got from them. The new world has no need for new ideas. Plus,women and children aren't allowed to learn how to read or write. There's strict governance on who is in charge and superior within this world.

Although the book was short, it was packed full of information about this new future world. The new world was so strange yet extensive. There were so many advancements in medicine and lifestyle. You don't need to drink, eat or sleep because you can live off small tablets. Scientists create and genetically modify children. The government has removed music, art and love from humanity. There was the issue that no action was taken within the book - it will probably be within the next book that the pace is picked up.

This future brings up so many discussion points and thoughts when reading. Are all these advancements moral? Is this the right thing to do? There's separation of men and women, as men treat women as an inferior species. This book just makes you think so much about what you actually want for the future.

This book also brings up so many questions plot wise. Some questions were answered by the end, such as who is the 'fairy girl' in the first chapters? Other questions, such as why is the Clock so important will hopefully be answered in future installments? I'm excited to read the next book to see how it evolves!
Hitting the Books
Hitting the Books
Jenn McKinlay | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Was the Hit and Run a Murder Attempt?
Spring has arrived in Briar Creek, and it’s such a beautiful day that Lindsey Norris can’t help but spend a few minutes looking out the window of the library. However, what she sees is someone hit tennis coach Theresa Huston and then drive off. It sure seemed to Lindsey that the car sped up as it approached the crosswalk. When the investigation points to the library, Lindsey can’t help but get involved. But was this a case of negligent driving? Or was it attempted homicide?

The book does a good job of slipping us back into the world of the series while also setting up the mystery. However, I did feel the pace lagged a bit in the middle before wrapping the major questions up with the climax. A couple things could have been explained better, but they were minor. On the other hand, I loved how the library came into play in the plot. We don’t see as much of the series regulars, but that allows us to really get to know Theresa and those in her life, which I enjoyed. Plus, we get some good development for Lindsey and Sully. The book has the usual classic book discussion questions, craft, and three recipes at the end. Fans will enjoy this book; I know I did.
A Man Called Ove
A Man Called Ove
Fredrik Backman | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ove is a cranky old man who has recently lost his wife. He would like nothing more than to join her in the afterlife. He has made all of the arrangements, paid all of the bills, now he just has to find the best way to off himself. But when the neighbors seem to take a new interest in Ove, his plans keep getting thwarted. Will he be able to go through with his plans or will the neighbors have other plans?

I listened to this book and at first I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. But slowly Ove started to grow on me. He's the kind of guy who you know is stuck in his ways and there is nothing that you can say or do that will change that. But eventually you see a change, not one that is at first noticeable, but a slight softening.

Even though Ove is ready to leave this world, his neighbors, have a different idea. It starts with Parvana and her family. When they move into the neighborhood, they need help backing their trailer up on the street in order to move in. Then Parvana needs a ride to the hospital when her husband, Patrick has fallen off a ladder. Then another resident has to go to the hospital, then another neighbor needs help with their radiator and so on and so on. My favorite part of the book is toward the end **SPOILER ALERT** when Ove himself ends up going to the hospital and when Parvana goes to see him, the doctor tells her that one of Ove's problems is that his heart is too big. That makes Parvana bust out laughing.

At the end of this book, I cried like a baby and I highly recommend this book.

Caffeinated Fae (464 KP) Apr 10, 2019

I watched the movie that was based on this book and absolutely loved it! I didn't even realize I was reading subtitles because it was just that good!



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Team America: World Police (2004)
Team America: World Police (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Drama
The theme’s lyrics sum up this movie as well as any could have. Made in the midst of the War On Terror in 2004, a satire was needed and who better to provide one than the satirical genius’ Trey Parker and Matt Stone, best known for South Park. On the surface, this looks like a straight forward bawdy adult puppet parody, taking the mickey out of Bruckheimer’s blockbusters, Thunderbirds and the reputation being acquired by the U.S. over the past 30 years but reaching boiling point over the last decade, certainly in a post 9/11 world.But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

This is looking into every major aspect of the above, such as chauvinism, the political interference and undue, and sometimes dangerous influence of celebrities, summed up here with the Film Actor’s Guild (or F.A.G.) with a host of major film stars ripped off, notably upsetting Sean Penn.

The infamous puppet sex scene, which is nothing more than a poke, pardon the pun, at the puppetry employed in the film.But there’s so much more such as the excellent selection of bespoke songs, such as “Only A Woman” for the sex scene, “End Of An Act” as our hero leaves the group to wallow in self-pity to the song with features verse after verse nothing more than slagging off Michael Bay’s, Pearl Harbor and Ben Afleck! But for a film with criticises these blockbusters, it understands them too well to be truly nasty about them.

