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Mario Party 2
Mario Party 2
Music & Party
Let The Party Continue
Mario 2- is the sequel to Mario Party in the Mario Party franchise. That came out a year later on the N64. New boards, new minigames, same charcters, just with the number 2 on it.

In the game's storyline, Mario and his friends create a world built from their dreams and get into a debate over who the new world would be named after. When Bowser arrives and invades the land, the group takes Toad's suggestion to name it after the "Super Star" who defeats Bowser.

Mario Party 2 includes multiplayer compatibility; each game on a board map consists of four players, including at least one human player and up to four. Any character who is not controlled by a human will instead be controlled by the game as a computer-controlled character.

The goal of Mario Party 2 is to collect the most Stars within the allotted amount of turns. Stars must be purchased from Toad with coins, which can be earned through a selection from one of 64 mini-games that is played once at the end of each turn.

The players can obtain items for use on the board, and can each carry one at a time. If a player is carrying an item, they can use it before rolling the dice block. Items can aid the player in such ways as providing additional dice blocks or stealing another player's item. One item, the Skeleton Key, allows the player to use shortcuts located on each board map.

During the final five turns of a game, a one-on-one Duel mini-game is initiated when a player lands on the same space as another.

Its Mario Party but better. Why did nintendo not bring back the costumes. Only in this one, you see Mario dress up as a pirate. Come on Nintendo, Mario Party uhhh i lost count, better have it.

I like this one better than One. One is still good, but i fell this one is better.

Ali A (78 KP) rated Chaos & Flame in Books

Jun 7, 2023  
Chaos & Flame
Chaos & Flame
Justina Ireland, Tessa Gratton | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: Misgendering, genocide (off page, but discussed), poison, knife violence, blood & gore, graphic violence, war, death

Written in the alternating points of views of Darling Seabreak and Talon Goldhoard, Chaos & Flame tells the story of the two navigating House politics while also being caught up in the High Prince Regent’s unknown scheme as they tour around the kingdom to the other Houses.

This book took me a while to get into it - it’s slow to start, but by the end of it, I was invested in what was happening with the characters, so I will be picking up the second book in this duology. I'm very curious to see how the authors are planning on bringing out more with the boons and if those will change with what could be happening in the second book.

I was really interested in Caspian’s character and wish I knew more about what was going on in his head since everyone just marked him as “being mad” when in fact, he just had a whole other agenda.

I do wish we had more history of the world. The world building was fantastic but I felt like 100 years isn’t a whole lot to have passed since the last phoenix was alive and that even with that, there should still be people around who were alive back then - wouldn’t they know more and have maybe some insight?

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the insta-love between Darling and Talon, but it is YA and that’s typical YA romance so I’m not complaining all too much to be honest with you.

Overall, it was a slow build up to a good read and that I’m excited to continue reading when the next book in the series comes out (please don’t be too long!).

*Thank you Razorbill and BookishFirst for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
Spirited Away (2001)
Spirited Away (2001)
2001 | Animation, Fantasy
8.4 (62 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Never Recovered After a Slow Start
When a girl gets separated from her parents during a family outing, she ends up in an abandoned amusement park that is a gateway to the spirit world. After her parents get turned into pigs, she has to figure out a way to save them and get home.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 1
Gets off to a pretty slow start. Literally every single time I watch the first ten minutes, I get sleepy. I don’t know if it’s the music or the slow drive through the country, but I wish things would move a bit faster.

Characters: 10
The spirit world is definitely not lacking in originality, particularly when it comes to the characters. I appreciated the level of detail here as every single spirit, good or bad, had their own way of moving, talking, and interacting with the world around them. In Spirited Away, you get crazy witches, dragons, and a professor-looking dude that has spider-like limbs. There is so much to see, I keep seeing new things each time I go back and watch the movie.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 7

Memorability: 5

Pace: 3

Plot: 7

Resolution: 4
Although the ending is better than the beginning, that’s not saying much. it felt dry and lacking of a definitive conclusion. Was definitely hoping for more.

Overall: 67
Sometimes I will watch a movie multiple times and appreciate it more the second or third time around. Unfortunately, for me, Spirited Away doesn’t quite hit that mark. It’s a good that my opinion isn’t the end-all be-all because these Hayao Mayazaki movies have a huge following. Maybe I’ll try this one again someday, but, for now, I’m good.

YTUK (1117 KP) Nov 25, 2019

Still need to watch this...

