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2017 | Dice Game, Puzzle
One of the best parts of the board gaming experience is finding a fun group of people with whom to play! Sometimes, though, coordinating a game night is easier said than done. We all must occasionally forego the group experience and face the world as the Lonely Only. But fear not! The world of solo-play is a vast and exciting realm! What follows is a chronicle of my journey into the solo-playing world – notes on gameplay, mechanics, rules, difficulty, and overall experience with solo variations of commonly multiplayer games! I hope this will provide some insight as you continue to grow your collection, or explore your already owned games!

In Sagrada, you are an artist who has been tasked with creating a beautiful stained glass window. Working piece by piece, you build a masterpiece – the likes of which have never before been witnessed. Finding the perfect pieces can be tricky, but through careful use of your tools and with your artistic vision, you can create the best window in the town! The game is played over 10 rounds in which players draft dice and place them in their windows, following certain placement restrictions. A set number of tools are available for use, and can aid you in manipulating the dice to your benefit. Points are scored based on successful completion of private and public objectives, and the player with the highest score at the end of 10 drafting rounds is the winner!

My favorite part about playing Sagrada solo is that the game is essentially played the same way, regardless of player count. The only difference is how you win! In both group and solo play, each player will draft two dice every round. In group play, any leftover dice are discarded, while in solo play, the remaining two dice will be added towards the Target Score – the score you are trying to beat at the end of the game! To find the Target Score, you add all of the die values of your unused dice from each round. If, at the end of the 10 rounds, you have earned more points than the Target Score, you win! But if the Target Score is higher than your final score, you lose.

The game play differences are simple enough, but actually winning the game solo is a different story. I have played Sagrada solo quite a bit, and have won maybe 25% of the time. Depending on which window card and objectives are in play, and because of placement restrictions, I often have to sacrifice high-valued dice to the Target Score. And since there are no placement restrictions for the Target Score, and two dice are added to it each round, it is very easy for that score to sky-rocket. I either barely pull off a win, or I lose by a huge margin. Playing in a group is nicer in this regard because the other players have the same placement restrictions that I have – nobody is just getting points for free. Without the Target Score, there really is no way to play Sagrada solo, but it makes the game feel a little imbalanced to me.

Just because it is difficult to win solo does not mean that I do not like the game. It requires quite a bit of strategy, and that keeps me engaged for the entire game. There are dice placement restrictions based on color AND value, so there are two different ways in which you have to constantly be strategizing. You can’t just focus on either value or color – your strategy must always be changing based on which color dice are drawn and what values are subsequently rolled. Even with the amount of strategy required, Sagrada actually plays pretty quickly as a solo game, and I really like that. I like the challenge of this game, and often try to play until I can win. Since I can finish an entire solo game in probably 10-15 minutes, I am able to get multiple plays in a row!

Sagrada is a challenging game to play solo, but not in a way that feels futile. I don’t win a lot, but the strategic implications and the pretty dice colors are what keep me coming back to this game! If you haven’t tried Sagrada solo yet, I’d encourage you to give it a shot. But be warned – you might not always win.
Passionaries (The Blessed, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I loved the first book in this series! Precious Blood was a fantastic read. However, Passionaries was a bit mediocre in my opinion.

I like the title, and I believe it is quite fitting for the book. A minor character in the book defines what passionaries are. They are some kind of books related to the Catholic religion. I don't know if that's fictitious or not (I did try searching for it and found nothing).

The cover is very gorgeous as are all of the covers of Tonya Hurley's books. The cover fits the book especially with the guitars and the sword.

The world building was a bit hit and miss. There were times when it seemed like something like this could happen. I mean, who says we can't have modern day saints? However, there were also times when it seemed a bit too unreal such as when people were getting murdered. For example, in one scene, the girls get attacked so they end up killing their attackers. They don't get arrested because there's no evidence. Surely they would've caught them on CCTV or someone would've seen the girls with blood all over them. Plus, there'd be so much forensic evidence. I also felt that sometimes there was sometimes some fight scenes just for the sake of having a fight scene.

The pacing started off slow but eventually find a decent pace. The pacing isn't as good as the first book in the series, but it still held my attention.

As for the plot, I don't really know what's going on. At least in the first book, it was the girls finding out they were saints. However, after reading this book, I don't know what's going on! I realize the girls are saints and there are some people that don't want the world to know that, but what I don't know is the why. Why do these people not want the world to know these girls are saints? I felt that the answer is just not very clear. Passionaries did have a plot twist that I never saw coming. There's also a big cliff hanger at the end of the story as to make way for the third book in the series.

The characters were all fabulously written. The girls are stronger in this book, and their saintly personalities show through. Saying that, Cecelia is more hardcore in this book then in the first one. At least I thought so. Dr. Frey is still very cunning as ever in Passionaries. One thing that did irk me was that Hurley brought in the character of Finn. To me, Finn is a totally pointless character. I really didn't see the relevance in bringing him into the story.