The entire film IS a well made Bruckheimer film, even recruiting one of his regular composers, Harry Gregson-Williams, to be in at the last-minute, to compose a great score, but why do this if they hated it so much? They don’t; they love these films and the affection for the genre is clear, making their digs enjoyable and not hurtful… There’s even a contradiction with the political tract as one hand this would seem to be an anti-American tome where Team America blow up every city and landmark imaginable in order to protect the world from the destruction of the Terrorists… Get it?

On the other, the song entitled “Freedom Isn’t Free” would seem to suggest that we should all do our part, even though this number ends with the line, “Freedom cost a buck o’five…” But then after all the political and social satire, and the spoofing of Hollywood’s gung-ho films, it’s just a fun film.When the terrorist’s come from Derka Derkastan, the tone is clear. This is like a pair of boys playing “War On Terror” with a collection of action figures.

They’re clearly laughing hysterically as they write, produce and direct this film like two teenagers, as they create the highly insensitive language of the terrorists, use elements from films such as Star Wars and James Bond, certainly as for Kim Jong-il, is nobody safe, well not after offending the North Korean leader, but in all fairness, this is really just Eric Cartman from South Park.But in the end, this is the perfect satire, with a blend of real world political and social commentary, great spoofing but when all’s said and done, this has a great sense if humour, though at times, somewhat bawdy. This is brilliant and one of, if not the best comedy of the past decade, and one of the greatest satires of all time. And, no, I don’t believe that I’m over stating that…

AT (1676 KP) Feb 20, 2019

Lol This movie is hilarious on so many levels. You just have to be able to stomach the particular type of humor. I loved it!

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
A pretty solid sequel
Contains spoilers, click to show
The first Maleficent is a film that could quite easily be a one and done type deal. It doesn't particularly need a sequel, but diving back into this world is huge heaps of fun.

The narrative is a little faffy to begin with, as it establishes the story, introducing us to new characters, and re-introducing us to others.
But once it gets going, it easily manages to re capture everything that was good about the first film.
Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, and Sam Riley are Greta as they were before, and newer characters played by the likes of Warwick Davis, Ed Skrein, Robert Lindsay, and Chiwetel Ejiofor all have their place and fit alongside everyone else nicely.
Michelle Pfeiffer is also a fun villain , starting off as a thorn in the side and evolving into full mad queen by the end.

The expiration of the larger world surrounding Maleficent is a nice route to take for the most part. There are some pacing issues around the mid section, and sometimes it feels like Maleficent is sidelined in favour of other it strands.
These are minor annoyances though, as the film heads towards it's hugely entertaining finale.
The third act is fantastic. The action is thrilling, the visuals are stunning, and the stakes actually feel quite high. It plays out at times like a PG version of The Red Wedding!

The CGI throughout is top quality, and much like the first, the various settings seen throughout feel fully realised and vivid.

Mistress of Evil is a sequel that perhaps didn't need to happen, but I'm glad that it did, and the two films together stand head and shoulders above any other live action adaption that Disney have put out in recent years.
Dare to Dream
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Dare to Dream</i> isn't so much as horrifying as to a novel aimed at a younger audience rather than the upper teens running amok from book to book behind Bookwyrming Thoughts (and of course, their own blogs). Simply put: Ella will butcher this, Lupe will make this sprout unicorns, Rundus will dissect this in a manner as seriously as possible, and Sophia might do a combination of blandly blunt dissection while trying to sprout at least one unicorn so no one (hopefully) will get a headache in the process.

But of course, the very last reviewer might be exaggerating a little. She may also be hitting the truth button at the exact same time she decided to press the "write a review in the third person" button.

In this ever so "blandly blunt dissection" of a mini-review, <i>Dare to Dream</i> is essentially divided into two parts: the first part is before the apocalypse, and the second part is the aftermath. It is really just a book that has a main character with a broken family, cries often (well, she is fourteen), and finding her place in the world – all while receiving dreams of the end of the world in the same way nightly and finding out it's in connection to the demise of Stonehenge. Oh, and it is also a day by day play of events that feels more proper in a sleeptastic documentary.

Basically, it's just tales of family drama from a fourteen-year-old British schoolgirl. The whole apocalypse thing? It might as well be a subplot until you get to the second part, where the primary purpose is surviving it day by day. But the point is, middle school Sophia might like this better than high school senior Sophia, who actually likes the whole Stonehenge aspect.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>