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400 Days (2016)
400 Days (2016)
2016 |
Story: 400 Days starts with our four main characters Captain Theo (Routh), Emily (Lotz), Cole (Cook) and Bug (Feldman) being put in a social simulation for 400 days to show what it will be like to travel through space over long periods of time. We follow the four as they get put hiccups as the learn to manage them after losing connect to mission control early on but it is dealing with the psychological side of the mission that will test them the most.

When they open the hatch they find themselves questioning what happened but more worrying where they are now.

400 days really seems to be a film that is two different incomplete films, the first half is all psychological but when they leave the hatch it turns into a post-apocalyptic film that never really ends up being dealt with. Each side of the story works well as a single film but both don’t have enough time to really pull off what is really happen. As for the ending it is all left up to you what you think happens which doesn’t help and what happens to two of the character never really gets answered either. This has problems but really could have been great.


Actor Review


Caity Lotz: Emily is the medical officers who is also the former partner of Theo who has to make sure the crew remains sane over the course of the mission as well as keeping the medication up to date. Caity gives us a solid performance but really doesn’t get a chance shine.


Brandon Routh: Theo is the captain of the mission; he has to make the big decision with the information provided by his crew. He doesn’t want to be on the mission and has been on a four-day bender before the mission. Brandon continued to show why he is struggling to live up to the hype he once had early in his career.


Dane Cook: Cole is the engineer on the mission, he is easily the most unpopular on the crew and his cocky attitude leads him to become distant to the rest of the crew. Dane is another actor in this film who hasn’t made much of his career and even with this choice because he tries to do something different.


Ben Feldman: Bug is the brains of the crew making all the hard decisions and is clearly the smartest of the four crew members on the ship. He had to leave his young family behind for the mission which haunts him every day of the mission. Ben does a good job even if he does end up being a very generic character for the genre.


Support Cast: 400 days has a supporting you only see half way through the film but they end up being very generic.


Director Review: Matt Osterman – Matt brings us a great idea that doesn’t quite get pulled off effectively.


Mystery: 400 days keep you guessing what is actually happening to our characters.

Sci-Fi: 400 days puts our character in the experiment which would include space travel and a post-apocalyptic world.

Thriller: 400 days does keep us guessing from start to finish.

Settings: 400 days has two good settings the space ship which creates the isolation and the town the end up in that shocks.
Special Effects: 400 days uses the effects for certain moments but tries to keep everything need to the minimum.

Suggestion: 400 days is one to try, it does have a few flaws but you can see a couple of good points. (Try It)


Best Part: The ideas are good.

Worst Part: Not enough time for each story, both sides could have been short to increase the second one.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 1 Hour 31 Minutes


Overall: Something Missing but good ideas being created.
My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)
My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)
1997 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
I'm surprised at how unpredictable this movie was. Granted it could really only go one of two ways, it was still kind of shocking that it didn't end the way I was thinking it would - how rude.

Julia Roberts is magnificent in anything and everything she does. She is radiantly beautiful, even when she cries (completely unfair) and she has this camera presence that I find in very few performers. Her filmography is long and glorious and she shines in most everyone. I have yet to see a Julia film that doesn't take me to her world.

I think this is a good film to watch with the girls - drink wine, eat popcorn and candy, pajamas, sleepovers, all that good stuff. It's definitely entertaining and fun, just not a die-hard film which is okay!
Year One (2009)
Year One (2009)
2009 | Action, Comedy
4.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I had no idea what to expect with “Year One”. Would it be another flop like “Nacho Libre”? How does Michael Cera fit into this kind of film? Could this be unexpected comedy gold reminiscent of the 1981 Mel Brook’s classic “History of the World: Part I”?

“Year One” follows the journey of two cavemen, Zed (Jack Black) and Oh (Michael Cera), through a comedic adaptation of early mankind. Zed and Oh are lowly members of their tribe rebuffed by the women they desire. Desperate to be something more Zed consumes the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge and is immediately out casted from his tribe. Oh joins Zed and the two begin a trip encountering fractured Biblical stories and characters.

