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Get Smart (2008)
Get Smart (2008)
2008 | Action, Comedy
6.5 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the post Cold-War era the focus on national security has changed from focusing on Eastern Block adversaries to terror cells and state sponsored terrorism. For the agents of the ultra secret agency Control, the demise of their arch nemesis KAOS was the signal that they had ceased to be important in the world of today and had shut down when in truth they just went further into a cloak of secrecy and continued their mission.
In the new movie “Get Smart” audiences are given a new interpretation of the classic Mel Brooks/Buck Henry series that started Don Adams and Barbra Feldon as a pair of secret agents tasked with saving the world.
This time out Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway star Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 as they are forced to work with one another following a devastating attack on Control headquarters which results in the exposure of their operatives worldwide.
With no agents having the required anonymity needed to perform covert missions, the Chief of Control (Alan Arkin), is forced to promote eager intelligence analyst Smart to the ranks of field agent and pairs him with Agent 99 who is still able to maintain her guise thanks to some prep work she had done for a prior assignment.
To say that 99 is not thrilled to be paired with Smart would be an understatement, as she sees the eager Smart to be an unproven liability and one that would likely cause the failure of the mission and kill both of them.
Since the ultra suave Agent 23 (Dwayne Johnson), is unable to work in the field, Smart and Agent 99 are forced to work with one another as they head off to Russia to get to the bottom of the weapons threat and hopefully follow the trail to the ultimate threat, Siegfried (Terrance Stamp), who is the brains behind an all new wave of terror that only Agent 99 and Smart can stop.
The film starts out slowly, but eventually finds its rhythm and does a decent job of blending comedy and action. Hathaway and Carell do a great job with the material as both roles require a degree of physicality that they have not shown in previous works.
The laughs on the film are constant, but they are off the more dumb humor comedy as nobody will mistake this film as a piece of high comedy. Which is not to say this is a bad thing as Carell is very likeable as Smart and while he portrays the character differently than did the late Don Adams; he maintains the goofy competence that his character requires as despite being a goofball, he does get the job done in the end.
The fine supporting work by Arkin and Johnson as well as a good amount of cameos lead to the fun of the film.
It is important to note that this is not a retelling of the original series that ran from 1965-1970 but a completely new interpretation of the series which has been updated to reflect the modern setting yet contains plenty of winks to the show that inspired it.
While many of the series catch phrases seem out of place in the film, I found myself enjoying the new film despite being a fan of the original series.
Some have leveled criticism that the film has traded locker room humor, stupid comedy, and FX for the wit and inventiveness that made the original series so popular.
I found myself enjoying the new version of the film and enjoyed the performances of the characters and while not side splittingly funny, there were more than enough chuckles along the way to keep me entertained.
Here is hoping 86 and 99 will be back on the big screen for future missions.
The Lost City of Z (2017)
The Lost City of Z (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, History
Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy) stars as the British Explorer Colonel Percival Fawcett, who disappeared on an expedition in search of an ancient city and civilization in the Amazon. The film centers on the true-life adventure of Col Fawcett and his journey to find evidence of a lost people while engaging audiences in the ego and superiority complex that much of western civilization finds itself.
We are introduced to Fawcett as he is an Army Major who seeks to have some sense of distinction and recognition. Seeking notoriety and a sense of honor, Fawcett accepts the task of mapping out disputed territory between Peru and Brazil at the opening of the 20th century in order to prevent war between the two nations.

In his exploits, he is confronted with the exploitation of the indigenous population, extraction of resources, and an untamed land. Upon subsequent journeys and serving in World War I, he is consumed with the need to find a sense of honor in his duty to his nation. Over the course of the film, we begin to see how invested he is in this struggle to learn more about the people and places that he is exploring, however, there isn’t a true connection made between Hunnam’s portrayal and the audience. At times, I found myself not caring about Fawcett’s contributions or career. I could not get invested in his story or his struggle to find a lost city that he believed existed in the wild. By the end of the film, I wasn’t invested in who Fawcett was, what he set out to accomplish, or even his legacy.

One thing that I did find remarkable was that the film helps to expose much of the anxiety and danger that existed during this period and previous expeditions into the region. Additionally, it gave me an appreciation for the endless heights of the human ego, ambition, and drive. The film allows for a critique to emerge about western interference and exploration of the region and the ethnocentrism held by western nations. Lost City of Z is an expansive visual spectacle. The jungle becomes a living, breathing, creature that audiences will connect with, become fearful of, and appreciate. It is the character that carries the film.

The actors and actresses are the background. This aspect allows for the audience to become absorbed by the surroundings and the environment that the characters find themselves in.

The film is beautifully shot and captivating. The sequences are engaging and give the sense of being transported to a foreign, mysterious land that holds secrets that many of us could never comprehend or witness with our own eyes.
The Words
A. Jade | 2023
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
103 of 235
The Words
By A. Jade

He was the talented bad boy everyone wanted.
I was the irrelevant geek everyone hated.

He was the sun...drawing all of us in.
I was a black hole...taking up space.

He was destined to be a star.
I was destined to remain an insignificant no one.

