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Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing world building!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Oooooohhhhh! I loved this! I really did!

The thing I loved the most, was there wasn't that info dump you get in some fantasy books. When Crystal gets pulled into the rose bush and spat out the other side, she has to learn everything about where she now is. And as she learns, we learn. So, it comes in dribs and drabs, just enough for you to process that bit and move on to the next. Loved that, it meant I could fully engage with the characters, instead of trying to keep up with information. Excellent world building!

I loved that Crystal has her say in the first person, and the Paladins, her group of protectors at this point, have their say in the third. Different, yes, but I loved that it was.

And I say at this point, because given what happens at the end (which, to be honest I saw coming, but hey, still loved it!) things will change in future books.

I've not tagged it as romance or multi partner YET, cos there isn't any romance, and the only smexy times is in dreams, for both Crystal and the guys. But it's coming, oh yes, it's a-coming!

Obviously, things aren't smooth sailing, and I've an idea who might be wanting to cause all this trouble. I'm fairly certain they aren't done yet.

So, when is the next one out? Cos I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it!

This is the second book of Cameron's I tried to read. I didn't much care for the first one, but this?? Bloody loved it!

5 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
2018 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Kurt Russell is Santa Claus!!!
My wife and daughter started watching Christmas movies a few weeks back now, far too early in my opinion. But when the trailer first came out for The Christmas Chronicles on Netflix, it definitely got me in the Christmas spirit and I just couldn't wait to see it. So, on a lazy Sunday morning, cold and wet outside, all snuggled up in bed and with a cat and a dog spread out on top of us, we decided to watch it. Perfect.

Teddy and Kate Pierce have had a tough year. We see home movies of most of their Christmas's growing up, showing the good fun times with their parents. And then we see this Christmas. They've lost their dad, mum going out to work while Kate helps around the house and Teddy going out with friends, stealing cars and getting into trouble. When mum has to work on Christmas Eve night, the kids are left home alone and Christmas looks like being very different from previous years. While Kate watches those old Christmas movies, she notices a mysterious arm briefly appearing in the corner of the screen and is convinced they'd captured Santa Claus on camera. Enlisting the help of brother Teddy, they decide to try and catch Santa on camera once more. Things don't end up going quite according to plan though and they end up crash landing with Santa somewhere in Chicago. The reindeer came loose during their descent and are lost in the city. Santa's hat, which helps him zip around and teleport down chimneys, also blew off during the fall. Christmas is in jeopardy and Santa and his two new helpers need to fix it. We get car chases, badass little elves and Santa in jail wearing shades while playing the piano and belting out Christmas tunes, accompanied by backing singers!

As with any Christmas film that's introducing us to a new Santa and a new vision of the world he lives in, it takes a little while to get used to. Luckily, this one doesn't take long, and Kurt Russell is a very believable and enjoyable Santa who doesn't do ho-ho-ho's. The one thing that worried me from the trailer were the elves, who looked like they were going to be annoying little CGI characters. Luckily, they're used sparingly but effectively and were a lot of fun.

The whole Christmas in jeopardy plot is a fairly familiar one, having been done time and again over the years. But I actually really enjoyed this latest spin. Good fun, a bit of emotional stuff at the end and a nice surprise cameo to finish things off. Definitely got me in the Christmas spirit
    Audi Driver Magazine

    Audi Driver Magazine

    Book and Magazines & Newspapers

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    Audi Driver is a well-established, high-quality English monthly magazine about all aspects of Audi...




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    LigTV uygulaması artık beIN SPORTS TR olarak hizmetinizde! Dünyanın en önemli spor platformu...

As Above So Below (2014)
As Above So Below (2014)
2014 | Horror
5.7 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The film “As above so below” is part horror, part treasure adventure, and
all shaky cam. This found-footage film could also be more aptly titled as
“Lara Croft goes to hell.” The story centers around an excitable young
adventurer with a British accent named Scarlett on a search for the
mythological Philosopher’s Stone. A self-professed scholar of alchemy, she
hopes proving that the stone exists will fulfill her father’s legacy and
prove to the world that he wasn’t crazy. This search leads her and her
partners through the secret areas of the haunted catacombs of Pairs, France
into what could be hell itself. The movie starts with her traveling to Iran
for clues on the location of the Philosopher’s Stone.

