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Hazel (1853 KP) rated Blood and Stars in Books

Sep 24, 2017  
Blood and Stars
Blood and Stars
Jaime Lee Mann | 2017 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
No cliffhanger (0 more)
Children's Fantasy
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Finally, after leaving everyone on tenterhooks, the fifth book in the Legend of Rhyme series is here. Blood and Stars by Jaime Lee Mann continues on from the tense ending to book four, finally resolving a lot of loose ends. With all the favourite characters from the series, this book transports readers back into the fantasy world of Coraira for more adventure and magic.

Blood and Stars is split into four stories, which eventually all merge together in an explosive climax. Firstly, as expected, the main characters, twins Ariana and Asher, have found themselves separated from each other once again. With Ariana destined to rule Coraira, legend suggests that Asher will be the opposite – a ruler of darkness. But, is there a chance he can be saved from this fate? Meanwhile, the present ruler of Coraira is dying. The only person who could potentially save Calla is her evil twin sister Elora, the infamous witch in the previous books. Can she be trusted enough with such an important task?

Concurrently, in the ethereal world of the mermaids, readers are reintroduced to the mer-queen, Starla and her apprentice, Teagan. Abandoned at birth, Teagan is hoping to discover what happened to her parents; however, her curiosity leads her into the lair of a sea witch. Be that as it may, some dangerous situations result in silver linings.

Eventually, with the majority of the book already concluded, another character is brought back into the story. Grimblerod is still under the curse of an evil king, but he now has hope that it can be broken. As long as his love for Freya does not fail, Grimblerod’s patient determination will lead him back to where he belongs.

With a mix of new and old characters, Jaime Lee Mann smoothly draws her fans back into the storyline with a (mostly) happy ending. There are a couple of things left incomplete, but nothing that will majorly irritate readers. There is no dreaded cliffhanger.

As it may have been some time since children read the last book, or parents and teachers are only just being introduced to the story, the author has provided an in-depth character guide in the end pages to bring everyone up to speed.

Blood and Stars was a more straightforward story than previous books. It resolved more issues than it created. There will be a final book coming (hopefully) soon, but there is no way of guessing what it will feature.

Legend of Rhyme is a series suitable for girls and boys. Mildly scary in parts, the adventure of the twins and their companions will entertain children and their parents. With discussion questions at the end, the books make readers think more about the storyline and help them to understand and interact with the narrative. This is certainly a series for young fantasy lovers.
The Subway Girls
The Subway Girls
Susie Orman Schnall | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clever story, great characters, interesting TRUE history! (0 more)
Nothing - I loved it! (0 more)
Charming, interesting and Girl Power!
Soooo charming and loads of girl power!!

The Subway Girls had me roped in from the second I heard about the story. Being in advertising, having lived in Brooklyn, and ALL about being a strong, independent and confident chick - I soared through this book and cannot believe I didn't know about this campaign before! Now, I'm gobbling up every book and article across the internet about it!

The Miss Subways campaign was basically a beauty/modeling contest, which translated into posters of beautiful women splashed across subway as advertising to encourage New Yorkers to ride. But it was also so much more than that. It opened doors for these women, when there weren't many available. Some went on to modeling careers, while others went back to their quiet lives at home with their family - thrilled to have such an exciting experience, even if just once in their lives. One contestant even received 278 marriage proposals!

The book is told by two women: one in the past, one present day. Both strong and ambitious, trying to find and make their way in the world. A world as we know - basically ruled by men.

Charlotte, dreams of a career in advertising - not an easy feat in the 1940's for a woman. Her boyfriend Sam supports her ambitions, while her family, for the most part - does not. She strives to get into any position at these prestigious firms, but when her efforts fail, she aims for a new way of achieving opportunity - the Miss Subways contest. Swept up in the whirlwind of beauty contests, meeting glamorous new friends, all the while fighting with her father - her struggle between doing what's expected of her and what is in her heart threatens to upend all her dreams.

Fast forward 70 years to Olivia, an advertising exec workaholic, desperate for a normal family and steady, loving relationship. While just like Charlotte - she has lofty ambitions to make her mark in the world - but struggles to make herself shine in a (still, of course!) man's world. When Olivia's firm gets a chance to land the NYC subways account - she dives into researching the history of the Miss Subways campaign. The juxtaposition of these two amazing women's lives is so clever and interesting!

