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Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Boy I Am in Books

Dec 22, 2020  
The Boy I Am
The Boy I Am
K L Kettle | 2021 | Dystopia, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Imagine a world where women are safe from men. Imagine a world where women are in charge. Imagine a world where men no longer reduce women to something to flirt with or dismiss as beneath them. This is the way of life in K. L. Kettle's dystopian novel The Boy I Am. War has left the Earth in ruins, and it is no longer safe to go outside, yet humanity is surviving in tall, secure tower blocks overseen by the Chancellor. Men and boys are confined to the basement floors as a punishment for their behaviour during the war. To earn their right to live on the upper floors, they must learn to behave like a gentleman, and never look at a woman's skin without their permission.

The protagonist, Jude, is running out of time to earn the right to live amongst the women. If he does not gain a sponsor, he faces a future in the dangerous mines. Yet, Jude is not sure he wants to live with the women, who have demeaned him for his gender since his birth. He has seen another side to them and believes the Chancellor has killed his best friend. Jude wants to escape, risk the poisonous fog outside and search for a better life. To do this, the Chancellor must die.

The way women treat men and boys is uncomfortable to read. Female readers, in particular, may have experienced similar treatment at the hands of men. Feminists desire an equal world, but there is the risk of going too far the other way. Yet, as Jude discovers, it is not as black and white as Female versus Male. An underground gang of women known as Hysterics are also trying to escape. They want to save themselves and the boys from a society not run by women, but by the elite.

K. L. Kettle explains her intentions behind the novel in a letter to the reader at the end of the book. She quotes Lord Acton's (1834-1902) proverb "absolute power corrupts absolutely" and questions if everyone is equal, does everyone have the ability to abuse the power they have? What may have seemed a good idea for humanity after the war, has become an oppressive state where no one is safe from those in power, not even the women. The Chancellor controls everyone, but Jude and the Hysterics are determined to take that power away from her.

Telling the story from Jude's perspective highlights the faults in today's societies. Many are unaware of the belittling behaviour happening around them, but when the roles are reversed, they are obvious. The Boy I Am is both thrilling and eye-opening, challenging gender roles and power dynamics in general. Those who have read books such as Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman are guaranteed to enjoy K. L. Kettle's novel.
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Lee (2222 KP) rated Coco (2017) in Movies

Jan 17, 2018  
Coco (2017)
Coco (2017)
2017 | Adventure, Animation
Outstanding animation (1 more)
Attention to detail
Bit of a slow burn to start (0 more)
Beautiful, Pixar on top form
Coco is one of those movies where I feel the trailer doesn't really do it justice. Even now, having actually seen it, I still feel the trailer makes it look like another average animated movie. But similar to previous Pixar offering 'Inside Out', this goes so much deeper than that. And it turns out to be just as brilliant too.

For the first half hour or so though, the movie didn't really grab my attention. The animation and the attention to detail is certainly superb as we're introduced to young boy Miguel, his large family and the vibrantly colourful Mexican town where they live. During the annual day of the dead celebrations, Miguel finds himself trapped in the land of the dead, another vibrant and beautifully detailed world. Rules are introduced as to how this land works and how the dead are able to visit their living loved ones. But it still left me fidgeting in my seat a little.

But then there's a twist, and a real race against time adventure kicks off. And I also started to get the impression that things were heading towards a pretty emotional ending too. From then on I was loving it. This turned out to be a brilliantly beautiful movie about life and death and the importance of family.

And sure enough, come the end of the movie I'd managed to get some dust in my eyes or something...
There Will Be Lies
There Will Be Lies
Nick Lake | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Award winning Nick Lake has returned to the limelight with a young adult thriller so full of emotion that you will be gripped from beginning to end. <i>There Will Be Lies </i>starts with a happy relationship between mother and daughter, then rips it apart revealing that everything you once believed true is a lie.

From the very beginning seventeen year old Shelby Jane Cooper warns the reader that bad things are going to happen. She speaks of death and of a car collision that is about to occur within the first few chapters of the story. But this is not the climax of the story. It is merely the small stone dropped on the top of a mountain, causing an avalanche of questions, danger and the slowly unraveling truth.

All her life Shelby has been homeschooled, isolated from society and shadowed by her over protective mother. After being hit by a car, resulting in a fractured foot, Shelby is ushered into a car by her mother and driven in the opposite direction from home. Supposedly an abusive father, a man Shelby cannot recall, is on their tail whom they must hide from to avoid a disastrous confrontation. Despite initially believing this story, peculiar things start happening to Shelby that suggest all is not as it seems.

The first quarter of <i>There Will Be Lies</i> follows a typical contemporary storyline, but as it becomes more thrilling, the author incorporates fantasy/American mythology into the mix. Finding herself slipping in and out of a dying, impossible world known as the <i>Dreaming</i>, Shelby begins to hesitate to believe the things her mother is telling her, especially after being warned that there will be two lies followed by a truth. Yet she cannot work out what they are; and what if the truth is something she cannot, does not want, to consider?

I loved this book from the very beginning. I loved Shelby’s character: the way she spoke, her sarcasm, her wit, her intelligence. I liked that despite being so sheltered from the world, she was not weird or awkward. What made it even better was discovering she was deaf. Readers will not even be able to guess at that for almost half the novel, when Shelby reveals the fact herself. She is not portrayed as stupid or any less human for having a disability. Nick Lake has done a superb job of avoiding any forms of stigma or prejudice.

