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Mork And Mindy
Mork And Mindy
1978 | Classics, Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi
Classic Comedy (2 more)
Feel Good show
Life Lessons
Na-nu Na-nu
Now here's a show that not many people know, especially someone of my age because it's a show that's been off the air for 3 decades. However if you are a fan of the late great Robin Williams, this show is a must see.

The show is actually a spin off, after the character of Mork appeared in an episode of Happy Days. After the then unknown Robin Williams became so popular in his role that the producers decided to give him his own show.

One great thing about Mork and Mindy is that we learn life lessons through Mork learning about human life. With lessons about lying to people, talking to strangers, and the importance of laws etc. It's packed to the brim with humour both scripted by the writers, and some improvised by the brilliantly entertaining Robin Williams which made him really popular with the audience.

Mork from Ork, gets himself into all kinds of trouble on the show and the show is filled with memorable words and phrases such as "Na-Nu Na-Nu" which, from how it's used in the show, is used as "Hello" and "Goodbye". There's also "Shazbot" which seems to be a curse word, meaning something along the lines of "Damn".

Some of the special effects of the show are, to this day and age, very bad. However some of the effects are brilliant and practical including the moving furniture when Mork uses his 'alien abilities'.

One of my favourite aspects of the show is seeing the other cast members trying not to laugh too much at Robin Williams' performance especially when he improvises.

At the end of each episode, Mork must report back to his world leader Orson (voiced by Ralph James) and tell him about what he's learned on Earth.

The show ran for 4 seasons and remains as one of the funniest shows I have seen.
    Le Monde diplomatique

    Le Monde diplomatique

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Star Wars: Lando's Luck (Flight of the Falcon, #1)
Star Wars: Lando's Luck (Flight of the Falcon, #1)
Justina Ireland | 2018 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Like the cover suggests this one follows Lando on an adventure that is perfect for all ages. My younger sons enjoyed the plot and the simplicity of the read. While it seemed like it went on a bit at the end overall the characters were a great addition to the greater star wars world. Lando acted like you would expect from his younger self and created good humor and good interactions. It felt great to see him by himself doing his own adventures without needing the more major characters.
Highly recommend to anyone who loves Star Wars as well as parents who wish to get their children into the fandom as well as reading. Perfect middle grade chapter book for school as well. I think any age would enjoy this even if they are an adult.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Waterfall in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Lauren Kate | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The end of Lauren Kate’s fantasy novel <i>Teardrop</i> saw the beginning of the destruction of the earth after teenage Eureka Boudreaux shed a tear sparking off a devastating flood. <i>Waterfall</i> continues on from this point as Eureka goes on a journey to try and save the world. Readers are reunited with the lovable characters of the previous novel such as the twins and Cat as well as the mysterious Ander.

Three quarters of the novel is full of excitement with Eureka and family swimming to Turkey to locate a lost relative of Ander’s who they hope will be able to advise them on what to do next. Solon is a great character – comes across as mean but really has everyone’s best interests at heart. Solon instructs Eureka in the tasks ahead of her all the while the threat of Atlantis rising rests heavily upon her. Meanwhile Atlas, the evil one, who is determined to make Eureka produce one final tear, has possessed Eureka’s best friend Brooks.

Up until this point the novel was even better than the first. The lack of everyday life that <i>Teardrop</i> was composed of meant that the fantasy story line could quickly develop. However the remaining quarter of <i>Waterfall</i> was largely disappointing.

The setting for the finale of the book was a complete contrast to what the characters had been exposed to previously. Whilst there was nothing wrong with this, the story became confusing and difficult to grasp. It was hard to picture the scene and it felt like the personalities of some of the characters, Eureka in particular, had suddenly changed.

Initially <i>Waterfall</i> was working towards a four star review however after the frustrating changes in writing style the novel no longer feels like the fantastic story it promised to be.

As mentioned, this is a sequel to <i>Teardrop</i> and readers would greatly benefit from reading that first, but the beginning chapters of <i>Waterfall</i> contain enough information for new readers to catch up to speed.