I totally understand the personal and professional juggle struggle! And also the strength it takes to accomplish some things that come WAY easier in this world to men. The power of the story in this book is pleasantly overwhelming and so creatively done. I fell in love with Charlotte, her spunk and determination. And Olivia's history is a bit painful, but she never gives up. The girl power is real here, and I loved the story from beginning to end!

Becka (82 KP) Jul 9, 2018

You make me want to read this. So I added it to my list of books to read.


Becka (82 KP) Jul 9, 2018

You make me want to read this. So I added it to my list of books to read.


Carma (21 KP) rated Avengers: Endgame (2019) in Movies

Jun 17, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Thanos completes his snap and the world suffers the aftermath (0 more)
Not enough fight scene action for me (0 more)
Thanos show down part two
Contains spoilers, click to show
I absolutely couldn't wait for the conclusion to Infinity War to see how our heroes reverse the snap. Honestly I have to say I read some spoilers before and had an idea of what might happen (not that most of that did) but I can say I was a little disappointed. Full disclosure, I saw the movie 4 times, I didn't plan to but I did. Anyway, while I appreciated the movie working on the core 6 and finishing up their story arcs, I still can't get on board with the total movie "knocking my socks off". There were too little fight scenes for me, too much filler in spots and conversations that didn't move the story line forward for me. Now the end big assemble was exactly what I was looking for but wishing it was a couple more time throughout the movie. The humor was high in this one (I think making up for Infinity Wars darkness) and some points were worth it, others the humor was a little much. I definitely enjoyed Infinity War better than Endgame but I am still a MCU fan forever. I did the culmination of Tony becoming the hero in the end, something he struggled with but had in him from the first Avengers movie in 2012. We see Cap call him out as not falling on the sword for others and in each movie after Tony definitely has his sword moments.
The Sunlight Pilgrims
The Sunlight Pilgrims
Jenni Fagan | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Concept (0 more)
Writing (0 more)
So boring
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Note: I did not finish reading this book.

It is winter 2020 and the world is facing the most extreme winter for over 200 years. Jenni Fagan’s The Sunlight Pilgrims explores the potential disastrous effects of climate change beginning with a new ice age set in the very near future, only four years away. With the North Atlantic drift slowing and temperatures around the world dropping to -40 degrees, the Earth’s inhabitants fear a pending apocalypse.

The story is largely set in Clachan Fells, a Scottish caravan park situated at the base of a group of mountains. Tin houses are not the most practical form of abodes for cold weather, let alone the worst snowstorms the world has ever seen. This is the situation the main characters of The Sunlight Pilgrims find themselves. Dylan MacRae has moved into a mobile home he did not know he owned until the recent death of his mother and soon makes friends with his neighbour Constance and her daughter Stella. Although only twelve years old Stella is more concerned about her identity than she is the fatal weather condition outside. Born a boy, Stella is uncomfortable in her body and struggles to get other people to accept that she is really a girl.

Surprisingly, the dystopian snow scene seems to be more of a backdrop to a different storyline featuring identity, family and romance. Dylan is a lonely man falling in love with the woman next door, however she is tied up with relationship problems of her own. Stella, whilst seemingly carefree, is desperate to be accepted for who she is and live a happy and secure life.

Jenni Fagan does an exceptional job of portraying the confusion, thoughts and emotions of a transgender child experiencing stigma amongst her peers. Yet Fagan also emphasises the potential acceptance of people in this situation through the reception received from Dylan who did not bat an eyelid on discovering the truth about Stella’s identity.

The Sunlight Pilgrims combines popular current affairs that are likely to attract a wide audience. Sadly as a story it falls short of mediocrity. Without a clear storyline it is a struggle to remain interested. The readers’ lack of enthusiasm for the characters and their individual worries makes it a challenge to reach the end. As I never made it to the final chapter I cannot say whether the conclusion is worth sticking around for. Mixed reviews on Goodreads suggest that enjoyment depends on the individual reader rather than the novel itself. I, however, cannot recommend this book.
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Nightblade's Vengeance
Nightblade's Vengeance
Ryan Kirk | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*** I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***

This summer I read the first Nightblade trilogy: I loved the first one (the world-building, the three different stories running in parallel and occasionally crossing over), enjoyed the second one (character development was the focus plus setting up the conflict in the conclusion) and tolerated the final book (largely a repeat of the same plot as the first two plus a number of loose ends left un-tied).