There were times when the dialogue did seem a bit awkward although this was mostly in the beginning of the book. I felt that the meeting between Dr. Frey and some of his associates at the beginning of the book had painful dialogue. It just didn't seem to flow naturally. Luckily, the problem is quickly solved. There is some swearing in Passionaries as well as graphic violence.

All in all, Passionaries fell short of my expectations. It was a little bit too confusing, and the world building just didn't seem all that realistic. I do want to read the next book in the series because I've invested so much time in this series. However, the expected publication is some time in 2015, so I may give it a miss since I tend to forget things that happened in books after so long.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 17+ who want to know more about Lucy, Cecelia, and Agnes.
Among the Red Stars
Among the Red Stars
Gwen C. Katz | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Plot (2 more)
The History
The Characters
A lot of Russian names make it hard to keep up with who's who (1 more)
Lack of mention of parents
A Great Historical Read!
When I was offered the chance to review Among the Red Stars by Gwen C. Katz, I jumped at the chance. After reading the great reviews, I knew it was going to be a great book. Luckily, I was not disappointed.

I though the plot and world building were excellent! The story for Among the Red Stars is mostly told through letters written by Valka, the main character, and her childhood friend, Pasha. Set in Russia during World War II, Pasha was drafted and had no choice but to join, and Valka voluntarily joined because she had been wanting to be a pilot since she was young. The all female bomber regiment isn't taken seriously at first since they are all young and female, but soon enough, it because apparent that these female pilots are the real deal and just as good as their male counterparts. Among the Red Stars is also based in some fact too which made the book that much more interesting. My emotions were all over the place reading this book. I kept on hoping the outcome of the story would be a good one. Among the Red Stars answered all the questions I had, and I would suggest reading the Author's Note at the end of the book because it will give you more insight into the all female Russian bomber regiment. I found it very interesting. The only thing that bothered me was that Valka's parents weren't really mentioned throughout the book. I would have thought that Valka's parents would have written to their daughter during the war. If they didn't want to, it would have been nice to have an explanation as to why they didn't want to write to their daughter. I just found it a bit strange that Valka's parents weren't mentioned at all during the book except for briefly towards the end.

The characters were written very well in Among the Red Stars. It was interesting to learn that many of the characters mentioned in Among the Red Stars were based on actual people who served in World War II. As I've said before, a lot of the story is based on fact which made this book that much more enjoyable. I loved seeing Pasha and Valka grow throughout their letters. I was always hoping they'd be reunited soon because it was obvious how much they really cared about each other. I also loved the relationship between Valka and her cousin Iskra. It was refreshing to read about the love between them. I admired Galya's and Lilya's spirit throughout the war, and I loved how awesome Vera and Tanya were. All the females in Among the Red Stars were amazing, and I admired each and every one of them. I loved the camaraderie between all the girls. I will admit that sometimes it was hard to keep up with who was who during the book due to the Russian names, but I still thoroughly enjoyed every character. If you read the Author's Note at the end of the book, you can learn more about each character that was actually a real person. I loved that Gwen C. Katz added all that information.

The pacing for Among the Red Stars grabs you by the hand and never lets go! Never once did I grow bored of the story. The story never got too fast paced for me where I was confused with what was happening. The pacing was fantastic!

Trigger warnings for Among the Red Stars include violence, death, injuries, war, and sexism.

All in all, Among the Red Stars was a fantastic, thrilling read. I never wanted to put it down. This book had everything from a great group of characters to a fantastic plot. I would definitely recommend Among the Red Stars by Gwen C. Katz to everyone aged 14+. It's such an interesting book as well as an interesting way to learn about a piece of important history.
(A special thank you to the author for providing me with a paperback of Among the Red Stars in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)

Leah (: (569 KP) rated Curfew in TV

Feb 24, 2019  
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
7.6 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
So I’ve only watched one episode so far but the premise is very good. As the title would suggest the show is about a curfew which is imposed every night in England, not sure about the rest of the world yet.

It seemed a bit slow to start introducing us to the main characters, there seems to be 3 sets so far as they prepare to take part in an illegal street race.

Every night the whole country gets locked down for curfew to save people from whatever happens when it is dark. However there is hope as every year an illegal street race is held where the winners will earn their freedom to a mysterious island where there is no curfew and they will be safe.

I imagine the series will follow the race as at the end of the first episode it looked like the race was just about to begin.

