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Ross (3284 KP) rated The Black Hawks in Books

Nov 11, 2019  
The Black Hawks
The Black Hawks
David Wragg | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A gritty story that emerges gradually and organically
The Black Hawks follows Vedren Chel, a young knight-in-training whose training is floundering and he is disengaged. His place in the corrupt country, and its class system, is dubious, and suddenly thrown into doubt when his home city is invaded. He sees the chance to escort young cowardly Prince Tarfel across country as his way out of his dead-end role. Sadly for him, they are kidnapped by the Black Hawk company, a crew of mercenaries as likely to call you an inventive swear-word as to instantly gut you.
The story is one that emerges over time, as Chel and the Black Hawks' journey changes and develops into more of a righteous quest. While I tend to prefer books where I can visualise the overall plot early on, I really enjoyed this and the way everyone was on the back foot the whole time. It gave me, as the reader, the feeling of being unaware and at the mercy of this harsh world, as it did for the characters in the story.
The characters themselves are largely well-developed. Chel is an interesting main character, being morally strong but largely useless in a fight. I was oddly glad that his battle skills barely improved throughout the book, I was at one point dreading chapters of sword forms and stances. He contrasts well with the Black Hawks, who are a grim company of morally corrupt selfish head-cases who are somewhat loyal to each other, but at the same time out for themselves. Within the crew each has their own place, their own skills and their own defined personality. It was a little hard initially to remember each of them, but I quickly got to know them well. Their different skills were well used in the action scenes as the company fought against other crews of mercenaries and corrupt government/church officials.
The plot is strong here. As said earlier, it develops over time with twists and turns and treachery and moral corruption throughout.
While the ending was a little bit of a surprise and a let-down, it felt overall the right way to end this first book in the series.
I had some issues with the pacing, but on the whole really enjoyed this book.
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Ross (3284 KP) Nov 12, 2019

If you have read Kyngs of the Wyld (which I haven't yet) apparently it has a very similar feel. A really good story with just enough humour.


AT (1676 KP) Nov 12, 2019

No, I haven't. I'll look at that, too.

Our leading lady, Julia Elliston, is the daughter of the famed Atheist William Elliston. She is young and naïve, her mother tried to protect her and shield her from the world outside. She has much to learn about the world and is in a delicate emotional state. Her entire life has begun to crumble, starting with the death of her mother. She soon learns that everything she thought she knew is a lie. How did her mother die exactly? And who is this mysterious guardian who wishes to remain anonymous? Her childhood sweetheart has betrayed her, yet is there hope for reconciliation? As we follow Julia’s journey of discovery we encounter a few other key players. Edward and Henry Auburn, brothers who fell in love with Julia and her best friend Elizabeth Windham as children. They made plans of their future together and were secretly betrothed. But now, all their hopes and dreams are threatened. Elizabeth’s mother, Mrs. Windham has taken it upon herself to find a husband for “poor Julia”. Lady Foxworth is intent upon playing matchmaker as well. Little does Julia know the vast change in life that could take place if she concedes to marry Mr. Macy. A man with extraordinary wealth that has promised to care for and protect Julia. But can he be trusted? When laws cannot protect Julia, will her life come to ruin? And will she take a step of faith towards the only One who remains constant in an ever changing world?

  To be completely honest, I didn’t know what to think of this book most of the time I was reading it. Now that I have finished I will say that while I wasn’t 100% impressed with particulars of the content, it was a very well written book. I love the descriptive way Jessica Dotta drew me into the story. So much so, that I could imagine standing in the room with Julia. The language and style is one of my favorites for reading. The entire book is narrated by Julia who is looking back on her life much later, after the events have taken place. She hints at other mysteries in the story, but doesn’t give away too much. I was not impressed with the scenes between Mr. Macy and Julia where he was supposedly “courting” her. Although Julia remains a maiden by the end of the book, she allowed Macy’s advancements premature. It made me feel uncomfortable. Other than that, I really did enjoy Born of Persuasion. I am starting the second book Mark of Distinction, today.
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Hazel (2934 KP) rated Queenie in Books

Feb 2, 2020  
Kimberley Chambers | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gritty, engrossing and thoroughly entertaining
Kimberley Chambers isn't known as the "Queen of Gangland Crime Fiction" for nothing and here we have yet another masterpiece of story-telling ... the saga that is "Queenie".

This book tells the story of Queenie from her life as a young girl during World War II right up to the early 60's and what a life she leads! She is one heck of a character; one minute you absolutely adore her, the next she disappoints you, then she'll surprise you and then shock ... I felt like I was on a rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish and I still don't know how I feel about her even now!

Queenie is not the only character however, this book is absolutely brimmed to the rim with fantastic personalities from the bit players to the main stars; some you'll love and some ... not so much. The setting in the east end of London felt perfect but it could equally have worked in any inner-city borough. For those of us who weren't around during the time span of this book, I felt it captured them well and it felt authentic and believable to me.

"Queenie" is a gritty, engrossing and thoroughly entertaining read and one I would definitely recommend even if you haven't read any of the other books in the "Butler" series; this can easily be read as a standalone as it is the prequel to the first book in the series "The Trap."

Thanks to HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.
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