Given how I fell out of love with the series as it went on, I was a little tentative about reading this, the first in a new trilogy following on from the events of the first. I have to say it was very poor.

Pretty much nothing happens throughout the book, the sole focus is on political manoeuvring and the nightblades have become a shadow of what they were to be at the end of the first series.

The king is dying and has no heir, so one of three lords looks likely to be chosen to take the throne (or decide to take it). There is some unrest within the populace of the Kingdom towards nightblades (ninja-like warriors with a spidey-sense warning them of danger and allowing them to sense each other) - rumours are spreading that nightblades are demanding unreasonable payment for protection and are harming those they are supposed to be serving. And a particularly weak nightblade, the daughter of a dayblade (whose powers are used to heal rather than in combat) killed in service, by a mysterious warrior who subsequently vanished, is looking for vengeance (hence the title).

And that is pretty much it. The plot is very basic, the narrative takes an absolute age to cover what few events are happening and the vocabulary is pretty limited (I think at one point within three paragraphs about 6 things were said to have happened "in a moment" or "for a moment").

Twice in the book the phrase "to cut a long, boring story short" was used and I can't help but think Kirk was referring to what he himself should do.

I wasn't sure after ending the nightblade trilogy whether I would return to the world of the nightblades. Now I am certain I won't.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Purple Hearts in Books

Oct 24, 2017  
Purple Hearts
Purple Hearts
Michael Grant | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
So much death. It's sad. (0 more)
Reimagined History
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

An epic tale of a reimagined World War II comes to an explosive end in this third and final book Purple Hearts. Michael Grant created an alternative history in which women were allowed to enter the army and fight alongside the men on the front lines in Europe. Having earned accolades, promotions and the right to go home to America at the conclusion of the previous book, Rio, Frangie and Rainy decide to stay for the remains of the war. It is 6th June 1944, and the battle on the sands of Omaha Beach is about to begin – D-Day.

The story rushes into the horrors of the D-Day landings where Rio, now a Sergeant, is leading her platoon through the treacherous battleground, whilst Frangie, the medic, tries to patch up fallen comrades. The author teases the reader with the introduction of new characters who promptly get killed during this fateful day and battles further along the line. There is no sugar coating the horrific experience of soldiers and civilians, regardless of whether the scenes are fictionalized or not.
The difficulty with writing a work of fiction about the final years of World War II is that the majority of readers will already know the facts. Therefore, it was impossible for Grant to compose a drastic alternative history. Despite the inclusion of women soldiers, the main events occur exactly as they did in reality, beginning with D-Day before moving on to Liberated France, the Hürtgen Forest, the Battle of the Bulge, and, eventually, VE Day.

The three main characters have undergone complete transformations since the beginning of book one. No longer are they the innocent girls mocked for the belief they could be as strong as male soldiers. As horror after horror unfolds, readers are left with only the hope that these three survive.

Throughout book one and two, the narrative was interspersed with a commentary from an anonymous female soldier in a bed at the 107th evacuee hospital in Würzburg, Germany. As promised at the beginning of the series, readers finally find out which character this nameless voice belongs to, although it is dragged out until the final pages of the book.

The title, Purple Hearts, refers to the medal earned by soldiers injured in battle. Rio, Frangie and Rainy have each received one, along with a few other characters. Unfortunately, many are killed in the battles, some who have been in the story from the start, making this an extremely shocking book. It goes to show how dangerous war is and the brutality WWII soldiers experienced. It is a surprise that as many survived as they did.

Although at this point the main focus of the story is the war, there is still the underlying theme of equality, both for women and for black people. Frangie provides the insight into the segregation of blacks, being assigned to black-only patrols and having white patients refuse to be treated by her. However, as the war gets more violent, these lines get blurred until it is (mostly) no longer important the colour of a soldier or medic’s skin.

Purple Hearts is a brilliant end to a challenging series. Readers become invested in the characters and are drawn into a story that is so true to form that it is easy to forget that women did not actually take part in the fighting. Evidently well researched, Michael Grant has penned a series that educates whilst it entertains, opening readers’ eyes to the truth about war. This is nothing like a textbook full of facts and figures, it is a moving, personal (forget the fictional bit) account of what WWII was really like. Written with young adults in mind, this is a great series for both teens and older readers.