The Heart Forger (The Bone Witch, #2)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>Review copy provided by the Publisher via Netgalley</i></b>

The Heart Forger is the second novel in The Bone Witch series, where Rin Chupeco brings us directly back to the world of asha right after the first novel leaves off. Tea, a dark asha and bone witch, has mastered bringing the dead backs to life and hopes for revenge after being exiled from her kingdom.

I can easily say The Heart Forger is one of my favorite reads of 2018, which is funny considering how I wasn’t a fan of The Bone Witch when I read it last year. The Bone Witch is slower (to me, at least) and focuses on descriptions and worldbuilding, which is an entire 180 from its sequel. We’re continuing the story of Tea, who is a bone witch that can raise the dead, in the past (Tea as a young asha) and the present (Tea telling the story to the Bard).

It’s not exactly confirmed, but it looks like Tea is hovering between a villain and a hero, much like Adelina Amouteru from The Young Elites. We’ll know for sure what Tea’s actions will lead to in the third and final book of the trilogy coming out next year, which is currently titled The Shadowglass.

The Heart Forger is fast paced—Chupeco focuses on action, characters, and plot rather than descriptions and worldbuilding, though those who aren’t familiar will have to read The Bone Witch first to get a sense of the characters and world before continuing. There is never a dull moment, something I haven’t found in my reading for a longgg while, and I found myself turning the pages of my iPad so quickly I might have left a mark on there.

One of the things I enjoyed back in The Bone Witch (and partially why I decided to give the sequel a try rather than skipping over it) were the characters. The first book only gave a small taste, but the second book is full of sass from Tea, Fox, Kalen, Khalad—the entire of cast of characters—and it made The Heart Forger much more entertaining. Chupeco is going to be pulling different emotions the entire time—from excitement to terror to laughter—and it’ll probably be simultaneously as well.

The wordiness and slow pace of The Bone Witch is well worth it when looking forward to the rest of the series—I’m so glad I gave The Heart Forger a chance, and I can’t wait to see how Chupeco will end the series next year with The Shadowglass.

This review was originally posted on <a href="">The Arts STL</a>.
An Officer and a Spy
An Officer and a Spy
Robert Harris | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Dreyfus Affair was one of the biggest miscarriages of justice that France (and possibly the world) has ever seen and this book presents the story through the eyes of Colonel Georges Picquart.

Towards the beginning, I was a little disappointed in the book. The writing style is brilliant and how faithful it is to actual events is great but in some ways, this is also its downfall. The conspiracy went on for years which makes the pacing very slow in parts and incredibly quick and exciting in others. All the characters in this book, even the tiny bit characters, were real people tied up in the affair; however, none of these characters has any real development until the very end and only for a short amount of time. As someone who favours character-driven story arcs rather than plot-driven ones, this was very frustrating for me to read as they all seemed to be very one dimensional (with the exception, perhaps, of Henry) and it doesn't really make any of them terribly likeable.

All that being said, I did very much enjoy the last two hundred or so pages where the pace really picked up and became exciting as everything seemed to come together rather than people sitting on files and information - but this is, of course, the nature of courtrooms and trials.

Although I probably won't read this book again, I am glad that I did as it introduced me to an interesting army conspiracy in France that I will definitely be doing more research in to.

Characters - 6/10
Atmosphere - 9/10
Writing Style - 8/10
Plot - 7/10 (score majorly affected by pacing)
Intrigue - 6.5/10 (as above)
Logic - 10/10 (real events so difficult to score lower)
Enjoyment - 6.5/10 (again pacing and lack of character development)

Score average - 7.8/10
The End of Magic
The End of Magic
Mark Stay | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thoroughly enjoyed this fantasy novel from Mark Stay. It’s exciting, fast paced and jam packed with magic. Until there isn’t any magic, that is.

The Lapis Moon which orbits the planet, is hit by a comet and destroyed, making all the mages and magical creatures powerless. Sander Bree, the mage to a powerful man, is just on his way to find a cure for his employers daughter when he’s rendered powerless. Nevertheless, he’s determined to keep his word.

Rosheen Katell is more of a freelance mage, and is blackmailed into working for a very bad man in order to save her younger brother. Rosheen and Sander find themselves working against one another. With the destruction of the Lapis Moon however, comes the rise of another power.

This was such a good story, and the ending was totally unexpected. I liked that the end seemed to be finished in a very definite way - although it could easily be turned into a series (but I rather like it as it is. The book world seems far to keen on never ending series just lately).

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and Mark Stay for reading along!
    SALT: The Official Game

    SALT: The Official Game

    Games and Entertainment

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    In the free SALT: Official Movie Game, it’s your turn to play as an agent on the run. Based on the...