Eventually our heroes are led into the lecherous city of Sodom, where they find the tribe and their ladyloves have been taken as slaves. As the two attempt to free the women from a life of slavery eccentric vaguely plotted comedy ensues.

The cast, filled with the usual silly suspects, includes Paul Rudd as Abel, Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Issac, and Vinnie Jones as Sargon. But do not expect their normal brand of comedy because it has been replaced with visually graphic potty humor.

The sets and costumes are well created but near impossible to notice when there is a pile of sheep innards being interpreted by Oliver Platt, who plays the High Priest. The few interesting one-liners fail to save “Year One” from an aura similar to “Austin Powers in Goldmember“.

Why after great films like “School of Rock” and “Be Kind Rewind” is Jack Black purposely trying to end his career? Moreover, why has he decided to take Michael Cera with him? As for Michael Cera this awful sort of humor is not going to lead him out of the valley of “Juno” fandom.

The flick is better than “Nacho Libre”, but it is not comedy gold. If you enjoy simple potty humor you should definitely see the film, but if not plan to borrow the DVD from a friend only to be happy you did not purchase it.
The Bounty
The Bounty
Janet Evanovich | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Romance
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunting Gold
FBI Agent Kate O’Hare and semi-reformed thief and conman Nick Fox are on loan to Interpol to stop a theft at The Vatican. Nick is shocked when he recognizes the thief – his father Quentin. Quentin made it out of The Vatican with one part of a map that is supposed to show where stolen gold was hidden during World War II. Who is he working for? Is there gold? Can Nick and Kate figure out what is going on?

This is an over-the-top book that would have made a perfect action movie. You have to let go of logic and just enjoy the ride, and if you do, you’ll find that the book is fun. The story can be a bit repetitive, but the set pieces (and there are several of them) are filled with creative, over-the-top action. The characters are a little thin, and we really only have three returning characters, but they are developed enough to keep us engaged. Nick and Kate’s relationship seems to have recovered a little from the previous book, but it isn’t where we left them at the end of book five. If you are looking for something serious or realistic, don’t even think about picking up this book. But if you are in the mood for mindless over-the-top action (sensing a theme?), you’ll enjoy this book.

Gareth von Kallenbach (974 KP) rated the PC version of The Evil Within 2 in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
The Evil Within 2
The Evil Within 2
2017 | Action/Adventure
The Evil Within 2 is not only a worthy follow up to the original game but is easily one of the best survival horror games ever created in my opinion. The game takes place three years after the events of the first game and follows protagonist Sebastian Castellanos as he deals with the aftermath of his experiences in the first game. Sebastian is reeling from his prior experiences as well as a personal tragedy and has hit rock bottom.

When a former partner offers Sebastian a chance to rectify many of his issues and reclaim what he lost he reluctantly takes the opportunity even though he has to again deal with the mysterious mobius organization. Sebastian is tasked with entering a virtual world simulation known as “Union” to locate the missing operatives who had been sent in previously as well as something of a personal nature to Sebastian.

Once entering the world, it is clear that something has gone horribly wrong as all manner of nightmare inducing creatures roam the land, killing all they encounter. As if this was not bad enough, there is also a mysterious figure that seems to be leading the chaos and seems to delight in toying with and killing all he encounters.

Sebastian must locate weapons, supplies and other survivors in order to craft what he needs to survive and find his way back home. Along the way he will have to deal with puzzles, limited ammunition and supplies, and a never ending assortment of creatures looking to shred him to pieces whenever they can.
The game not only has amazing visuals and sounds, the story are very compelling and drew me into the scenarios faster than the first game did. I loved the detailed world that Sebastian found himself in and loved exploring locales ranging from churches to garages along the way.

The game did require me to adjust my usual run and gun style of play as supplies are not infinite so discretion is the better part of valor as avoiding a fight is often much wiser than confronting enemies.

