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Europe is war torn and broken. But there is hope among the dust and ashes.

Tricia Goyer approaches World War II in a new light (for me at least). Beginning with the end of the war in Europe, we see the repercussions of the last 6 years of fighting.

Our three main characters include an American Sergeant, a wife of an SS guard, and a prisoner freed from the concentration camp Gusen. Sergeant Peter Scott is with the group of soldiers that liberated Gusen and the main camp Mauthausen. He finds friends and love in the least likely of places. Helen is struggling to make up for the wrongs her husband committed as a guard at the camp. Can she bring herself to forgive him for what he did? Michaela is on the road to recovery after spending years in the camps. Although it would seem that she has every right to hold on to bitterness and hate for all that she has been through, she chooses to trust in the Lord and forgive those that did her wrong.

I could not put this book down! This is by far one of the best books I have ever read. Tricia Goyer captured me from the minute I started reading. She is very vivid in her descriptions of the horrors found when the camps were liberated. I highly recommend this book, especially to anyone interested in WWII history. It sheds a whole new light on the war in Europe.

From Dust and Ashes is a beautiful story about forgiveness and the liberation that you receive in your spirit when you are lead by the Lord and forgiveness.

I purchased a copy of From Dust and Ashes for my personal library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Apollo 11 (2019)
Apollo 11 (2019)
2019 | Documentary
Brilliant documentary footage (1 more)
(Still) nail-biting landing scenes
Some of the dialogue is difficult to hear (0 more)
A giant leap for mankind?
It's the Apollo 11 mission. That's it. No annoying voiceover from Clooney or Gosling spouting truisms (provided you ignore Walter Kronkite's occasional excellent and sonorous TV commentary). Just extraordinary footage from July 1969 of the 8 day mission and the days immediately preceeding (and in the end titles, following) that historic event.

A brilliant documentary that deserves to be seen at the cinema, and on as big a screen as you can manage to find. It only seems to have a limited UK release (I saw it at our local Picturehouse cinema), but it is really worth going out of your way to catch if you can. A film that properly provides you with a view of our blue oasis of a world from afar: and critically what we might be doing to it.

I also thought it should make humanity feel rather ashamed of itself: if man took those great leaps in the 10 years after JFK's famous speech, what has really been achieved in manned space travel in the 50 years since? On Earth's report card it should say "C- .... could do better".

For the full review, see here -


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The Edge of Seventeen (2016)
The Edge of Seventeen (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
Growing up is hard to do especially when your seventeen. When something bad happens it is easy to feel like it’s the end of the world. That’s why “The Edge of Seventeen” is such a great coming of age story with relatable characters.

The film opens with Nadine (Hailee Steinfeld), a uniquely dressed junior in high school who in a rush plops down in front of her English teacher (Woody Harrelson) to forewarn him of her impending suicide. While he is frustrated with her barging in and interrupting his lunch he shares that he was just in the process of writing his own suicide note and thus a sort of friendship is born. We are then flashed back into the past to Nadine’s childhood.

There we meet Nadine’s older brother (Blake Jenner) the “favorite” child at least in their scattered brained mothers (Kyra Sedgwick) eyes. We also meet her best and only friend Krista. After a night of partying Nadine ends up finding Krista in bed with her brother. Feeling like she has been betrayed by her bestie, she gives Krista an ultimatum.

 Either she chooses their friendship or her out of control hormones for her brother. Her brother wins yet again and this is where she is forced to find herself in all of the mess that is happening. This however can’t be done without the adorkable boy helping her along the way.

While I am an only child, I found myself relating to Nadine so much. She is portrayed in such a way that is not becoming as annoying as teenagers often are portrayed or as her teacher (Harrleson) may think she is. Steinfeld has done this perfectly with this role.