Until he made me believe I was special...

And then he destroyed me.

I never thought I'd see Phoenix Walker again after he broke my heart, but fate had other plans.

One tour. Eight weeks. Forty shows.

Countless opportunities to make him pay.

The world thought he was a God...
But I knew the truth.

This was not what I was expecting at all!! I first of all did not expect this to have me crying at 3am in the morning. Honestly Lennon was one of those characters that completely steals your heart shes that girl we all are well except for the talent! She’s not some skinny popular girl and what happens to her is heartbreaking genuinely right through to the ends she is a really gem of a character. I’m such an emotional reader and this book had me gripped. Phoenix is a dick from start to finish i still don’t think he deserves her at the end either!
Meik & Sebastian (Obsessed #4)
Meik & Sebastian (Obsessed #4)
Quin Perin | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a very fitting end!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Obsessed series, and you MUST read book one through three before you read this one. You need to know how Meik ended up in this position. And they are all 5 star reads from me! I would STRONGLY recommend you don't read these unless you have all 4 parts in your possession. They are addictive, and cliffhangers and you will NEED that next part so badly, it will hurt. So, yeah, all FOUR parts, ya hear me??

But this one?? Not so much. Still really great, just not quite hitting the spot that the others did.

Why?? Because I was CONFUSED!

At the beginning of this book, Meik is drowning his sorrows in booze and sex. Or at least he's TRYING to. The sex thing seems not to be working so alcohol is his drug of choice. What I was confused about was WHY! At the end of book 3, Sebastian tells Meik he loves him, and Meik responds. . .not badly, but with the wrong words. Here, Sebastian is just GONE!!! It took me far too long to figure out Sebastian must have left Meik, and that was why he is drowning in galleons of whiskey. FAR too long, and it spoilt it slightly for me.

BUT!!! We get another side of Meik, while he's drowning his sorrows: the loving, sweet teenager about to have his whole world broken by the loss of Gabe. We get all that, in the memories that flash up between the now bits. Gabe's illness and diagnosis. His failing health as time goes on. Meik and Gabe's growing physical relationship, despite Gabe's illness. The total and utter LOVE that Gabe and Meik have for each other screams at you in every snippet of those memories. And you get to understand a little bit more why Meik fights so bloody hard against the love that he has for Sebastian. So bloody hard! He doesn't want to feel that kind of pain again.

And he does LOVE Sebastian. He just needs to find him to tell him. Pulling himself out of a week long bender took some doing, but I'm so glad that boy did it! Just when he thinks he's lost Sebastian for good, he finds him. And with the RIGHT words, tells Sebastian he loves him.

It would be nice to catch up with these two later down the road, it really would. But for now, a very fitting end to the story of Meik's Obsession with Sebastian.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The worst I thought would happen to The Last Changeling is an exact replica of The Iron Fey, only a much darker version.

Thankfully, that isn't the case.

In actuality, The Last Changeling is a talking book. Chelsea Pitcher's latest work certainly didn't sprout a mouth and start speaking to me. Although it would be really cool to have a talking book. "Morning, Last Changeling! Please summarize what I read three weeks ago. Thank you!"

(Should that actually happen, I would probably use it a lot. For the books whose sequels I read years later. *cough* Matched *cough*)

See, one of our main characters, Elora, is a Dark Faery Princess on a quest for the Bright/Seelie Queen. Our other main character is a dude by the name of Taylor who is a soccer player and has great morality, but the guy honestly puts himself down far too much. They meet... at a swing set, and because "Lora" doesn't seem to have a place to go, Taylor offers to let her stay at his house.

Thus begins the talking. And more talking. About faery history, which essentially leads to well... Elora's history (always a great idea for us to know the characters of course, especially the main ones). By the end of the book, you'll know Elora pretty well, and meanwhile... it's pretty much expected Taylor and Elora will fall heads over heels in love from their first meeting. The characters just don't admit it (not that any pair of fictional characters ever do).

Plus, Taylor and I are distant buddies. Quite distant, because it seems as though Pitcher focuses a little too much on Elora and the reader knowing Elora yet neglecting Taylor.

So basically my biggest question is this: Is Elora's quest just talking, trying to acclimate to the mortal world, while trying to figure out the answer to the Bright Queen's riddle which was off the charts wrong? I was sort of expecting adventure. Fireballs! Or... shadowballs in this case...

But I most certainly did not expect talking. Lots and lots of talking.

I guess I'm the reader who prefers the blood and gore. Occasionally, the fluffy, bunny book (NOT like eating bunny tails, as Ella likes to say. Though I suppose that's accurate as well.) is enjoyable.

On the bright side, I do think Elora and Taylor go well together. By the end of the story, Taylor seems much more confident and seems to stand up for himself rather than letting others push him around. And Elora, despite the fact her lack of knowledge of the mortal world is hilarious, makes a great impact to those who would rather be a doormat and not stand up for themselves. I personally think Chelsea Pitcher's latest novel sends a strong message across to readers, even though there's far too much talking than "questing."
Advanced copy provided by Flux for review (and the blog tour)
Original Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Original Review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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