Playing on the PS4 Pro, the game ran smoothly and looked amazing and while I did need a bit to get used to the controls and combat system, if you have played the original it will come back to you quickly.

I found myself enjoying the sequel even more than the original as it grabbed me from the start and did not let go. While there are puzzled in the game that have to be solved in order to progress, I did not find them as frustrating as some in the past game such as trying to turn a wheel to raise a gate while waves of enemies attacked my ammunition depleted character.
Not only did I enjoy pretty much everything about the game, I would go so far as to say it was one of my favorite releases of 2017 and is a contender for end of year awards as far as I am concerned. I am really interested to see where Bethesda will go next with the series as this was a highly enjoyable game.
The Revenge of the Dwarves
The Revenge of the Dwarves
Markus Heitz | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Too epic for its own good
I loved the first Dwarves book: the world-building, the adventure, the characters and the interactions were all superb. The story, while being far from original, was very enjoyable and engaging. In the follow-up, War of the Dwarves, cracks started to appear, showing such an ambitious storyline was just too big for one book, with Heitz being prone to focus on every intimate detail of a scene (while being enjoyable it does take the attention away from the overall story somewhat), meaning some important events/hints are glossed over.
This trend continues here, where the scope just seems to be a bit too big and squeezed in. We don't really have any sight of a large-scale assault from the orcs and trolls on the defences of the land, these are mentioned briefly as backstory, while the focus is on Rodario the actor trying to find his friend, while getting his end away left, right and centre. The dwarves play less of a key role for large parts of the book, as so much is needed from Rodario/Furgas' storlyline that we leave the dwarves entirely for large sections of the book.
The translation of this third book also seems lower quality than before, where some parts seem to be google-translated and don't really scan all that well in English. Compared to how well this was carried out on the first book, this is something of a let-down.
Overall, the story itself is strong (the 13 diamonds, one of which contains a massive store of magic, scattered throughout the kingdoms start to be stolen by strange creatures/machines) but the narrative tends to wander a little looking for humour where there really is no need for any (or the payoff is never worth it).
With only 2 books to go, I think the gap between them is going to grow as I find myself less keen to dive straight into the next one, and I haven't bought the 4th one yet (though I have the 5th from Netgalley to review!). And whether I will then read the Alfar prequels after that remains to be seen (though they are sitting on my kindle).
Wrath of the Titans (2012)
Wrath of the Titans (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
6.2 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sequels often struggle to live up to the expectations set by their predecessors. Wrath of the Titans delivers. Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, and Ralph Fiennes reprise their roles as Perseus, Zeus, and Hades in this continuation of the Clash of the Titans remake from 2010. They’re joined this time by Rosamund Pike, who portrays the strong, female love interest as the beautiful Queen Andromeda.

Perseus has settled down to become a fisherman with his son. His wife has been written out of the story — either by design or because the actress was not available. She seems to be dead for no particular reason. Perseus has chosen to live life as a mortal, despite his father, Zeus (Neeson), offering him a seat of power on Olympus. Early in the movie, Zeus comes to his son and asks for help, telling him something big is coming. Only Perseus, a demi-god, would have the strength to ensure humanity’s survival.

The rest of the story involves Perseus’s journey to save the world from the reawakening of Chronos. Mythology geeks and fantasy buffs will appreciate the severity of this situation.

While the makers of this film certainly didn’t reinvent the wheel, or even attempt to one-up their previous film, they surely succeeded in making an entertaining screenplay. In short: if you liked the first, you will like this one. It has all the action, sword-swinging, flying-horse-riding, and titan-killing you would expect from the series. The CGI is impressive, and the 3D effects were not too objectionable.

One scene in particular stuck out as ill-conceived. The kiss at the end of the film felt forced. There was very little romantic build-up throughout the movie, so it felt as if the filmmakers included the kiss because moviegoers expect to see romantic resolution. Perhaps this is one of the several endings they filmed, at which point they let focus groups make the call. Either way, it felt awkward.

As I said before, if you enjoyed the first, seeing the second is worth your time and money.