The action opens without introductions which I enjoyed, as it gets right
into the action and sets the a good pace for the rest of the film. After
retrieving clues to the location of the stone and narrowly avoiding
security and a cave-in in Iran, our heroine sets off to Paris, France to
gather the rest of the crew for her adventure (the rest of our films
characters). These characters include her old friend Benji, a translator, a
group of French miscreants: Papillion (the leader), Zed and Souxie (the
Banshee, no kidding) all of whom are experts on the secret underground
catacombs. Her loyal documentarian George rounds out the crew who has
followed her around since the film’s opening shot.

Up until this point, the horror element of this film is non-existent. Once
the crew journey into the secret catacombs is when things begin to get
eerie. Plot and circumstance is good and all, but it’s a horror movie, is
it scary? Well, I wasn’t scared at all, neither was my wife whom I saw the
movie with. I’d call it more of a psychological thriller, a slight one at
that. Lots of supernatural happenings occur in the caverns akin to what
you’d find in a haunted house movie. Things like phone’s ringing
inexplicably in an area devoid of electricity and hundreds of feet below
the ground, spooky ghost like figures chanting occult hymns, and dead
drowned children. There isn’t much gore in this film, the little found is
reserved for the last 3rd of the movie. Some fear and wince inducing
moments are supplied via claustrophobia as the group squeezes themselves
through tight corridors and underwater channels. They did a pretty good job
of getting your heart racing. These scenes were reminiscent of a greater
horror entry “The Descent.” If you’ve seen that film, then you know what to
expect when it comes to the 1st person moments of claustrophobia.

Once in the catacombs what follows is a maze of twists and turns and
strange occurrences as the crew tries to solve the mystery of the hidden
Philosopher’s Stone as one by one the crew members get killed off in their
attempt to escape the demonic maze of underground tunnels. As for the
ending? Well prepare to be underwhelmed. The definitive worst part of the
film is its ending. It is so mundane and handled extremely poorly as to
come to an abrupt and seemingly rushed finish without any sense of
accomplishment or endearment to any of the characters or what they have
been through. Although they don’t all make it out alive (naturally this is
a horror film) those that do give off the impression of a group that has
just passed out of the end of a haunted house maze similar to those at the
upcoming Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios.



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    “Oxenfree takes the best parts of supernatural 1980's teenage horror films and combines it with...


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Stranger Things - Season 2 in TV

Jul 6, 2019 (Updated Jul 7, 2019)  
Stranger Things  - Season 2
Stranger Things - Season 2
2017 | Sci-Fi
Back into the Upside Down
The second season of Stranger Things wisely doesn't steer too far away from what made the first season so great.
We're swiftly re-introduced to all the engaging characters from before, all living a pretty normal life since the events of season one, but of course it doesn't take too long for weird shit to start kicking off.
From the moment poor Will (again) starts having visions in episode 2 - its business as usual, and I was caught up once again in the mystery and intrigue of what was plaguing Hawkins.

We are introduced to several new characters - Max fits in naturally alongside the other younger actors, and her older brother Billy - what a jackass. But one that you love to hate, and on the rare occasion, even feel sympathy towards.
And of course, Sean Astin is a welcome face as Bob (Super Bob to you and me).

The plot itself takes a little while to get going, but once it does, it's a whirlwind. At the end of episode 6, I found myself physically exhaling in exhaustion once the credits started rolling - which brings me to the one big faceplant of season 2.

After the crazy cliffhanger of episode 6, episode 7 takes a real left turn.
A whole episode takes place outside of Hawkins, with a completely different cast (to the point that if you skipped this episode entirely, it wouldn't matter to the rest of the plot)
It's easy to see what the writers we're trying to do here - introducing us to others who have powers not to dissimilar to Eleven, she's not alone in the world.
But the characters are hugely unlikable, and so so cringey, it took a lot of effort to get through the whole episode.
It's plain to see that the writers we're almost testing the waters for a potential spin off, buts it's an idea that I really hope doesn't happen, and I really really hope we don't get more of these characters in future seasons.

The last two episodes are back in Hawkins and are pretty solid!
Overall, another fantastic series, worth your time and attention (just skip episode 7!)