 She has been in a couple of films since her breakthrough roll as Mattie Ross but I think this one might be my favorite film she has done so far. Harrelson continues to impress with his performance as her teacher and I think in the end they help each other out. The film reminds me of an eighties John Hugh’s flick except for millennials. I definitely recommend seeing this film for a good laugh and to bring yourself back to those good old high school days.
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Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead: Magnus Chase Series Book 3
Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead: Magnus Chase Series Book 3
Rick Riordan | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Magnus & Alex (5 more)
Big Banana
Chase Space
Pottery Barn
Dragon Dad (3 more)
A Ship Made Out of Zombie Nails (Gross)
Abusive Dads
World Ending? Not again...
Stop the end of the world. Sounds easy enough, right?

How many times are children of the Gods going to have to do this before one of them has the foretold quest to alter it where life as we know it is not in peril?

Magnus Chase and his friends have to stop Loki, ensure Naglfar doesn't sail, and prevent Ragnarok. Oh, also all while fighting giants with pottery, getting Godly blood and spit mead from giants in the hopes it'll help Magnus in an insult contest with Loki, seeing if Granddad Njord's ex-wife will help them out or let them freeze like a pre-made dinner meal supermom prepared for someone else to pop in the oven. Did I mention Floor 19 Crew has to do all these tasks without dying because not being in Hotel Valhalla equals no responding to life in their rooms. No do overs. No second chances. Simply dead. Easy as pie.

To not spoil this for those of you who have yet to read book three I'll end my sum of The Ship of the Dead and continue on with my praise.

Though there is the question of the voices, if this is the last of Magnus Chase then I have to say I'm pleased with our trilogy of the Norse Gods. In Sword of Summer, Hammer of Thor, and now The Ship of the Dead we've had the characters fleshed out. We've seen them grown. We've witness them overcome personal trails and fight through fears (can we say good job Magnus for fighting wolves even though it is clearly a phobia?). This has proved even those waiting for their day of judgement for centuries can change who they are and accept things even if they are not okay with them.

Somehow in 400 pages that pasts of Halfborn, Mallory, and T.J. were laid out to be part of the main plot, but also show development of the characters and how their own lessons would help on the quest. We were actually able to learn how far they have come from who they were before they died, after death, and who they are now. It was even written how to show they are still learning their lessons and have things to overcome now, which is perfectly okay as long as they stay strong and levelheaded.

The daughters/son of Loki had to overcome their own fears of being good enough despite what poison their fathers have caused them to believe. Even Hearthstone has to return to face the curse over his family one more time. Even Magnus has a realization he has wroth and even if some may not see it, he does and so do his friends.

The Ship of the Dead seems to be about looking at your fears and flaws, realizing they are there, and having to make the choice what you will do about them. Will you allow them to take over your life? Or will you work to be a better person? Are you going to let one moment in the past ruin your future? Or will you take the lesson and forgive yourself, forgive someone else, and live the best life you can? Will you let a parents shortcomings decide how you live? Or will you choose to look beyond their views and become a better person than they are?
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
1966 | Classics, Drama, War
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When I’m not making my own movies, I’m usually working on a trailer for someone else’s. Since I was twenty-two years old, I’ve been a professional trailer editor. I began editing trailers for big Hollywood films (I was one of the editors on the trailer campaigns for the Scream movies, The Matrix movies, and a zillion others), but I eventually left that world and turned all my attention to art-house films. In recent years, I’ve had the unbelievable fortune to have created the trailers for several modern masterpieces now enshrined in the Criterion Collection, including Heart of a Dog, The Great Beauty, Yi Yi, Cameraperson, and Like Someone in Love. Another highlight in my trailer career was editing the rerelease trailer for The Battle of Algiers. Not only was there so much incredible material to use, but Pontecorvo’s masterpiece had always been one of my all-time favorites. It’s a huge influence on how I think about filmmaking, from the handheld camera work to its daring and quick editing to its strong use of music (Morricone!) to how Pontecorvo just throws a viewer right into the deep end from the get-go. Also, like the best documentaries (see The Thin Blue Line up the page a bit), it puts the responsibility on the audience to draw its own conclusions. The Criterion disc also includes some amazing extras, including a not bad rerelease trailer. ;)"