It looked to be a good series with some action and drama as well as there being a bigger storyline and the main characters all having varied backstories.
The Mark of Athena
The Mark of Athena
Rick Riordan | 2013 | Children
8.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Three in the Heroes of Olympus series did not disappoint! I have to admit that out of all Rick Riordan's series this has been my least favorite, but I really enjoyed this installment. It is literally a cliffhanger...if that cliff is hanging over Tartarus & is under a parking lot in Rome that is!
All the characters have matured nicely and I have to say that was a pleasant surprise. Percy & Annabeth's relationship has followed the same line. But despite all the characters in the book, I have to say my favorite is Leo Valdez; the brainiac of the demigods. He was very funny in this book & easy to like. His personality was developed a lot more throughout this story so the reader gets to know him on another level.
As for the plot, a war breaks out between the Greek & Roman camps thanks to some nasty spirits taking over Leo. Despite this, the 7 demigods & Coach Hedge, the satyr, must embark on a mission to unite the 2 camps & prevent Gaea & her giants from destroying the world. Needless to say, it isn't easy & they run amok of quite a few gods & monsters on the way.
I am really looking forward to seeing how Riordan wraps up this series!! I have a sinking feeling that it may be the end of Percy Jackson though...
The Magician&#039;s Apprentice (Black Magician, #0.5)
The Magician's Apprentice (Black Magician, #0.5)
Trudi Canavan | 2009 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to say I loved this book, but there is part of me resisting that solely because I didn't feel satisfied by its ending. It felt to me that it wasn't tied up properly. It kind of felt there should have been a couple more pages. I also thought that seeing as Tessia is the title and main character of the book that it was a shame the final scene (though mentioning her) doesn't feature her.

I have picked up copies of Trudi Canavan's books in shops a number of times over the years, but I never bought one because I didn't want to invest in a trilogy if I wasn't completely "with it". So when I realised that this book was a stand-alone novel, but was set in the world (albeit a few hundred years before!) some of her other books I jumped at the chance of reading it.

From my first paragraph you'll probably think I ended up disappointed, but you'd be wrong. Until the very end I really really enjoyed this. The characters were well formed and it was lovely to have a story of war where you see both sides of said war, and the juxtaposition of Stara and Tessia's stories was intriguing but perhaps not played to its full potential. The two different cultures were very well constructed, and by having the Stara strand meant you never fully demonised the Sachakans, making them a more fully constructed culture - one that is eerily familiar.

My mind keeps wondering while I felt disappointed, and I guess I felt I needed more, and maybe this is because Canavan is more used to writing trilogies, maybe this is what is needed, I'd love to read a story of Tessia and Jayan as they built the Guild with the others. I feel there could be a whole book in that alone. It would have been nice to have at least got a glimpse of it. Given that it is a central part of the Black Magician trilogy I feel that could have been nice. Maybe all these niggles I'm feeling will be sorted when I read said trilogy, and I certainly will do, and maybe I'd have felt more satisfied if I'd read this in publication order. Who knows I may come back one day and re- review this book after re-reading it following reading the other six book set in this world.

I'm glad to have read this book, and I am excited to read more Trudi Canavan. I guess me saying that when I don't have the butterflies in the stomach I get at the end of reading a book is something in itself.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Gutter Prayer in Books

Jan 15, 2020  
The Gutter Prayer
The Gutter Prayer
Gareth Hanrahan | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A heist gone wrong
This is a very strange fantasy book. The story starts with a crew of three (a demonic type of person, a human exile girl, and a young man gradually turning to stone) sent to steal an artefact from the Tower of Law. During the heist the building starts to fall down around them and they scatter. There then follows a strange twisting and turning story in a very unique and unusual world. Conspiracies abound as all sides (government, alchemists, thieves, underground creatures) battle for access to artefacts, buildings and, eventually, gods.
The worldbuilding as a whole is superb. This is by far one of the most unusual worlds I have read a story in, with so many different races, creatures and magical things. However, large important parts of this are revealed throughout the book, so things just happen. I wouldn't say they are times of deus ex machina, but definitely some foreshadowing would be nice. This is increasingly annoying over the final third of the book, where new aspects of magic are being made up as we go.
The story is strong, albeit a little convoluted and at times Hanrahan's narrative tone is really nice. However the cast of not altogether distinct characters and names did make me struggle a little, with slightly too many factions or people introduced.
I also found the pace of the book dropped off after the first third, and it took me way longer to finish than it should have as my enjoyment tapered off.
There were a large number of typos throughout the book, more than would even be acceptable for a self-published book, in some cases I think character names were mixed up which meant conversations were harder to follow than they needed to be. Small things like this really hampered my progress through what was, in hindsight, a really good book. I have rated this up a little having had a day or so to calm down from a disappointing end. I have the follow-on book to read soon for Netgalley and will go in to it hoping for better editing and with more of an idea about the world the book takes place in.
Wintersfall (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #1)
Wintersfall (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #1)
Sarah Westill | 2021 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WINTERSFALL is the first book in the Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria series and the reader is introduced to a complex world where ranks are important, as well as limiting.

Following the murder of her mother and sister, Katria joins a government team on the understanding that an investigation will take place to find out who killed them. Fast forward three years and Katria has grown into a more than capable agent. With one fail to their name, the team is called back to Haven City and the intrigue really starts!

This was a great, twisted story with an amazing cast of characters, both main and supporting. I found it slightly difficult to get my head around the hierarchy and hated having to keep switching back and forth to the explanation given at the beginning of the book. In the end, I gave up and just read it as was.

The story isn't completed, by any stretch of the imagination. The focus may be moving from Katria and Sean but, make no mistake, there is so much more to come. I don't think we've even scratched the surface yet.

A great story that I thoroughly enjoyed and can't wait to read more. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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