With the story picking up the pace, my love was almost turned to hate. Almost. The fantastical elements, the American mythology, which gave it the appearance of a half fairytale, very nearly ruined the entire book for me. I admit I liked the concept and enjoyed reading the scenes set in the <i>Dreaming</i>, but it seemed so out of place with the rest of the novel. It felt as though Lake had written two different stories and decided to combine them together instead of publishing them separately. However, as I said, this only ALMOST ruined it.

As the story progressed, the relevance of the fairy-tale-like elements became clearer. You cannot say for sure whether the <i>Dreaming</i> was real or whether Shelby was merely doing that: dreaming. But what you can say is that the mythological storyline is a metaphorical way of showing what Shelby was dealing with in the real world. In a place where she was confused about what was true, she needed the <i>Dreaming</i> to explain things to her, to make her understand her predicament.

<i>There Will Be Lies </i>is full of little metaphors, some that you do not notice at first, but can easily be applied to life in general. It is an extremely quotable narrative with beautiful phrasing. With two thrilling storylines that eventually merge together, it is guaranteed that you will be gripped, wanting to know what happens; yet also not wanting it to end.
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Beautiful visuals (1 more)
Good acting
If this happened for real, you'd never make it. (1 more)
More questions than answers in the end
If you take off your blindfold you will die.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Welcome to the apocalypse bitches! Whatever this asshole is it takes over your brain and makes you off yourself. I love the idea, I love the concept. There's no way you'd achieve half the stuff they manage but lets just suspend belief for a minute because it was a good film. I like how they told the story by starting at the trip and going back to the beginning until they catch you up, it keeps the story interesting and appropriately paced. Though I enjoyed it, it does leave more questions than answers. Here's just a few that bothered me;

Why don't they come inside? Do the age old vampire rules apply, I wonder.

There is no way they could have driven blind from the house to the supermarket using just GPS and parking sensors. (Not really a question, it just annoyed me)

How were the birds in the supermarket still alive? (It's clearly been weeks since someone was there) And also on this note, Why were they there? Supermarkets don't sell birds...

Where did the girl and the blond guy go? They stole the car but you never see them again - wth happened there? Are they alive, dead? What?

How did she not run into the side of the river every five minutes? She's blindfolded and has never been there before. Have you ever tried to walk from your bedroom to the bathroom in the middle of the night? It ain't easy even when you know the place.

Why is there a blind school in the middle of nowhere? It feels end of the world cultish...

A good movie, but there are many questions that never get answers that left it a little confusing. Probably would watch it again just to see if I missed anything.
Sound of Metal (2019)
Sound of Metal (2019)
2019 | Drama, Music
Rooted in Humanity
SOUND OF METAL has a pretty simple “one-line summary”: Heavy Metal Drummer deals with going deaf. But is it the humanity at the center of this film that makes it worthwhile.

Written and Directed by Darius Marder (THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES), SOUND OF METAL tells the tale of Ruben, the drummer of the Heavy Metal Band BLACK GAMMON, who must come to terms with suddenly losing most of his hearing.

Starring Riz Ahmed - in an Oscar nominated turn - SOUND OF METAL follows Ruben’s journey as he comes to terms with the wrinkle that his life has thrown at him and the silence makes him study the non-stillness inside of him.

This all sounds like it could be corny, right? Well…under the guidance of Marder and with a central performance that is grounded and real by Ahmed, it is anything but. This film finds itself in it’s humanity and the very real, personal interactions.

Credit must start with the performance of Ahmed (heretofore known to me as Bodhi Rook in STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE), he is in almost every scene in the film and he must bring a vulnerability to the screen for the audience to care about him - and he accomplishes this in spades. Even when his character makes mistakes (and, trust me, he makes a TON of them), you end up rooting for him to succeed.

Paul Raci was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his portrayal of Joe, the head of the Deaf Community for Addicts that Ruben eventually goes to. His turn is also grounded in the reality - the reality of addicts who have yet another twist in their life thrown at them. Raci has a road-weary look to him and gives off an aura of someone who has seen - and heard - it all, so must take a “tough love” approach. This performance works very well.

Also strong in this film is Olivia Cooke (READY PLAYER ONE) as Lou, Ruben’s girlfriend/lead singer of the Metal Band they are in. She must make some tough decisions in the course of this film - and you end up emotionally engaged in her story as well. Both Ruben and Lou are good people at heart that must make hard choices, you root for both of them to succeed even though, through these choices, pain and suffering and separation must occur.

All of this sounds good, but there has been many a film that falters under the “good intentions” of it’s Director/Screenwriter, but SOUND OF METAL avoids most of the pitfalls of these types of films by not dwelling too much on the pain and suffering of the leads - it’s there, but (as Joe would say), deal with it. I’m a little surprised that Marder did not get a Best Director Oscar nod (the work is that good), but am glad that he did get an Original Screenplay nomination.

And…as you can imagine…a film about Deafness is reliant on the Sound Design to help bring that aspect of Ruben’s experience to the audience - and this film delivers the goods. The sound team was, rightfully, nominated for the Oscar for sound design - and they should easily win - for the sound is another character in this film and that is what, ultimately, makes this film works. The audience is put in Ruben’s shoes and, at times, are unable to hear what others on the screen are saying.

A very satisfying film experience - one that needs to be seen with no distractions (especially sound distractions), so find a quiet time, lower the shades and dive into the world of the SOUND OF METAL.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)